
  1. Maciamo

    What are the three things that most strongly define your identity?

    I posted a thread on how Europeans viewed themselves and how much they identified with things such as one's family, gender, age group, nationality, region, level of education, occupation, sexual orientation, ethnicity, political orientation, or religion. If you had to choose three things to...
  2. M

    DNA test research - interviewees wanted

    Dear DNA test-takers, My name is Maria and I am a Master's student in the Netherlands. The course I'm doing is called Intercultural Communication in which I study diversity and all aspects involved. I'm currently in the process of writing a thesis about the effects of DNA- testing on the...
  3. Alexandra_K

    Ethnicity estimates and phenotype?

    Hello everyone, I would like to ask something that I am curious about. Firstly, based on various ethnicity estimates (MyHeritage, 23andme, Ancestry, Gedmatch, Geneplaza, Gencove etc.) I appear to be more similar "ethnicity-wise" to my mother than to my father. I do not have much knowledge on the...
  4. N

    Does the blood type strictly determine my ancestry?

    Hi! I'm new in this forum, so here's my first thread. My blood type is B (Rh positive). In theory, I should have asian ancestry, since that blood type had its origin in that region. HOWEVER, as far as I know, none of my ancestors came from Asia. I know that I descend from Europeans (Spain) and...
  5. Petros Agapetos

    What ethnicity do I look like? Where can I pass in Eurasia? Multiple Choice Poll.

  6. C

    Hey need some help with my haplogroups.

    hey all i wanted to post my haplogroups and need some help with my haplogroup on my paternal side. Mom's side: L3,N,R,U,U5,U5a1d Dad's Side: M42,M168,M89,P128,M45,M207,P231,M343,L278,P310,U106 (R-U106),U198 (R-U198) All of these are from Geno 2.0. i'm asking what my ancestry might be or my...
  7. LeBrok

    Will all people of the world mix creating one race in the future?

    More and more people can travel freely around the world, also emigrating and immigrating on large scale. Old customs and arranged marriages coming to past, and freedom of personal choices is embraced. Racism and segregation is abolished and interracial mixing become socially acceptable. Maybe...
  8. Maciamo

    How to define a species ?

    The most common definition of 'species' is a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. Notwithstanding, the way biologists (specifically zoologists and botanists) divide species often has little to do with the capability of interbreeding, but mostly with...
  9. S

    roswell and a scandinavian race

    The Roswell incident was the alleged crash landing of alien spacecraft in the desert. Many witnesses have come forward and claimed to have seen a crashed flying saucer and alien bodies. In reality the roswell incident was a goverment hoax. It was designed to make you believe conciously or...
  10. Maciamo

    With what ancient ethnicity do you most identify, and what has DNA told you ?

    Europe is an ethnic melting pot. Well, let's not exaggerate. Europeans are genetically among the most homogeneous racial group. Indians, South-East Asians, Middle-Easterners, Central Asians and Africans all have greater genetic diversity than Europeans. But we were taught at school that Europe...
  11. Tautalos

    Religion The Return of the European Religions

    In Vilnius-Lithuania there was held on 20-24th June 1998 the World Pagan Congress. A lot of traditional-religious groups were represented: France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Norwegan, Sweden, Poland, Greece, Lithuania, Estonia, Letonia, Russia, Ukrainia, India, USA... We've discussed about...