Wacky news Sexual disease crisis looms in the UK


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Sexual disease crisis looms

Just for comparison with the HIV and other STD's situation in Japan, the UK doesn't seem to do much better.

LONDON (Reuters) - The country is in the grip of a sexual health crisis with cases of diseases like syphilis and gonorrhoea soaring, says a parliamentary committee.

There are now more HIV patients in Britain than ever before, the Health Select Committee said in a report on Wednesday, but it is much "older" sexually transmitted diseases that have exploded in recent years.

The legislators said 10 percent of sexually active women are infected with chlamydia, syphilis rates have leapt by 500 percent in the last six years while incidences of gonorrhoea have doubled over the same period.

Rates of teenage pregnancy are the highest in Europe.

That's almost science-fiction :shock:
and why they dont use condoms??!! inless if they didnt heard for them yet....:(
karmy said:
and why they dont use condoms??!! inless if they didnt heard for them yet....:(

Unfortunately many people still need to be educated. With the previous HIV scare (80s/90s) all the media attention made people aware of condoms etc, but now... no one cares anymore. I have a friend who said that he's *never* used one... eek :eek:
ahhh i saw that on the news earlier on. i was quite shocked.
Sekabin is correct, a lot of people need to be educated..or re educated in some cases about it all. a friend of mine didn't use a condom in the end she became pregnant ~_~ oh dear...

i'm not sure but i heard that the uk has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in europe, does anyone know if it is true?
Well, I think that may well be true, and even more worrying is that it may be the case that my former hometown was the highest in the uk :eek:
Condoms not the only best solution!

I think if some human beings were to repect the degree and limits of a sound relationship, we wouldn't have such social crisis today.

Again, if more opeople repect the family structure and get the affection they need, from a valid and legitimate relationship, rather than a non legitimate cause, we wouldn't have a crisis like the one mentioned by Maciamo today.


What about young, unmarried people ? Isn't it normal for young people to change partners before they settle ?

What's more your are talking of "legitimacy" (which comes from "legal") but there is no law about how people manage their sexual and emotional life.
i can see what you mean Aryobarzan if you mean dysfunctional families and all that, but Maciamo does have a point. The crisis is only on young people who have no education in sex. if they did have education on sex then there wouldn ot be a crisis really

Sekabin where are you from then? It's quite sad, a lot of the girls i went to school with, well the ones who hated me, are all pregnant now.

Thanks for you reply Maciamo.

My understanding from this dictionary that I have is that legitimacy can also be menat as "conforming with law or accepted standards". I am rather concered with wording "accepted standards". Now what is accepted standard?
You did mention that there is no law that regulates the relationship between the unmarried couples. But with all due respect, I know of a legal system that codifies and defines a legitimate relationship.

Again, by legitimate relationship, I mean a relationship that has been defined between the two couples. Namely: duration and conditions that they saty together, if they should have sex at all? and shouldering responsibility together if they would have a child.

I can give you example of a legal system that has defined contarctual agreements between unmarried couples, or even widows.


well, laws are different in every countries. Alreday inside Europe, but the gap with the US is maybe even greater (and which states am I talking about, as all have partially different legislations as well ?). Then there is the cultural and religious factor for the "accepted standard". In Japan, accepted standards are that married men can have sex with other women once they've had children, are over 40 and their wife lost interest in sex or them. That's why there are so many soaplands, massage parlors and teenage prostitution (among others). Another agreed standard in Japan is that only foreigners carry STD's (especially HIV) and that it is therefore safe to have sex between Japanese without condoms. There were a few threads on this forum about that (use the search box on the top of the screen...)
Not that I have a tooth against Britain (on the contrary), but I've found another alarming article : Boozy Britain A Nation Of Drinkers

Alarming new figures reveal that we are a nation of alcoholics.Some 4m people in England and Wales are addicted to booze and drink to excess.The charity Turning Point says six times as many people are dependent on alcohol as on Class A drugs, with drink playing a part in about 40,000 deaths every year.
Accepted standards!

Ok Maciamo, I think I see what you're talking about.
I personally am not inclined to accept certain so called "accepted standards" including what you just mentioned about Japan, to define how a matrimonial life should be.
Perhaps, I am more inclined to take into account religious factors as well as morals, while looking at a relationship, and how that relationship should shape!


Re: Accepted standards!

Aryobarzan said:
Perhaps, I am more inclined to take into account religious factors as well as morals, while looking at a relationship, and how that relationship should shape!

Then it is personal. You know that not all people are religious, and that not all religion are moral. Both Buddhism and Shinto have no moral rules whatsoever. That doesn't mean Japanese are immoral (anyway, very few know anything more than folklore about their religions), but "agreed standards" come from the society itself (i.e. the culture), not from religion. It's like that in most of countries that aren't Christian, Muslim or Jewish, so about half the world's population (thanks to China !)
Accepted standards!


I agree that a culture can influence a religious practice in a given country. But, at the same time to the best of my knowledge, there is a universal message at least in all three relgions, namely Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, and that is you want to have a lawful relationship with your wife or husband. Respect each other's rights, and don't betray one another. Also, we find that a sustainable and healthy relationship is highly recommended.

To the best of my knowledge, the rules are already there embodied in the respective religions. Now, if we as a follower of any of the above mentioned religions, tend to ignore the rules, then we cann't blame the religion for our failures.

I am not trying to say that perhaps every wrongdoing is a result of a non compliance with a religious rule or practice, but rather , say that we (please don't take it personal. When I say we, I don't mean you, or anyone else here, I am just traying to give you an example) need to review our conducts of todays as oppose to conducts of the people who have lived before us decades and centuries ago, and try to see what lessons can we learn from their past.

Just think about it

Religion? Morality? NO!!

Sexual behavior it might be relate with religion or moral. But, to me is not.

Most adults need to be educate, not their children.

First of all, adults need to know their boddy and his funtion.
Every part of our body has a funtion: the mouth is for feeding ourselfes.
The eyes are to see things.
The hears are for hear sound of any form.
The nose is to breath. And you all know were i am haed it.

We can`t drink from the nose. We can breath with our mouth, only in emergency, wich the nose is not usable.
We can`t eat from our eyes, or do anything else, beside see.
We can`t use our hears for eating or other than lessen soud.

What i am try to say here, educate yourself to know your boddy and respect for the parts that are there to use properly, the way is ment to be used for.

I heard parents say to their children: not doining this or that. In mean time they do just the opposite what they tell their children, becouse they say that they are "adults".

Adult world is very deverted. Religion or not.
They smoke, drink, take drugs, eat junk food, and other million things that they shouln`t .

As for sexual conduct, "adults" get the same exuse. Just to get it a way wit it.

There`s not sexual preference. There is one and only sex way , wich involves sex pure and semple. the other options are destorted, and unfear to our boddy. Sexual desfuntion, is like play in a pig pan full of mud. unpure and unclean.

Who ever does this kind things, they not have any respect for themself or anything, or anyone also in this world. Its pure "lust".

So, if you are a parent, and whant to teach good things to you childre, first show that you don`t doing. Eathere in front of them or beyond doors. Childrens are not stupid. They have a brain and they know what is going on with their parents. And some day they are also adults like you.

I don`t watch TV or movies. But, i do play computer games, and i do buy them. But, when i see the word "ADULT", i stay a way from it, course i know its not what i need to intartain myself.

And i don`t have children or grand children mind you.

Re: Accepted standards!

Aryobarzan said:

I agree that a culture can influence a religious practice in a given country.

I am not even saying that. It's simply that in Japan, China or for non-religious Westerners, among others, religion is just not a factor. Can't you imagine moral as completely separate of any religion ? How do you think atheists do ? They are not all murders and rapists. :D

But, at the same time to the best of my knowledge, there is a universal message at least in all three relgions, namely Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, and that is you want to have a lawful relationship with your wife or husband. Respect each other's rights, and don't betray one another. Also, we find that a sustainable and healthy relationship is highly recommended.

Muslim can have several wives. Islam doesn't see any problem with having concubines (that is non-official wives). Some Sultans or Emir can/could have harems will hundreds, if not thousands, of concubines, some of whom would speak to their husband/master (notice that the word is also the same in Japanese : "danna" ). Is that what you call a lawful, sustainable and healthy relationship ?
Muslim can have several wives. Islam doesn't see any problem with having concubines (that is non-official wives). Some Sultans or Emir can/could have harems will hundreds, if not thousands, of concubines, some of whom would speak to their husband/master (notice that the word is also the same in Japanese : "danna" ). Is that what you call a lawful, sustainable and healthy relationship ?

Yes. some muslim do have many wifes, or Arem, as you point it out. But, i also know that westerners men and women have many wifes and husbaunds. With the only exception, that the westners devorce first. Even if they still have sex with their devorced ones.
And lets not mention the westrners multiple laison with the same sex person.

Now, i am asking: whats the difference, between muslims and the above westerners mentioned?

"Accepted standards"

Further reply to Maciamo;

I do agree with Cathy, Sekabin and dark for tears that if we don't know our own persoanlity and what is appropriate and not appropriate to do, then we may not be able to achieve a desirable result in our lives.

Sometimes, I tend to shun from this argument, that why some people misuse some of their body parts while active in a sexual activity? I guess every adult knows what I am talking about here.

My point is that, and I might be very well wrong, many crisis are not created unless the essence of the subject matter affected by the said crisis, is altered, contrary to what the original essence was created.

A clear example of this is limits to interract with an opposite sex who is not your wife/husband. Meaning to say, I cann't have off limit interraction such as sedusive attitudes with my friend's wife, because the essense by which this definition of relationship was created, is based on a limited and lawful interrcation. Now, if I change the original essence from limited interrcation, to maximum, off limit contacts, and seducive interraction, then other problems such as adultrey etc.. comes into the picture. You may disagree, but that is truth and the truth is said to be bitter always.

The reason behind this example is that relationship of human beings develops and deepens as a result of natural interractions. Those who know their limits, won't be affected. Those who disregard it, will be affected. This is as simple as that. One has to be very careful not to change the original essence as mentioned above, and observe the limits. Please, I don't mean to be preachy, I am just traying to shed a light on some of the subjects that we tend to shun and forget.


About Muslims!

Further reply to Maciamo 2:

Let me clarify this matter, because I think you are missing couple of points, if not all.

First of all, Islam doesn't encourage a man to have two or three or many wifes. Nor does it say to have mistress. You are definitely been misinformed. Now, has there been cases of a Muslim men have 2 or 3 wifes, the answer is Yes, but when and under what circumstances:

1- When: You should understand the fact that Holy Quran, (Muslim's divine book) which has been revealed to Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) by Allah (God) allowed poligamy (max 4 wifes) at the time (almost 1400 years ago) whereas husbands of the wifes were killed during the battles and they did not have any means to protect themselves. They needed someone to take care of them, and this process needed to be regularized to avoid misuses. Remember in society of those time, it wasn't like todays that there be job opportunities for every single or widow woman to support herself. The sociaty was male dominated without any question. So, Islam allowed it under the above mentioned circumstances to protect the individuals.

2- Conditions: You should also understand that a Muslim men cannot and is not allowed to have a second wife unless 2 conditions are strictly followd and met, Firstly: He must get a permission from his first wife, and secondly: He should be absolutely sure that he can treat them equally and without any prejudice. Now, you tell me, is that possible in today's world? I answer, NO!

Moreover, if you see, hear that the "X" Sultan has couple of wifes without having followed the rules, then you, me or anyone else, cann't blame Islam for that, likewise, we cann't blame the extremists in any other religions who have committed atrocities throughout the centuries, and even in the present time.

You criticise Islam and this rule, but you fail to understand the fact that there are instances of Non-Muslim men or women out there in many countries who betray one another without having to worry about the above mentioned regulations. That doesn't seem to bother you? does it?

Going back to you wanting to know what is lawful, helathy and sustainable relationship: A lawful, healthy and sustainable relationship is the one that you are officially married to your wife or husband, or even if you are not married, you have some sort of a contractual agreement which defines the extent of your relationship, responsibilities, and etc..., again, a healthy relationship is the one that you don't betray your partner, you respect one another, you observe the other party's rights, and finally you trust each other. If you have any problem with understanding any of these, let me know.

Finally, I personally pefer not to criticize anybody including any thought, religion etc.. without having first a profounnd and truth knowledge of that particular subject in question. I would have prefered you to ask me or anyone else here to clarify the points you misunderstood/misinterpreted, without blindly throwing the accusations!

Thank you,

=> Aryobarzan

I was fully aware of point 1, but I don't completly agree with what you sya in 2 :

He should be absolutely sure that he can treat them equally and without any prejudice. Now, you tell me, is that possible in today's world? I answer, NO!

you are overlooking the fact that lots of Middle-eastern and South Asian countries are far from egalitarians. It's common knowledge that lots of people enriched on petrol still have large harems and that women there are often not aksed if they want to become the man Xth wife.

In India, everytime I visited a Muslim Sultan's Palace, I was told that he used to have hundreds of wives or concubines. One of them (in Mandu) is said to have had 10000 of them (back in the 18 century). But society was different at that time and these women night have been better off living in such a harem than marrying a commoner.

You criticise Islam and this rule...

Did I ? I might bother you that Muslims have several wives, but I really don't care.

a healthy relationship is the one that you don't betray your partner, you respect one another, you observe the other party's rights, and finally you trust each other. If you have any problem with understanding any of these, let me know.

I understand you and that is also how I see it personally. Nevertheless, these are only personnal judgements that cannot be valid in every culture and society. Extremely rich people almost invariably fail to think like that. We need stability and trust to keep a healthy relationship, but some people don't. If you have had an arranged marriage for money (and loveless), can get any partner you want because you are a multimillionaire and that your (legal) children can be taken care of by nannies and preceptors working for you, what's the point of keeping a single sex partner ?

Did you know that more than 80% of parents in Iceland or Sweden weren't married ? In Britain only 50% are. I guess that must be a shock for puritan Americans.

I would have prefered you to ask me or anyone else here to clarify the points you misunderstood/misinterpreted, without blindly throwing the accusations!

Did I accuse you of anything ? You accused me of not knowing and criticising Islam and having problem understanding your defintion of healthy sexual relationship, but you should have tried to know me better before emitting such judgements.

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