With what ancient ethnicity do you most identify, and what has DNA told you ?

Personally I'm not visibly seeing it. If it exists it would have to be small. The Lombards were definitely historically there as an ethnic group, but there is really no "northern" or "Germanic" shift in Italians when I look at the IA Picenes or EMA non lombard Torino & Bardonecchia burials and compare them to modern northern Italians.

If IA northern Italics end up plotting like the IA Picenes it will be a direct overlap between ancient and modern Italians with no influx of Germanic. There will probably be some Greek like ancestry like I mentioned but I'm betting it will also be more limited to the southern regions of Po valley, such as what we saw with Bologna/Felsina.

Anyways, we will only find out definitively when we have more studies on the northern Italian Iron age to compare moderns against. My bet still remains that the IA Picene profile will be as abundant in the north as the Etruscan/Latin profile so far has been in central Italy. A lot of the data is pointing this direction but we will have to see.
I have to disagree, I think there's bound to be some Lombard autosomal DNA in the North. Just as there's sure to be some North African in the deep south and Sicily. I'm not sure of the amounts, and I'm sure at least some trace ancestry for both from exists throughout the whole pennesula.
people keep giving the picenes a late-iron age, (300BC), admixture and always Ignore their early iron-age mix
there is minimal greek in central and north adriatic.

etruscan ,?...one port of Spina from 600BC, seems minisule.

veneti, eastern celts, north west-balkan people seems the best bet for Picene early iron age.

we can take lombards and ostrogoths as one people
I have to disagree, I think there's bound to be some Lombard autosomal DNA in the North. Just as there's sure to be some North African in the deep south and Sicily. I'm not sure of the amounts, and I'm sure at least some trace ancestry for both from exists throughout the whole pennesula.
Let's see what iron age and imperial northern Italy looks like then and compare to post Lombard medieval averages in that case. That's really the only way to be objective about it. You'll certainly find significant amounts in early Lombard specific burials but I'm not seeing it in the surrounding Italian burials that do not have a Lombard association.



Roman iberian is a cool group. It's nice see that the Roman Iberian are all from archeologic sites located in Portugal.
In your mytrueancestry modern populations appear what , your star is close to north italy aswell, can send the pic? I suspect there was a massive migration from northwest italy and northeast to iberia mainly south but before roman period , strongest R-U152 is found in southwest iberia, but with roman settlements this Y inscreased still more
Yes, in fact it is very close to me, often on various calculators I point out that it is very close to Northern Italy and in addition to this image showing this proximity I also saw this on MyTrueAncestry:


Gallo-Roman Lombard Grave
580 AD - Genetic Distance: 4.875
Culture: Late Roman

Collegno is near Turin in northern Italy. The graveyard covers the earliest period of the Longobard kingdom in Italy and contains 57 graves dating from 580 to 630 AD. The types and range of grave goods in these 57 interments include high quality goods similiar to those found in the Longobard graveyard in Szolad, Hungary. However there is also evidence for a gradual cultural and religious evolution, with some practices disappearing in later decades. While there are no ledged graves, some are constructed via a wooden chamber structure, and there is the skeleton of a horse (missing a head).



Gaul + Gallo-Roman (4.88)
Gaul + Illyrian (5.188)
Illyrian (5.211)
Gaul + Pannonian (5.915)
Gaul + Scordisci (6.03)
Scordisci (6.203)
Pannonian (7.103)

mine above
my father
stated only top 2

Gaul + Illyrian (3.768)
Illyrian (4.552)
Yes, in fact it is very close to me, often on various calculators I point out that it is very close to Northern Italy and in addition to this image showing this proximity I also saw this on MyTrueAncestry:

View attachment 16741

Gallo-Roman Lombard Grave
580 AD - Genetic Distance: 4.875
Culture: Late Roman

Collegno is near Turin in northern Italy. The graveyard covers the earliest period of the Longobard kingdom in Italy and contains 57 graves dating from 580 to 630 AD. The types and range of grave goods in these 57 interments include high quality goods similiar to those found in the Longobard graveyard in Szolad, Hungary. However there is also evidence for a gradual cultural and religious evolution, with some practices disappearing in later decades. While there are no ledged graves, some are constructed via a wooden chamber structure, and there is the skeleton of a horse (missing a head).

View attachment 16740


View attachment 16744
Thanks , Kirg , you're probably my distant cousin , coming from my father's family , i love asterix and obelix aswell , i'm trying to buy all movies and animated cartoons about them , there's interesting topic about ethnicities appear in asterix and obelix , here link : https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?213072-Ethnicities-in-Asterix