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Did you know that more than 80% of parents in Iceland or Sweden weren't married ? In Britain only 50% are. I guess that must be a shock for puritan Americans.

First a simple point... if YOU knew me at all you would know I am not an American, but you are making the same mistake you accuse me of. :eek: Plus you are being very rude to those in this forum who are Americans.

In India, everytime I visited a Muslim Sultan's Palace, I was told that he used to have hundreds of wives or concubines. One of them (in Mandu) is said to have had 10000 of them (back in the 18 century). But society was different at that time and these women night have been better off living in such a harem than marrying a commoner.

You claim that you understood this point (multiple wives), but if you did you would not be mentioning it again. I have no control over what happened hundreds of years ago. Definitely, I have no control over other people's ideas and interpretations of the Holy Qoran. However, I do have control over my beliefs and actions. This brings us right back to where we started. A set of standards and morals to live by. You live by one, and I clearly live by another. So leave it at that.

I am continuely amazed at how those who are not educated about Islam love to pick at the multiple wives issue. In the Holy Bible men were also allowed many wives. Also, in many prehistoric societies multiple wives were allowed. This was done for as many different reasons as there are societies that did so, and it is nothing new. I have posted my understanding about the wives issue and it is really self-explanatory.

It would appear that you and I will never agree on much, I would think. We live our lives by different stardards and by different values. So be it. What is a problem is when people go around claiming they are well versed on an issue when really they are not.


Sorry, I thought you were (Iranian-) American. But don't you live in the US. From your English, it seems that you've been brought up there.

I am not being rude to Americans in general by saying that the puritans that is, not all Americans, but a particular, though significant group) would be shocked to hear that so many people have children without being married. But I expect that if you are Muslim, you are also puritan, (except maybe if you are Turkish or Indonesian...). From what you said in this thread, I'd consider you are. But that's not an insult at all...

As for me, I am no more Christian than Muslim, so I guess I can't understand them. I don't think we have so different values or standards. I don't care if some people have several wives or don't get amrried and like changing sex partner every week, but that doesn't mean I would lead that kind of life myself. I've never cheated on my wife and cannot even envisage doing it. So, we are probably closer than you think. I was just doing the devil's advocate in order to protect diversity of thinking.

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