New migration map of haplogroup R1a1a

No, J2a Aryans intermaaried with Central Asian R1a-Z93 in Central Asia. True Aryans were actually Bactrians, Sogdians, Parthians, Persians and the Medes.

From what i know only Indo Iraniens in Iran and india called themselves Aryans so a good word to repsent all Indo iraniens including Sytheins is Indo Iranien. Where is the evidence Indo Iranien culture spread from iraq and Turkey. Once again how do u explain the sytheins who where as white as u can get they defintley where not a mix of central asia and west asian there was a european origin.

Here is basicalley how Indo Iranien languages spread. proto Indo Iranien was spoken in central and northern russia 6,000-5,000ybp. It spread east of the Caspien sea about 5,000-4,000ybp and kept spreading in central asia.

One branch migrated from central asia towards the area of iran about 4,000-4,500ybp and seem's to have traded and mixed alot with mid eastern civlizations around Iraq and Iran. They kept mainly Indo Iranien R1a1a1b1, Indo Iranien religion, and many Indo Iranian traditions like the war chariot. They probably lost most of their orignal Indo iranien blood. They conquered Iran then spread to India 3,500-4,000ybp and conquered the Indus valley civlization making themselves the upper caste and the leaders and changed the religion. They are the ones who wrote the Rig Veda which is a 3,500 year old Indo Aryan book, Oh yeah i forgot to mention it was the Indo iraniens who became civlized and mixed with mid easterns who called themselves aryans but i dont know sytheins may have also had a name like that too.

The other branch spread from central Asia to south siberia and west china 4,000-5,000ybp and some stayed in central asia. They mixed alot with the east asians which is why the 4,000 year old tarium mummies where a mix of east asian and European. Some where heavily influenced by Chinese civilization and left many of their tradition like Tocherians. But it seems they kept most of the orignal Indo Iranian blood and cultrally groups like Sytheins kept the original Indo Iranian culture. Sytheins and other Indo Iranians then migrated west into far eastern Europe and around the black sea.
Arya Varta / Airyana Vaeja = URHEIMAT (original homeland) of Aryan race was a very MOUTNAINOUS Area, with high mountains. Russia/ Eastern Europe is not mountainous at all. Iranian Plateasu (Zagros and Elbourz) are very high!


No, Iranian religions are from the (J2a & R1a) Sumerians. The Sumerians were the first known SUN worshippers!


Sumerian SUN god UTU

Sumerian Samarra bowl, 7000 years old !
Arya Varta / Airyana Vaeja = URHEIMAT (originalhomeland) of Aryan race was a very MOUTNAINOUS Area, with high mountains. Russia/ Eastern Europe is not mountainous at all. Iranian Plateasu (Zagros andElbourz) are very high!


No Iranian religion is from the Sumerians. The Sumerianswere the first known SUN worshippers


Sumerian SUN god UTU


sure the art and other things of indo iraniens in iran and i guess india too looked similar to mid eastern people. but the indo iranien religious bevies and Gods not art is in the same family as what Indo European people in Europe like Germans and Greeks had. Click here it explains the Indo European relgion. I am pretty sure ancient Persians did not have a Indo European religion they kept the native iranien religion.

I think u are confused by words European historians in the 1800's created the idea the Aryan race. They saw that Indians had a similar language as Europeans and religion to ancient Europeans so they concluded a group of Europeans migrated to india. also since some Indo iranien ethnic groups like Pahsuten and Kalash where known for blonde hair and blue eyes. Germans connected that with them. So they thought a group of Germans or nordics went to India and where the Aryans then gave Aryan as the name for all europeans or ones known for blonde hair it was pretty much just Germans who did that. Then hitler who was a raciest towards jews and some other people i think also Slavic speakers mixed up alot of thing sin history. And somehow thought the Germans where the real Aryans and he made Germans angre at europe for punishing them after world war 1 and made them aryan proud even though they had no idea what it meant then that started world war 2.

All i know is Aryan is what the Indo Iranian speakers that spread to Iran and India from central asia and orignally russia called themselves i dont know if the original Indo Iranian speakers where called aryans. So sure Aryans came from iran that does not prove the origin of the Indo Iranian language is Iran.
Sumerian Samarra bowl, 8000 years old !

that really shocking i am suprised they had a swastika because that was a Aryan symbol. But there have been 12,000 year old swatikas found in austira and Russia so i dont think one symbol is strong evidence. The swastika has been used by even native Americans and chinese so it does not mean for a fact someone is indo Iranian if they have a swastika it is a symbol that can be recreated.

Also i think other indo Europeans used swastika in the same way as Aryans in iran and india did. I dont know how much they used the swastika anyways i think the swastika has been overrated because of the nazi's. I think u make some good points the indo iranien migration is probably not very smple maybe they did migrate through russia then iraq and then eventuley india but i really doubt it.

The 8,000 year old swatiska if it really is 8,000 years old may mean this type of swatiska spread from sumeria-maykop-stepppes and that is why many indo europeans used it. I think proto Indo European culture and language deifntley had influnces by Maykop which had mid eastern parts to it. The language was spread by central Russians and Ukrainians not Maykop people though.
Huh??? Have you read the article. That article does actually mention a modern Iranic language Avesta (proto-Kurdish), Mithra (SUN) etc. The SUN and FIRE have a very important part in real Indo-European religions.

Zoroastrianism, dualism, daevas, Avesta language do all belong to Indo European religions. I know everything about Iranic religions. I'm an Yezidi Kurd. My religion, the Yezidism, is actually Iranic (Indo-European).

The SUN deity Mithra has Indo-Iranian roots. Mithra was a SUN deity of the Medes/Persians, Mitra is also the SUN deity according to the Vedic traditions.

Swastika represents the SUN! And the Sumerians were the FIRST known people that worshipped the SUN! Sumerian SUN god UTU (8000 years old) :
So the I2a Kurdish conversation is done we agree on where it came from.

true but they defintley could have been. They lived right next to the iNdo Iranien sythiens and had similar culture and where described as light haired like sythiens and tocherians and early indo Iranian remains and not like modern people in that area.

The Andronovo, Afanasvo, and sintashta cultures where very very early Indo Iraniens. the Tarium mummies some are 4,000 years old they where a mix of European and east asian the european came from the first Indo iranien speakers because they came from russia. 4,000 years ago is before Indo Iranians ever came to India so why where they in west china before india if they migrated from the caucus through iran.

Sytheins where Indo iranien this has been known from historian since like the 1800's. We know this because of some writting we have of their language., Their culture decends from Indo iranien cultures that existed in asia 2,000 years before them. Also we have Y DNA, mtDNA, hair color, and eye color from tagar sytheins and indo iraniens from 4,000 and 3,800ybp all of those actgories where a match so we pretty much know for a fact sytheins where indo iranien.

I dont now what u mean by modern Iranic tribes if u mean iran sytheins where nothing like modern iraniens. Phiscalley they where white and had mainly blonde hair and light eyes and where also known for red hair. There is no doubt in the world that they originally genetically came from Europe. They stayed did not inetr marry a whole lot with other people because DNA from Adrnovo culture from 3,800ybp had nearly identical Y DNA, mtDNA, hair color, and eye color to less than 2,000 year old Sythein remains so for about 2,000 years they almost did not inter marry at all.

But the ones in chian and siberia inter married a ton that is why tarium mummies had mtDNA C4 and alot of black hair(almost no European, mid easterns, and north africans have true black hair). Also why R1a still exists at over 40% in south siberia today. Also sytheins and other Indo Iranians where almost completely killed off by migrating Turkic trbes from eastern asia about 2,000-2,500ybp.

as a whole Iranians of Today are "white" people, not only 'caucasian' but 'white' for skin (the darker hues of white skin, it is true): always the same mistake with anglo-saxon people - look at their tin skin, not at their exposed parts! only a light influence of 'south-asian' ( from Pakistan-Indies) influence some darker skins, according to places, bit it remains a minority -

I do not believe all Scythians or old Iranians of Steppes were light pigmented (even the "pure europoids" without mongolid genes) but surely they were very lighter (mean) than today iranians; but in today Iran Lurs/Luri show lighter pigmentation as some afghan minorities - that does not exclude an I-E origin in "dark" Iran before a colonization of Steppes and N-Caucasus by them and subsequent mixture with blonds steppes tribes with the return of some mixed tribes to Iran with a different way of life, more warlike and more nomadic... here I do not agree nor disagree with you because my mind is not already made...
that said, I find some of your points are sensible, as Goga's ones too. Hard to give an at hand answer even if new surveys give us new interesting looks on History...
I don't know much about light features etc., since I'm absolutely not interested in the PSEUDO-science, but as far as I know Y-DNA hg. J2a is a PURE Caucasoid haplogroup…
Huh??? Have you read the article. That article does actually mention a modern Iranic language Avesta (proto-Kurdish), Mithra (SUN) etc. The SUN and FIRE have a very important part in real Indo-European religions.

Zoroastrianism, dualism, daevas, Avesta language do all belong to Indo European religions. I know everything about Iranic religions. I'm an Yezidi Kurd. My religion, the Yezidism, is actually Iranic (Indo-European).

The SUN deity Mithra has Indo-Iranian roots. Mithra was a SUN deity of the Medes/Persians, Mitra is also the SUN deity according to the Vedic traditions.

Swastika represents the SUN! And the Sumerians were the FIRST known people that worshipped the SUN! Sumerian SUN god UTU (8000 years old) :

Sumerian civilization started only 4,900ybp so why are u saying 8,000ybp the people who spoke the Sumerian language are suppose to have arrived 6,500-6,000ybp. Also Sumerians spoke in the Semitic branch of the Afro Asiatic language which is unrelated to Indo European languages and is about 16,000 years old. So Sumerians defintley are not the source of Indo European languages. I had no idea there was a connection in their religion. In culture though Sumerians and semetics have nothing to do with Indo european culture.
The original Indo Iranian speakers would have been white. If u think white is not a good way to define european because i guess ethnic groups in the caucus like Georgians also have white skin. Their DNA proved they where European aust. DNA did and mtDNA they had specifically european subclades like U5 and U2. mtDNA U2 was found in 37,985 uear old mtDNA sample in European Russia and U5 was found in 31,155 year old mtDNA sample in Czech republic so there is no doubt they came form Europe geneticalley.

I never said people in the country iran are white or European because they are not. It is true that non european people who speak a European language have 6-10% north euro(orignal paloithci european aust dna group and define being european) unlike for example Samartiens(decended from ancient Jews Semetic speakers), and Assyrians(decended from ancient assyrains Semitic speakers) who live in the same area but have less than 1% north euro.

There is defintley a European thing going on in the genetics of indo Iranian speakers that does not exist in non indo Iranian speakers.

when i say aust. DNA i almost always am talking about the globe13 test. to see where i got my info click here

Iranien indo iranien(modern country Iran) north euro=5.3%

Kurd indo iranien north euro= 4.7%

Assyrian semetic north euro=0%

Duze Semetic north Euro=0.6%

Pashuten Indo iranien (biggest ethnic group in Afghanistan) north euro=14.5%(that is almost as much as what Greeks have)

Bengali Indo Iranien speakers in north east india north euro=5.3%

Bhunji Draviden speakers in northeast india north euro= 0%

I think there is a obvious connection with Indo Iranien language and north euro in india and west asia. Also Indo iranien speaking indians have way way way more west asian than draviden speaking indians in the same area which makes me think thhey came from iran where west asian aust. DNA is most spread out and extremly popular.

here is a map of west Asian i have made it is not completely Finnish i got confused because the dravidens and indo iranien Indians have such different aust dna that i dont know if northeast and other areas of india should repsent dravidens or indo Iranians. it gives a basic idea how it is spread out u can see Iran is domninted by it it ranges from 44-55% in Iranien, afghan, and pakistani ethnic groups. I am almost done with my north euro map i have noticed a trend with indo iranien languages and high amounts of north euro compared to non indo Iranians. But not with west Asian because Assyrians have just as high west Asian as Kurds then southwest Asian becomes more popular around isreal, Arabia, and north Africa but their afro Asiatic languages are not the reason why west asian is less popular.

Sumerian civilization started only 4,900ybp so why are u saying 8,000ybp the people who spoke the Sumerian language are suppose to have arrived 6,500-6,000ybp. Also Sumerians spoke in the Semitic branch of the Afro Asiatic language which is unrelated to Indo European languages and is about 16,000 years old. So Sumerians defintley are not the source of Indo European languages. I had no idea there was a connection in their religion. In culture though Sumerians and semetics have nothing to do with Indo european culture.
Huh??? Sumerians first settled in the South Mesopotamia (Babylon) between ca. 4500 BCE (Uruku period). That is 6500 years ago. Sumerians came from North, from the Mountains, they were NOT Semitic at all. They spoke a 'Language Isolate', maybe even an ancestor of Caucasian (Hurrian) and Indo-European languages!
Another example where aust. DNA helps tell the ethnic origins of a language. The Uralic language is spoken mainly by extremly white people in Russia, Finalnd, and northern Scandnavia. Well the Russians used to be indoe uropean but where conquered by uralic cultures 4,000-5,000ybp modern uralic russians have almost only brown eyes just like 5,000-6,000 year old remains of the indo europeans who where later conquered by uralics.

When u think of uralic speaker it is okay to think of a blonde finnish person but they where not the first Uralics. All Uralic europeans finnish have 4.8% siberian and 1`,2% artic non uralic europeans who live near them have les than 1% of both. Well i guess baltic have more because 5,000ybp they where uralic speakers then they where conquered by corded ware culture 4,500-5,000ybp.
I don't know much about light features etc., since I'm absolutely not interested in the PSEUDO-science, but as far as I know Y-DNA hg. J2a is a PURE Caucasoid haplogroup…

i think u should know this without having to be a expert i dont know what pseudo science is. I do know what experts thing are the genes that create pale skin in european and they also exist in north africans and mid eastern who are also caucasin but at a much lower rate. also that blonde hair is a european trait my guess is 20,000-50,000ybp somewhere in central europe. the 3,800 year old adronovo culture remains all had pale skin, nad mainly light hair and light eyes, also thier aust. dna proves they where european.

Another intersting thing is dravdiens have a caucasin skull and facial features, hair texture, body build but they are not caucasin. Their aust DNA group is called south asian in the globe13 test it is not in the caucasin family it is a little more related to oceania Mongoloid family than than caucasin family. Also they have no Caucasin Y DNA or mtDNA they have some mtDNA U that comes from caucain inter marraige. Their mtDNA and Y DNA is in the Oceania mongloid family or in its own family.

north africans, and mid eastern have like brown hair. Caucasins are the only people that have brown hair and i am pretty sure it is the most popular hair color. So when talking about Caucasins i dont mention dravidens anymore they must be close relatives probably split over 70,000ybp. what this means is the caucasin face, hair texture, and body build is older than the caucasin race.
Huh??? Sumerians first settled in the South Mesopotamia (Babylon) between ca. 4500 BCE (Uruku period). That is 6500 years ago. Sumerians came from North, from the Mountains, they were NOT Semitic at all. They spoke a 'Language Isolate', maybe even an ancestor of Caucasian (Hurrian) and Indo-European languages!

the oldest historical records of Sumeria go back to 2,900bc aka 4,900ybp. Sumerians ancestors or just the people who spoke the ancestral form of their loanguage arrived probably in 4,500-4,900bc aka 6,500-6,900ybp.

soryy i thought they where semetic but that does not matter they did not speak a indo european language. there are many many languages that have been sugessted to be realted and one of them are indo european. there might be a connection with indo european languages and sumerians if sumerians came from the north mayb the caucus mountains.

but that does not mean indo european languages spread from west asia we know they spread from almost only russia and ukriane. maybe orignalley proto proto proto indo european came from northern iraq then spread to the caucus then to russia but i dont know if there is alot of evidence for that.
Somebody else calculated it, not me. Also, according to this scientific study there was no migration of R1a from Europe into Central Asia:

"The prevailing Y-chromosome lineage in Pashtun and Tajik (R1a1a-M17), has the highest observed diversity among populations of the Indus Valley [46]. R1a1a-M17 diversity declines toward the Pontic-Caspian steppe where the mid-Holocene R1a1a7-M458 sublineage is dominant [46]. R1a1a7-M458 was absent in Afghanistan, suggesting that R1a1a-M17 does not support, as previously thought [47], expansions from the Pontic Steppe [3], bringing the Indo-European languages to Central Asia and India."

"Furthermore, BATWING results indicate that the Afghan populations split from Iranians, Indians and East Europeans at about 10.6 kya (95% CI7,100–15,825), which marks the start of the Neolithic revolution and the establishment of the farming communities."

That's because this study was published by pseudo-geneticists who have not realised that M458 is the western Slavic branch, descended from the Corded Ware culture, and not the eastern Indo-Iranian branch descended from the Abashevo-Poltavka and Sintashta-Petrovka cultures. Don't cite idiots if you don't want to look like one.
That's because this study was published by pseudo-geneticists who have not realised that M458 is the western Slavic branch, descended from the Corded Ware culture, and not the eastern Indo-Iranian branch descended from the Abashevo-Poltavka and Sintashta-Petrovka cultures. Don't cite idiots if you don't want to look like one.

I know ur right and u know more than anyone on this website but Goga is just trying to figure stuff out. Sure he made a mistake he wont want to agree with u if u say dont cite idots if u dont want to look like one. i think u made a mistake on ur Germanic paternal lineages and combing all I1(except Uralic branches) and I2a2.

I have learned because i have argued and debated a ton since i could talk. Even if ur completely right if u insult the other person no matter how much u want to and how right u are they will never agree with u or learn. I try to use my words in a way i can still say what i want without saying it in a way that will turn people off from agreeing with me. When i am arguing with someone even when i know their right if they insult me i never listen or agree.

I am not saying u should be soft and say everyone is right. What i do is try to convince people in the way u say it not just ur reason for why ur right. I have seen u uselly do that.
Sure, idiots affiliated to different universities in the world.

Marc Haber,
Affiliations: The Lebanese American University,Chouran, Beirut, Lebanon, Evolutionary Biology Institute, Pompeu FabraUniversity, Barcelona, Spain

Daniel E. Platt,
Affiliation: Bioinformatics and Pattern Discovery,IBM T. J. Watson Research Centre, Yorktown Heights, New York, United States ofAmerica

Maziar Ashrafian Bonab,
Affiliation: Biological Sciences, School ofBiological Sciences, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Sonia C. Youhanna,
Affiliation: The Lebanese American University,Chouran, Beirut, Lebanon X

David F. Soria-Hernanz,
Affiliations: Evolutionary Biology Institute,Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, The Genographic Project, NationalGeographic Society, Washington, D.C., United States of America

Begoña Martínez-Cruz,
Affiliation: Evolutionary Biology Institute, PompeuFabra University, Barcelona, Spain

Bouchra Douaihy,
Affiliation: The Lebanese American University,Chouran, Beirut, Lebanon

Michella Ghassibe-Sabbagh,
Affiliation: The Lebanese American University,Chouran, Beirut, Lebanon

Hoshang Rafatpanah,
Affiliation: Mashhad University of MedicalSciences, Mashhad, Iran X

Mohsen Ghanbari,
Affiliation: Mashhad University of MedicalSciences, Mashhad, Iran X

John Whale,
Affiliation: Biological Sciences, School ofBiological Sciences, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Oleg Balanovsky,
Affiliation: Research Centre for Medical Genetics,Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia XR.

Spencer Wells,
Affiliation: The Genographic Project, NationalGeographic Society, Washington, D.C., United States of America

David Comas,
Affiliation: Evolutionary Biology Institute, PompeuFabra University, Barcelona, Spain

Chris Tyler-Smith,
Affiliation: Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, TheWellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Pierre A. Zalloua,
Affiliations: The Lebanese American University,Chouran, Beirut, Lebanon, Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard University,Boston, Massach
Sure, idiots affiliated to different universities in the world.

Marc Haber,
Affiliations: The Lebanese American University,Chouran, Beirut, Lebanon, Evolutionary Biology Institute, Pompeu FabraUniversity, Barcelona, Spain

Daniel E. Platt,
Affiliation: Bioinformatics and Pattern Discovery,IBM T. J. Watson Research Centre, Yorktown Heights, New York, United States ofAmerica

Maziar Ashrafian Bonab,
Affiliation: Biological Sciences, School ofBiological Sciences, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Sonia C. Youhanna,
Affiliation: The Lebanese American University,Chouran, Beirut, Lebanon X

David F. Soria-Hernanz,
Affiliations: Evolutionary Biology Institute,Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, The Genographic Project, NationalGeographic Society, Washington, D.C., United States of America

Begoña Martínez-Cruz,
Affiliation: Evolutionary Biology Institute, PompeuFabra University, Barcelona, Spain

Bouchra Douaihy,
Affiliation: The Lebanese American University,Chouran, Beirut, Lebanon X

Michella Ghassibe-Sabbagh,
Affiliation: The Lebanese American University,Chouran, Beirut, Lebanon

Hoshang Rafatpanah,
Affiliation: Mashhad University of MedicalSciences, Mashhad, Iran X

Mohsen Ghanbari,
Affiliation: Mashhad University of MedicalSciences, Mashhad, Iran X

John Whale,
Affiliation: Biological Sciences, School ofBiological Sciences, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Oleg Balanovsky,
Affiliation: Research Centre for Medical Genetics,Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia XR.

Spencer Wells,
Affiliation: The Genographic Project, NationalGeographic Society, Washington, D.C., United States of America

David Comas,
Affiliation: Evolutionary Biology Institute, PompeuFabra University, Barcelona, Spain

Chris Tyler-Smith,
Affiliation: Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, TheWellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Pierre A. Zalloua,
Affiliations: The Lebanese American University,Chouran, Beirut, Lebanon, Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard University,Boston, Massach

but they where wrong they did not look at SNP tree. Which shows the older branches are in Europe. Also that Indo European languages are the obvious source of R1a1a1b in Europe and Asia. i dont need to explain what maciamo already said about the cultures. One thing i want to add is Y DNA from Adronovo and Afanasevo had R1a1a same with Corded ware. So ancient DNA totally backs up the whole Indo European think.

Yamna cultue is most likley the source since Corded ware culture and Abashevo-Poltavka, Sintashta-Petrovka, Afanasevo, Adrnovo cultures descend from Yamna. It all connects also German scientist have a bunch of mtDNA and 6 y dna samples from yamna culture but have not made it public which is annoying. The 6 y dna samples where buried in Kurgens traditional Indo European burial which means they probably where not forigners. They may have had a diff y dna haplogroup but since all Indo Iranien remains had R1a1a except one had C i think they will have R1a1a. I am sure if they test them for R1a1a1b they will have that.

So far ancient Y DNA totally backs up the idea Indo Europeans spread R1a and R1b but not all of it. i wonder if Balto Slavic languages and Indo Iranien languages are most related to each other. Since both decend from Yamna culture and both decend from R1a1a1b.
Whatever, just show me 1 (just one !!) TRUE current academic anno 2013 (and not racist (East) European amateur bloggers) that supports your WILD fairy tales! The FACT is that there's no MODERN academic paper at all that supports this fantasy!

Also, Corded is probably European R1a-Z283 and R1a branches in Central Asia belong to R1a-Z93.

Why do u keep on arguing obvious stuff. I am not eastern European neither is Maciamo. These are not wild ferry tales what evidence do u have. Besides just listning to diversty rate. The oldest r1a subclades ARE NOT IN WEST ASIA they are in Europe the ancestor to the Indo Iranien clade is in eastern Europe. R1a1a1b was spread to asia by Indo iraniens. the earlest Indo Iranien speakers lived in cental asia.

many experts agree with us about the spread of Indo iraniens maybe not the spread of R1a. well R1a1a was found in y dna of those cultres so it is pretty obvous. It is a fact Indo Iranien speakers have north euro aust. dna in glob13 test while non indo iranien speakers in the same area rarelly have 1%. The first Indo iranien speakers maybe not the first Ind Aryans where European genetically i am not being raciest it is in ancient remains. i am using that to figure out their origin and as evidence they migrated out of Russia.

central asia R1a Z92 is the brother to European R1a Z283 they come from the same source. The cultures u say where not Indo Iranian their remains had R1a1a and are believed by most experts to be the first Indo Iranians. Those cultures come from the same ancestor culture in Russia as Corded ware so it makes sense that Corded ware remains have R1a1a to and that yamna culture had the eastern european and Asian ancestral form R1a1a1b.

Indo European culture bommed in Russia, Ukraine, and caucus. In my opinon the language and most of the culture migrated from the north caucus with R1b M269 maciamo is the one who thought of that. The languages spread from mainly russia and Ukriane. I am willing it was mid easterns who spread the language to Russia and Ukraine and that is where my y dan and language originally came from, it seems u are not willing to admit that it was white people who where the first to speak a Indo Iranian language or spread Y DNA R1a1a1b in Asia.

I know it seems i am trying to make everything about Indo Europeans white but i am not i am willing to say they where east asian or whatever. Maciamo at first being Celtic and Germanic was willing to say that Italo Germanic languages and their R1b spread from Turkey/Anatolia.