Can you find your ethnicity with your toe?

there is only 1 god, all religions pray to one same God...........if anyone changes religion they end up praying to the same God, which means by changing religion they have no faith, they are not religious . they are after some form of a club, a gang mentality ...stupid.

If there is more than one God....then the ancient greeks, romans, Egyptians, nordic etc have always been correct and we others are fools to the propaganda of modern religions..................take your pick!
there is only 1 god, all religions pray to one same god...........if anyone changes religion they end up praying to the same god, which means by changing religion they have no faith, they are not religious . They are after some form of a club, a gang mentality ...stupid.

If there is more than one god....then the ancient greeks, romans, egyptians, nordic etc have always been correct and we others are fools to the propaganda of modern religions..................take your pick!

It is manifestly untrue that all religions believe in one God. That is only true for the believers in the monotheistic religions that developed in the Middle East: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Just as one example, has it escaped the attention of some readers that there are some 950 million Hindus in the world, just to use one estimate, not to mention the Buddhists etc. etc.?

I also think some humor would be in order here. Does anyone really think that ethnicity could be determined in this way or that anyone would seriously propose that?

Oh, to get back on topic: Roman toes, Greek nose, Celtic fringe skin, CM jaw, EEF hair and eyes...
Hey, wait a minute....
there is only 1 god, all religions pray to one same God...........if anyone changes religion they end up praying to the same God, which means by changing religion they have no faith, they are not religious . they are after some form of a club, a gang mentality ...stupid.

If there is more than one God....then the ancient greeks, romans, Egyptians, nordic etc have always been correct and we others are fools to the propaganda of modern religions..................take your pick!

So, for once you understand how things really stand. Let us rejoice and sacrifice to the sacred Olympian Twelve.
So, for once you understand how things really stand. Let us rejoice and sacrifice to the sacred Olympian Twelve.

Always father taught me, ...........culture and ethnicity is always before religion....its older than religion
my bad - rusty and too hasty

Gentlemen search your feet.
I DID :laughing:
Yetos Some here are saying it is silly. I do not. Greek foot is a dominant trait controlled by DNA. It is also called Scottish toe (per a racist forum I chanced upon). So, what connects the Greeks and the Scots? How about R1b Y DNA? It is also called Royal Toe. What Y DNA is prominent in European royalty? R1b DNA.

I have Greek toe as do several of my cousins. I was told by one that Greek toe in Greece is often cited as descent from royalty as a kind of tourist patter. Southern Greece has some 28% R1b Y DNA. So, it is likely linked to one or a tight few DNA sources, spread as a dominant trait to other Y DNA and mt DNA.

I think those that poo-poohed your post are targeting you rather than using their heads. How else does a dominant gene get transmitted widely (among many other DNA), but is prevalent trait among a certain Y DNA population?
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Nobody is making fun of Yetos. Teasing is different from ridiculing. However, to think you can tell y lineage from toes is indeed silly.

The majority of people in Greece are NOT R1b, yet virtually every Greek statue or copy of a Greek statue I've ever seen either has "Greek" or "Roman" toes, long toes anyway. I think it's like the absolutely parallel to the forehead version of the Greek nose: I just think it's what they thought was beautiful.

The majority of people in Britain ARE R1b, and yet I read somewhere that the majority of their feet are either Celtic or "Egyptian".




Upon careful reconsideration of this important topic, I previously made an error: I think I have Greek toes as well as a modified Greek nose.:) Strictly a coincidence, I assure you.

View attachment 9471
Nobody is making fun of Yetos. Teasing is different from ridiculing. However, to think you can tell y lineage from toes is indeed silly.

The majority of people in Greece are NOT R1b, yet virtually every Greek statue or copy of a Greek statue I've ever seen either has "Greek" or "Roman" toes, long toes anyway. I think it's like the absolutely parallel to the forehead version of the Greek nose: I just think it's what they thought was beautiful.

The majority of people in Britain ARE R1b, and yet I read somewhere that the majority of their feet are either Celtic or "Egyptian".




Upon careful reconsideration of this important topic, I previously made an error: I think I have Greek toes as well as a modified Greek nose.:) Strictly a coincidence, I assure you.

View attachment 9471

Whats a "modified Greek nose"? I can call my Egyptian toes modified anythying non Egyptian, including Greek ;).

Seriously though, what is it?
Nobody is making fun of Yetos. Teasing is different from ridiculing. However, to think you can tell y lineage from toes is indeed silly.

The majority of people in Greece are NOT R1b, yet virtually every Greek statue or copy of a Greek statue I've ever seen either has "Greek" or "Roman" toes, long toes anyway. I think it's like the absolutely parallel to the forehead version of the Greek nose: I just think it's what they thought was beautiful.

The majority of people in Britain ARE R1b, and yet I read somewhere that the majority of their feet are either Celtic or "Egyptian".

Upon careful reconsideration of this important topic, I previously made an error: I think I have Greek toes as well as a modified Greek nose.:) Strictly a coincidence, I assure you.

View attachment 9471
I stand by what I wrote. Here is what Yetos' asked 'does anyone know if it is connected with DNA ?
maybe an exclusive mark? or majority of Greeks suffer from bad bone structure' Your comment reinforces my observation of his treatment.
Nobody is making fun of Yetos. Teasing is different from ridiculing. However, to think you can tell y lineage from toes is indeed silly.

The majority of people in Greece are NOT R1b, yet virtually every Greek statue or copy of a Greek statue I've ever seen either has "Greek" or "Roman" toes, long toes anyway. I think it's like the absolutely parallel to the forehead version of the Greek nose: I just think it's what they thought was beautiful.

The majority of people in Britain ARE R1b, and yet I read somewhere that the majority of their feet are either Celtic or "Egyptian".




Upon careful reconsideration of this important topic, I previously made an error: I think I have Greek toes as well as a modified Greek nose.:) Strictly a coincidence, I assure you.

View attachment 9471

I broke my toe playing soccer and didn't bother to go to the doctor to mend it properly.
I used to have Egyptian feet, now I have 1 Egyptian and 1 Roman.
I match the Roman on the 1st picture. Not exact match on the 2nd.
Well I am Egyptian, leaning toward Roman. I break my toes frequently and was told by a doctor that I have mutant feet because the two toes closest to my big toe have 2 joints instead of 1.
I broke my toe playing soccer and didn't bother to go to the doctor to mend it properly.
I used to have Egyptian feet, now I have 1 Egyptian and 1 Roman.

I'm trying to picture it. :)

Lucky you didn't break anything else. No matter what Americans think, soccer is no game for sissies. Those headers are very dangerous, for one thing. I'm sure cycling stresses the body as well.

Any sustained physical activity can be dangerous, of course. I broke my nose on a ballet barre because some idiot girl fell into me just as I was coming up from a grand plie. It happens. My ankles were sprained so many times once I went on pointe that I finally had to give up.

I console myself by thinking of ugly ballerina calves, feet and toes. :)

It's really no joking matter. Some of the pictures are so disturbing I won't even link to them.

Still, at the time I was so obsessed that I would have given anything to continue.

Your doctor has a great bedside manner! :) I swear that a lot of them are on the autism spectrum.