Immigration Wave of (minor) attacks by poor immigrants hits UK, France and Sweden this week

My question is a simple one. Why do we in the West (Europe, the U.S., Canada) insist on importing more and more Muslims if we can't yet seperate the peace loving members from the dangerous outliers? What is the grand plan? Is there a grand plan?
Immigrants need to know that europe is nomore the golden promised land paradise in earth.. There are new countries more attractive economically like india, china, and mostly of all brasil.. I wonder why extracommunitairs choose ti immigrate here.. What is our special appeal? We are full of them.. Too many.. And the 95% of us didn't want/ask for this people. What about if it's us Who don't want/need them.. And above all WE don't want to integrate them to our society.
Ma dai, Julia :) Inquisitors of liberal quasi-religion gonna accuse you in blasphemy..
Being "poor" or in "crisis" are weak arguments Spain we have a worst economic situation than in Sweden, and we don't go aroung attacking people and burning cars. Besides, the burnings and attacks of Paris happened in 2005, way before the start of the crisis
Julia, I think the beautiful women of Europe attract them. lol. All those movies present a very upscale view of Europe. The Americas are too far away and Europe is just across the huge pond - the Mediterranean - which can be crossed by a rubber dinghy. Like you said earlier in another thread those North Africans are Sexy.
Immigrants need to know that europe is nomore the golden promised land paradise in earth.. There are new countries more attractive economically like india, china, and mostly of all brasil.. I wonder why extracommunitairs choose ti immigrate here.. What is our special appeal? We are full of them.. Too many.. And the 95% of us didn't want/ask for this people. What about if it's us Who don't want/need them.. And above all WE don't want to integrate them to our society.
I agree! I sympathise with emigrants because they look for a way out of misery, but Europe is not a place to emigrate. It has not worked when racial difference is wide. Jewish were for 2000 years in Europe and they never were able to integrate in ethnic comunities. Ethnic comunities in homogenious places like Nordics are tight. Greeks were in Egypt since Alexanders time and they too were expelled from Egypt because they did not fit in Egyptian society. When times get hard ethnic solidaruty comes to a full force. Countries with large emigrants will always have the racial and ethnic strife, and it will get worse when economies go down. The golden age of Nordic societies is coming to an end. Sweden used to be a major car and machinery builder for a good part of this centuary. Now that Asians are coming to age Swedish and Nordic industries are slowly dying and with them jobs too. Emigrants from Ballkans should return to their native countries. They would have done it if ciisenship was not granted by host countries.
My question is a simple one. Why do we in the West (Europe, the U.S., Canada) insist on importing more and more Muslims if we can't yet seperate the peace loving members from the dangerous outliers? What is the grand plan? Is there a grand plan?

The grand plan is to provoke ethnic cleansing. (thesis-antithesis ;))
Yeah it could be the reason :)
cinema have promoted since ever european peppole and society
War refugees have another excuse. All they should wish for in their host countries is to live at peace and not fear being killed or wounded. Once such desperate people start to revolt in one of the world's most peaceful countries we have a problem.
It would be great if political scientists could analyze emigration in Sweden and Canada to figure out the difference. I'm curious myself what went wrong in Sweden, considering that Canada and Sweden are similarly peaceful and tolerant nations.
The first step in preventing the "us vs them" mentality is to prohibit schools from having a religious affiliation and the propaganda programme that goes with it. Islamic schools are legal virtually everywhere in Western Europe. I know for a fact the countries like Belgium and France even finance Islamic schools with public money, simply because Muslims said that they were entitled to equal rights as Christians, as Catholic schools in both countries are fully financed by the state, like any other school. This is the root of the problem. (In the same line mosques receive public funds too just like churches.) If you want to get rid of religious cleavages it is vital that all schools be neutral about religion.

We stand exactly the same on this issue. I'm even against homeschooling as an alternative to public education.
It's not possible considering that Islam prohibits homosexuality, in some cases on pain of death. And a person cannot rightfully belong to a religious community (in this case Islam) if the rest of the community doesn't accept him/her.
I agree that for any radical or muslim zealots our mayer is not muslim at all. In most cases however, it is more of a personal preference or self proclamation than strict dogma issue. By same token we have catholics who are openly gay, or catholics who use contraceptives, and nobody denies them Catholicism.
Well, they sin, but who doesn't.
I agree that for any radical or muslim zealots our mayer is not muslim at all. In most cases however, it is more of a personal preference or self proclamation than strict dogma issue. By same token we have catholics who are openly gay, or catholics who use contraceptives, and nobody denies them Catholicism.
Well, they sin, but who doesn't.

That's because the Catholic Church had to become more tolerant in order to keep its followers. In past centuries Catholics were excommunicate for less than that. And excommunication really is just telling them that they cannot consider themselves Catholic anymore, no matter what they believe personally. It's a form of group ostracism against deviant individuals. Religion is all about a sense of belonging to a community. Without community there is no religion anymore, just people with personal beliefs of their own.
We stand exactly the same on this issue. I'm even against homeschooling as an alternative to public education.

There is sometimes no alternative to homeschooling in very isolated parts of big countries like Canada, the USA or Australia. It's very rare in Europe though (see statistics), except in the UK. It is even illegal in some countries like Germany, Sweden and many Eastern European countries. In countries like Belgium, France or Italy, where it is officially legal, it is nevertheless almost unheard of.
That's because the Catholic Church had to become more tolerant in order to keep its followers. In past centuries Catholics were excommunicate for less than that. And excommunication really is just telling them that they cannot consider themselves Catholic anymore, no matter what they believe personally. It's a form of group ostracism against deviant individuals.
Of course, but it doesn't mean there were no deviants. They were hiding their true nature not to get killed, not to mention excommunication. Today in more tolerant church things are more in the open.

Religion is all about a sense of belonging to a community. Without community there is no religion anymore, just people with personal beliefs of their own.
Yes, but it all has to start in individuals. It starts with set of believes in ones head, with self designation, and with desire to belong to a religious groupe. Rest is just a procedure to get signed in to the group of your choice, if there is signing in requirement. Personally I've never heard of anyone kicked out of church or mosque here in Canada.
It has nothing to do with religion or terrorism but with shabbyness, and not even all of them are migrants (80%).
I think the cause of problems in Sweden is due to the "low quality" of many of their immigrants when compared to (as someone mentioned) educated immigrants in Canada. Canada's immigration policy and goal is to attract as many educated people as possible. Sweden's immigration policy doesn't do that at all (in fact it does the opposite in many cases).

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