I was having a look at the population projections for 2100 in Our World in Data and thought it would be easier to visualise with a map. Countries in green will see their population grow, while those in orange and red will contract. Of course such projections are very difficult to make and other sources give figures that are sometimes quite different (e.g. France and the UK growing by 30% instead of 1% and 15% here). But overall the expected direction of things is that southern, central and eastern Europe will see their populations shrink drastically and only a few of the wealthier countries will grow thanks to immigration from the rest of Europe and from outside Europe.
The fertility rates confirm that not a single country could grow due people having more children. Any growth is linked to immigration. But countries like Romania, which is expected to lose a third of its population by 2100, are not afflicted by a total fertility breakdown. On the contrary, Romania is one of the few EU countries with a fertility rate of 2 children per woman. So the demographic decline will be caused by emigration, especially to western and northern Europe.
The next map shows that richer countries already have a higher percentage of foreign-born residents, Switzerland and Luxembourg on top with over 30% of foreigners.
The situation in the USA is similar to that of Scandinavia. The population is going to grow by about 35% by 2100, although the fertility rate is slightly under the replacement level, so that most of the growth will be caused by immigration.

The fertility rates confirm that not a single country could grow due people having more children. Any growth is linked to immigration. But countries like Romania, which is expected to lose a third of its population by 2100, are not afflicted by a total fertility breakdown. On the contrary, Romania is one of the few EU countries with a fertility rate of 2 children per woman. So the demographic decline will be caused by emigration, especially to western and northern Europe.

The next map shows that richer countries already have a higher percentage of foreign-born residents, Switzerland and Luxembourg on top with over 30% of foreigners.

The situation in the USA is similar to that of Scandinavia. The population is going to grow by about 35% by 2100, although the fertility rate is slightly under the replacement level, so that most of the growth will be caused by immigration.