Can you find your ethnicity with your toe?

Nobody is making fun of Yetos. Teasing is different from ridiculing. However, to think you can tell y lineage from toes is indeed silly.

The majority of people in Greece are NOT R1b, yet virtually every Greek statue or copy of a Greek statue I've ever seen either has "Greek" or "Roman" toes, long toes anyway. I think it's like the absolutely parallel to the forehead version of the Greek nose: I just think it's what they thought was beautiful.

The majority of people in Britain ARE R1b, and yet I read somewhere that the majority of their feet are either Celtic or "Egyptian".




Upon careful reconsideration of this important topic, I previously made an error: I think I have Greek toes as well as a modified Greek nose.:) Strictly a coincidence, I assure you.

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The first graphic is useless - for the "record". As to statues, one must consider that Greek art like most of Greek culture was greatly valued by all cultures it encountered and for a long time. The Greeks making those earliest statues came after the Dorian invasions - R1b types. They carved what they saw - even Michelangelo's David. But this is really just to say that Carol Cleveland of Monty Python fame has Greek feet. About 15 seconds in and later
When I was about ten a doctor looked at my feet and said "I can see you've got Maori blood". I never found out whether it was my toes or something else about my feet that was the basis of his accurate ethnic identification.

Maori tend to have broad, relatively flat feet. In my tribe, having twelve toes was a recurring feature of one chiefly line, and is considered prestigious. Sadly, I have only ten toes.
The first graphic is useless - for the "record". As to statues, one must consider that Greek art like most of Greek culture was greatly valued by all cultures it encountered and for a long time. The Greeks making those earliest statues came after the Dorian invasions - R1b types. They carved what they saw - even Michelangelo's David. But this is really just to say that Carol Cleveland of Monty Python fame has Greek feet. About 15 seconds in and later

Why is the first graphic "useless"? You're an authority on the feet of the ancient Greeks? The ancient Greek statues I've seen, and I've seen a lot of them, had the feet pictured there, as do I.

Also, for the "record", Nobody has any idea what R1b the "Dorians" carried, if they carried it at all, so stop pretending it's an established fact.
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The modern version. I'm with the ancient Greeks*; I do like the look of my feet. :)

Taken in the sea just off Portovenere, the Port of Venus.

Ed. The Ancient Greeks preferred these kinds of toes because they comported with the rule of "the golden mean".
I got the Roman foot, but many a people have told me I have Hobbit feet...not the prettiest...

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