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Social & Economic Maps of the United States of America

GDP & Personal Income

GDP per capita by U.S. state (2018)

This map is based on the data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis for 2018.

Map of GDP per capita in the USA by state

Long-term unemployment rates by state (2012-2013)

This map is based on the data from one of the US Senate's Joint Economic Committee published in April 2013.

Map of averaged long-term unemployment rate (2012-2013) in the USA by state

Annual median wage by state (2019)

This map is based on data from StatsAmerica for 2019.

Map of annual median wage in the USA by state

Real household median income (2019)

This map is based on the St. Louis Fed for 2019. The household income differs from the personal income or income by employee as it takes into account the number of people in the household (larger families have a lower household income) and the number of people working in the household.

Map of real household median income in the USA by state

Median income of non-Hispanic White households (2018)

This map is based on the Senate's Joint Economic Committee paper, The Economic State of Black America in 2020.

Map of median income of White households by U.S. state

Median income of Black households (2018)

This map is based on the Senate's Joint Economic Committee paper, The Economic State of Black America in 2020.

Map of median income of Black households by U.S. state

Disposable personal income per capita (2019)

This map is based on the data from Statista for 2019. Disposable personal income is personal income less personal tax and nontax payments. it is the income available to persons for spending or saving.

Map of disposable personal income per capita in the USA by state

Total Tax Revenues as Percentage of GSP (2018)

The data for this map was calculated by dividing the federal tax revenue by state by each state's GDP.

Map of Total Tax Revenues as Percentage of GDP in the USA by state

Wealth & Poverty

Share of GDP earned by the richest 1% by state (2023)

This map is based on data from Economic Policy Institute for 2023.

Map showing the percentage ofincome earned by the richest 1% in the USA by state

Percentage of millionaires (2020)

This map is based on data from Statista for 2020.

Map of percentage of millionaires in the USA by state

Percentage of the population living in poverty (2018)

This map is based on percentage of the population living below national poverty line. The data is from the Wikipedia for 2018.

Map of relative poverty rates in the USA by state

Home ownership rates by state (2018)

This map is based on data from for 2018.

Map of home ownership rate in the USA by state

Average home price by state (2019)

This map is based on the data from as of 2020.

Map of average house prices in the USA by state

Median home price per square foot (2019)

This map is based on the data from as of 2019. American houses are cheaper per square foot/metre than those of Western Europe, but, apart from town houses in cities like Boston, New York or Washington DC, they are usually made of wood and need to be rebuilt every 30 years or so. European houses are almost always built in bricks or stones and can last for hundreds of years.

Map of average house prices per square foot in the USA by state

Average home size (2019)

This map is based on the data from Bob Vila as of 2019.

Map of average house sizes in the USA by state

Percentage of households living in apartments/flats

This map is based on the data from NMHC for 2018.

Map showing the percentage of households living in apartments in the USA by state

Household debt-to-income ratio by state (2019)

This map is based on data from the Federal Reserve for 2019.

Map of household debt and loans as percentage of GDP in the USA by state

Economic Freedom (Fraser Institute - 2018)

This map is based on the data from Fraser Institute for 2018. The index measures the degree of economic freedom for: personal choice, voluntary exchange coordinated by markets, freedom to enter and compete in markets, and protection of persons and their property from aggression by others.

Map of economic freedom (Fraser Institute) in the USA by state

Development & Well-being

Human Development Index (2018)

This map is based on the United Nations's Subnational Human Development Index for 2018

Map of Human Development in the USA by state

Social Progress Index (2018)

This map is based on the Social Progress Imperative for 2018.

Map of Social Progress in the USA by state

Happiest U.S. states (WalletHub - 2020)

This map is based on a report by WalletHub for 2020. WalletHub compared the 50 states across three key dimensions: 1) Emotional & Physical Well-Being, 2) Work Environment and 3) Community & Environment.

Map showing the ranking of the happiest U.S. states based on a 2020 WalletHub report

Well-being index (Gallup - 2018)

This map is based on the Gallup Well-Being Index for 2018.

Map of well-being index the USA by state (Gallup 2018)

Percentage of Internet users (2019)

This map is based on the data from Statista for 2019.

Map of Internet Penetration in the USA by state

Gender Issues

Percentage of the labour force that is female (2016)

This map is based on the data from National Partnership for 2019.

Map of female labour force in the USA by state

Percentage of women in boards of directors of large publicly listed companies (2020)

This map is based on the data from 2020 Women on Board.

Map of percentage of women in boards of directors of large publicly listed companies in the USA by state


Percentage of the population that is foreign-born (2019)

This map is based on data from the Statista for 2019.

Map of percentage of foreign-born population in the USA by state

Fertility rates of White women by state (2017)

This map is based on the data of the CDC's National Vital Statistics Reports.

Map of fertility rates of White women in the USA by state

Fertility rates of Black women by state (2017)

This map is based on the data of the CDC's National Vital Statistics Reports.

Map of fertility rates of Black women in the USA by state

Fertility rates of Hispanic women by state (2017)

This map is based on the data of the CDC's National Vital Statistics Reports.

Map of fertility rates of Hispanic women in the USA by state

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