Will all people of the world mix creating one race in the future?

Nature is unpredictable.
Human Population is so large that DNA mutations, Haplogroups included, are probably happenning in the fastest ratio ever.
With over 7.6 Billion people, what would have taken a 1000 years for a gene mutation, now the same mutation can take place in 1 year.
New “Races” might come to be, over and over.

A surprising real White Squirrel.
Don't you forget that Basques and others are already a mixture of groups of different genetics and cultures.
Is there a single member on this forum who isn't aware of this?

Are you saying that Basque parents are so controlling that they won't their kids to marry non-basque?
No. I am saying there is a level of isolation which has contributed to their percentage of rh negatives remaining the highest on earth. Among other things.

Even if only 1 percent a decade is new blood, in 1000 years you will have totally in-mixed population.
Sure. But certain factors remain unique. Unique enough to be considered unique. This is still a genetics forum, right? In terms of examining distinctions? If you don't mind that is. If you don't consider it worth concluding that anything anyone here might say should be determined racist and therefore attacked under any circumstances.

What an excellent example of mixing. Do you know that Ashkenazi are more European than Middle Eastern in genetics? Yes, because of mixing!
They are 55 percent South European, 30 percent Middle Eastern, 15 East European and 10 West European. Wow!

Thanks, Mr. Advisor. Yes, most of my family is Jewish and Wow! is correct. I am guessed usually as being Eastern European. But again, if it doesn't offend you, I still am interested in all of my different ancestries and where I got what I got if you will. Which does include the Ashkenazi line of mine that does shine a light on questions I have had my whole life.

Guys open your eyes and start looking beyond your agenda and feelings.

Remembering some of your other posts not hesitant taking other people's rights away based on your own feelings, such assumptions would surprise me generally on a genetics forum, but in your case they don't.

I don't see any agenda in this thread other than whatever it is you are expressing here with your non-answer.
Numerous times have I expressed that the reason I have joined here to begin with was to find out other potential common denominators of those with rare blood types. That's it. One-trick pony. Ignorance may lead to label this as an agenda.

Take clues from the past and look at present trends and examples.

Which past exactly? Don't push past on past.

Go where evidence leads you, and don't cherry pick just to feel good.
Yawn. Again: The more you say doesn't make the "more" more significant. Because none of it is.

In many case it is way different how the world is than how you want it to be.
You should be ashamed of yourself. How dare you state knowing what exactly I want?

To be well understood, I don't care if there is one race or many in the future.
Remember that this is a genetics forum. So before you label anything a "race", maybe you should identify what exactly you mean by that. Anybody "white" being the same?

But judging by our past,
1) Don't judge. Know.
2) Who exactly is "our"?

seeing today's trends, examples and changes, this is where the world is heading.

Isn't that what this thread is about? Debating where the world is heading? I guess you have already determined that answer. So enlighten us. But don't do it through assumptions. Don't label as generic as "race". Tell us something we don't know. You surely haven't done so yet.
Is there a single member on this forum who isn't aware of this?

No. I am saying there is a level of isolation which has contributed to their percentage of rh negatives remaining the highest on earth. Among other things.

Sure. But certain factors remain unique. Unique enough to be considered unique. This is still a genetics forum, right? In terms of examining distinctions? If you don't mind that is. If you don't consider it worth concluding that anything anyone here might say should be determined racist and therefore attacked under any circumstances.

Thanks, Mr. Advisor. Yes, most of my family is Jewish and Wow! is correct. I am guessed usually as being Eastern European. But again, if it doesn't offend you, I still am interested in all of my different ancestries and where I got what I got if you will. Which does include the Ashkenazi line of mine that does shine a light on questions I have had my whole life.

Remembering some of your other posts not hesitant taking other people's rights away based on your own feelings, such assumptions would surprise me generally on a genetics forum, but in your case they don't.

I don't see any agenda in this thread other than whatever it is you are expressing here with your non-answer.
Numerous times have I expressed that the reason I have joined here to begin with was to find out other potential common denominators of those with rare blood types. That's it. One-trick pony. Ignorance may lead to label this as an agenda.

Which past exactly? Don't push past on past.

Yawn. Again: The more you say doesn't make the "more" more significant. Because none of it is.

You should be ashamed of yourself. How dare you state knowing what exactly I want?

Remember that this is a genetics forum. So before you label anything a "race", maybe you should identify what exactly you mean by that. Anybody "white" being the same?

1) Don't judge. Know.
2) Who exactly is "our"?

Isn't that what this thread is about? Debating where the world is heading? I guess you have already determined that answer. So enlighten us. But don't do it through assumptions. Don't label as generic as "race". Tell us something we don't know. You surely haven't done so yet.
Now, when we know that you know, put the clues together and you shall see too.
I wonder what people will do when it comes to things like homosexuality, where a sort of political judgment is also in play.
My guess would be that parents, for simplicity of one's life and and avoidance of certain social problems, would choose for a child to be heterosexual. Even some of gay parents would choose this. Even if most homosexual parents would choose to make homosexual children, the pool would dwindle with generations and probably disappear completely.
We have to keep in mind that sexuality won't be needed when we have designer babies. Sex will exist only for pleasure. In many cases it already is. In this case homo or hetero will be equally valid or invalid for future generations. Both can disappear, but humankind will still exist. For better or worse, who knows, it is a possibility.
My guess would be that parents, for simplicity of one's life and and avoidance of certain social problems, would choose for a child to be heterosexual. Even some of gay parents would choose this. Even if most homosexual parents would choose to make homosexual children, the pool would dwindle with generations and probably disappear completely.
We have to keep in mind that sexuality won't be needed when we have designer babies. Sex will exist only for pleasure. In many cases it already is. In this case homo or hetero will be equally valid or invalid for future generations. Both can disappear, but humankind will still exist. For better or worse, who knows, it is a possibility.

And some of us will turn tribal and isolate ourselves from sick ****ers like you.

You are from the same vein as the nazis and bolseviks.
And some of us will turn tribal and isolate ourselves from sick ****ers like you.

You are from the same vein as the nazis and bolseviks.
Coming from an idiot it is a complement.
Sure, nobody knows how it will play out. If we can't pull it off using our logic, there is always natural selection to fall back on. ;)[/QUOTE

Imagine the world 10 000 years from now. All genome functions will be known. Computers will be millions of times more powerful.
My firm believe is that 10 000 years from now there will be no races. Not because they will naturally mix, that is impossible. But the new born will be lab created. Who will want a black baby, when in lab could be created one with pink eyes, blue hair, smart as a hell?
My firm believe is that 10 000 years from now there will be no races. Not because they will naturally mix, that is impossible. But the new born will be lab created. Who will want a black baby, when in lab could be created one with pink eyes, blue hair, smart as a hell?

What odd tastes you have. I absolutely wouldn't want a pink eyed blue haired baby.

Ideally, if I could just ask the scientists to root around in my genome, I'd like to have a girl who looks like my mother, and a boy who looks like my father. That's just because I miss them so much, though. In fact, I'd break all my principles and ask for clones of them.

What's wrong with black babies for that matter, or black adults in terms of looks?

I've never dated outside my "race", and my tastes are very specific, but what's wrong with the way Denzel Washington looks?

He's very good looking, imo.

Or, goodness me, Shemar Moore.
What odd tastes you have. I absolutely wouldn't want a pink eyed blue haired baby.

Ideally, if I could just ask the scientists to root around in my genome, I'd like to have a girl who looks like my mother, and a boy who looks like my father. That's just because I miss them so much, though. In fact, I'd break all my principles and ask for clones of them.

What's wrong with black babies for that matter, or black adults in terms of looks?

I've never dated outside my "race", and my tastes are very specific, but what's wrong with the way Denzel Washington looks?

He's very good looking, imo.

Or, goodness me, Shemar Moore.
we are talking about 10 000 years in the future. At that time people like you and me would be antic. Like a folk costume! A folk costume was a thing to admire at its time, but now no one looks at them.
As for Danzel people would think of him what we think about Neanderthal. Race has no future. An English scientist predicted 3000 years for people to mix naturally. I dont think naturally such a thing will happen, But lab created people are possible even today, let alone in the future! Would you not like a baby with superior intelligence, so your baby will fully support himself/herself? Blue eyes are in style now, but other kind of eyes are also possible.
we are talking about 10 000 years in the future. At that time people like you and me would be antic. Like a folk costume! A folk costume was a thing to admire at its time, but now no one looks at them.
As for Danzel people would think of him what we think about Neanderthal. Race has no future. An English scientist predicted 3000 years for people to mix naturally. I dont think naturally such a thing will happen, But lab created people are possible even today, let alone in the future! Would you not like a baby with superior intelligence, so your baby will fully support himself/herself? Blue eyes are in style now, but other kind of eyes are also possible.

There we agree, as I said upthread.
For the most part, I agree. But still: Populations like the Basques have existed as such for 10k years. It will require major political decisions in order to ensure that changes occur on a global scale. And the Basques are not the only example here.

we are talking about 10 000 years in the future. At that time people like you and me would be antic. Like a folk costume! A folk costume was a thing to admire at its time, but now no one looks at them.
As for Danzel people would think of him what we think about Neanderthal. Race has no future. An English scientist predicted 3000 years for people to mix naturally. I dont think naturally such a thing will happen, But lab created people are possible even today, let alone in the future! Would you not like a baby with superior intelligence, so your baby will fully support himself/herself? Blue eyes are in style now, but other kind of eyes are also possible.
No one knows what people will look like 10,000 years from now, much less 100,000 years from now. It's all guesswork.

I think some things are sort of hard wired, though. Unless they tear up the genome, I've a feeling these will always be considered beautiful.:)

The fertility goddess "Ishtar" of Babylon known by many names in many places (this piece is 4,000 years old):

The Bronze Warriors of Riace (Italy), maybe 2500 years old?

It strikes me as strange that even in man-made art the ones in charge of the manufacturing didn't demand having their genitals magnified.

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