Question Smoking poll, do you smoke?

Please answer the options honestly :) .

  • I smoke a lot i.e. 5 or more average every day or almost every day.

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • I smoke regularly, but not much i.e. 5 or less average every day or almost every day.

    Votes: 3 4.2%
  • I smoke occasionally i.e. a couple of times a week or less.

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • I smoke rarely or only a couple of times in my life.

    Votes: 5 6.9%
  • I smoke, but have been smoking more recently.

    Votes: 2 2.8%
  • I smoke, but have no idea of when or intentions of giving up yet.

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • I smoke, but have plans/intentions of giving it up at some point.

    Votes: 3 4.2%
  • I smoke, but have been cutting down recently.

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • I smoke, but I am trying to quit the habit currently.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I smoke, but have given up the habit or taken breaks from it in the past.

    Votes: 3 4.2%
  • I used to smoke but have quit the habit.

    Votes: 10 13.9%
  • I don?ft smoke, but have considered taking up the habit in the past.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don?ft smoke and have never considered taking it up.

    Votes: 30 41.7%
  • I don?ft smoke, but quite a few of my friends or family do.

    Votes: 9 12.5%
  • I don?ft smoke and very few or none of my friends or family do.

    Votes: 19 26.4%
  • I?fve smoked before in places where I shouldn?ft have.

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • I?fve always smoked in places where it was allowed.

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • I?fve smoked underage before.

    Votes: 16 22.2%
  • I?fve smoked an illegal substance before in the past.

    Votes: 19 26.4%
  • Other?c

    Votes: 3 4.2%

  • Total voters
Dutch Baka said:
So how would you call it then?....:souka:

Its discrimination against a group of people, i think though probably mostly because its socially acceptable to do so now days, perhaps even socially admirable, even politically correct in some senses.
Now days for example its seen really bad to discriminate against obese people, but then again you could also hold a grudge against obese people in a similar sense in saying "Oh well, i don't think the money i pay for tax should go towards paying for the care of some fat person because they've got an eating disorder etc"...
I don't smoke (tobacco), but did for a short time in first year of high school (not very proud of it).
Sometimes I get this need for cigaret, but fortunatly nobody in my family smokes and I don't want to buy them :p
On very rare occasions I smoke other... stuff.
Tokis-Phoenix said:
i always thoroughly enjoyed the smell of tobacco being smoked(sounds weird i know :blush: ),
I like slight smell of tobacco on my clothes - when I come out of bar or club. Yeah, I agree, it does sound little weird *teehee*
I started smoking in high school when I was 13, then quit last year aged 21.

I still enjoy the smell of smoke though, and I'll take the side of smokers when it comes to matters political.

I still miss smoking sometimes (like right now for example), but I wouldn't start again as, above all else, I enjoy having a sense of smell.
Hey, Shaylee - and I thought I was the only person in the whole world who actually didn't mind the smell of second-hand smoke on their clothes! :blush: I put it down to nostalgia - gives me that "ahh, the memories of good nights out when I was younger" feeling!

As far as smoking in bars and pubs, I don't know yet what I think... :worried: I can understand it is a problem for people who have asthma or other breathing problems, and yes, why should they have to breathe in smoke when they go out? It's an unhealthy habit... but on the other hand, people need some freedom too. I mean, if the government suddenly decided to ban smoking altogether, even such an extreme measure would be more understandable than this allow-it-but-kind-of-rely-on-social-disapproval-to-keep-it-in-check approach. If the Powers That Be said "It's bad for you, it damages your body, people shouldn't do it (not even a little)", then I might grumble or whatever, but you can kind of see where it's coming from even if you disagree.

I think a pub or bar ought to have a seperate room for smokers, that's well-ventilated with extractors etc. It doesn't completely solve the problem but it helps. Also it's better for the people who work in the bar; they don't get the choice except to be in a smoky environment otherwise.

Maybe one solution could be to have a kind of 'license' to have a smoking bar/pub? Basically so that the local whoever is responsible for town/city planning can keep an eye on the proportion of smoking and non-smoking bars, and keep a balance of both. For example, if you want to open a new pub, and there is already 65% of smoking pubs, you wouldn't be allowed to open another one but would have to make it smoke-free. Say a proportion, a city is not allowed to have less than 30 or 35% non-smoking pubs.

I'm rambling.... :bluush:
I have never smoked in my life. My parents smoked when I was very young, but they both gave up over 25 years ago. None of my friends or immediate family smoke. I hate the smell of smoke and choose not to go anywhere where people are smoking. Sometimes I don't have a choice, if I have to go to a 'do' where people are smoking - as soon as I get home all my clothes go in the washing machine and I go in the bath!

My local pub is half-and-half. Until this week you had to walk through the smoking area to get to the non-smoking, which was a pain. They swapped it over at the weekend and it was much better. I would be happy for it to stay that way. When it gets banned next year, smoking will still be allowed on the patio, which runs the whole length of the pub - I think the smoke will come in through the doors and it will be worse than how it is now.
Kinsao said:
Maybe one solution could be to have a kind of 'license' to have a smoking bar/pub?
That sounds like a good idea to me.
Tsuyoiko said:
That sounds like a good idea to me.
Me too. Rather than the wholesale banning of smoking in bars/pubs, this license idea sounds like a good compromise.

And Parker, I like your avatar!
I started smoking when I was about 11, no pressure, just curiosity killed the cat.... I had part time jobs so never had to rely on my parents money to buy cigarettes, so when they found out (around 12) they couldnt really say anything, because I was always told, if I earn my own money, I can spend it on what I wish.
However when I started hairdressing (16) I stopped smoking in the day, just because I didnt want to smell like an ashtray whilst working.
Sometimes (once in a blue moon) I will have a cigarette in the daytime, usually on holiday, when it just seems right.
I enjoy smoking though, and when the time comes to quit (when I am pregnant or married to someone who doesnt like it) I think that I will be able to do it really easily. I dont need to have one everyday, but I LOVE smoking when drinking.
Nope. I don't smoke. I've tried it though and I did not like it at all. That was way back in high school. Actually it was for practice so I could try weed next. Weed is fun. Didn't make it a habit though. Just puffed some at parties.
**** **** ****

I have been a sports-freak all my life... 29 years that is... but this year I have stopped practising and I am guilty of taking u pa bit os smoking after breaking up with my ex...

I smoke on the weekends.. while have a few (lot) drinks.. :p

gosh.. u dont realize it until u write about it.. I guess I became s smoker... ewww.... :smoke: I shouldnt be.... now I am a bit :worried:
Well, I been down the smoking road before. . .cigarettes and cigars, banana peelings and tea, and a few other things. My first cigarette was when I was in Jr. high. But, for whatever reason, I never got hooked. I never smoked regularly, most usually when drinking (after highschool that is) and have extremely seldom smoked since I had married (the second time).

I agree about the license for the 'smoking bars'. And that little dancing milk man is really a great one !!!
I'm too young to smoke. :D I've always wondered by the way, does different type of cigarettes taste different and is it really tasty? o___O
I don't smoke, but I drink coffee. ^^
New Zealand has a 'no smoking' in public inside areas policy... which was fine for me even though I am a smoker.
I noticed in Shanghai that there are a lot of places where you can smoke wherever you like... some shops (retail clothing stores etc) have no smoking signs, but who really would smoke while trying on clothes?
I am suprised there is only 2 regular smokers on this forum, or perhaps they are just to shy, lazy or ashamed etc to vote on the poll :? ? I think a lot of people think twice about coming out about their bad habits now days.
I started smoking when I was 15, started out at wile drinking and then worked it into my day to day life. After 2 years I was up to 1 pack a day and loosing my breath after walking up some stairs. I thought about my options and after a wile I went over to Snus (Swedish tewing tobacco, comes in small bags witch I put under my lip). Nowadays I still use snus and I smoke a pack when I go out drinking witch is almost never, I still miss the smell (both in the air and on my cloths) and the relaxing feeling of a cigarette. I don't know what will happen in 1.5 weeks when I go to Japan since I won't get a hold of any snus and me really doubt that I will be Abel to get of the habit.

BTW I grew up with second-hand smoke, both my parents are former smokers My dad used to smoke 2 packs a day but quit a couple of years before I was born and my mom Smoked a pack a day until I was 7.

Except for cigarettes I usually smoke a cubano for new years and I have tried weed a couple of times when I was younger but I got some kind of allergic reaction to it.
On Sunday Scotland became the first place to ban smoking in public places in Britain. Nice to see Scottish decision makers trying to clear the air for their citizens. Why should those non-smokers have to put up with the dirty habit of others? -- a habit that puts a host of carcinegens into the air and into the lungs of others nearby.

Good on Scotland. I hope the rest of Britain follows suit, as well as the rest of the world.

What "right to smoke?" Do I have a right to light up a sulfur candle in the middle of a crowd? Or set off a 4-Gone fogger? What would happen if I ran around with a can of Black Flag, spraying it in the faces of passersby at random? I'd be arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, and probably also brought up on terrorism charges, and I'd deserve it mightily. So why do people addicted to inhaling an insecticide (not only is it a common ingredient in organic bug sprays that's also its function in the tobacco plant) believe they have a right to spew noxious, toxic, carcinogenic fumes all over the place in public?
-- James H. H. Lampert

You tell 'em, James!
The rest of Britian is following suit next year. I'm all for it. At least I can then go to a pub and not come out smelling like a cigarette. Good quote, Voices.
On a side note, Nicoteen falls into the class one poison catagory in the UK. The same as cyanide and arsenic. And animal by-products are also used in the manufacture of some cigarettes. So next time you see a vegetarian smoking you can ask them if their fags are animal friendly
I have smoked on and off since I was about 18(freshman at college). I bought my first pack of cigarettes at 14, but I never really inhaled... :p

Anyway, I go through phases. I'll start smoking, smoke for a few months, and then quit for a year. I've been on the longest smoking streak that I've had in a long time, here recently, though.

I started smoking back in August when my in-laws were here and my cousin gave me one of her cigarttes. Here it is at the end of March, and I'm still smoking. I smoke a maximum of about four cigarettes per day, though, so not TOO bad, although any smoking at all is horrible.

I mean, here I am, raised in tobacco country. I come from a line of tobacco farmers that started farming it when they got off the boat from England in 1622. All four of my grandparents smoke or have smoked. Most of my great-aunts and great-uncles smoke, my uncle smokes, etc. etc. Some have died of lung cancer, some have had strokes due to smoking, and of course, emphysema.

I always swore I'd never smoke, but when I got into college, it was hard to not smoke when I had friends all around me who did. The good thing about me, though, is that I can quit cold turkey. I can put them down and leave them if I want to. I never "wig out" if I can't have a cigarette. I went a week without one a couple of weeks ago, and I didn't miss them. My cousin comes around, gives me one, and I start up again.

Oh well. I'll kick it for good one of these days.
I normally smoke about 3-5 cigarettes per day, and have since I was 17. I can quit cold turkey too though, so I guess I'll wind up quitting for good one day. I think I'm going to either quit when I finish college or when I get married. I know I know, that's what they all say.
I'm fo real though! :p

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