Only white people can be racist, especially northern Europeans. And they are born with the sin of racism. This is can only be reversed if they have their countries flooded with non-whites. It's the only way to cleanse themselves for being born.
As a person of Southern Europe background and darker complexion I'd like to offer the racist of the north a chance to redeem themselves. If you have beautiful blonde daughters, send them my way, I will heal the hate. Jesus be praised. Amen.
Interesting thing is that racist people don't like to be called racist for some reason. Face the truth.Laughing at what's stupid is the way to go. Liberal positions are not honest or intellectual, you'll waste your time arguing with them.
Explain this through self hatred:You can see where I am going with this argument. White “privilege” is a concept resulting from racial self-hatred. It is hatred of the white race by whites. This is nothing new. There are blacks who hate the black race, Jews who hate the Jewish people, and every other kind of group self-hatred. However, it is still an anomaly that deserves an explanation.
On the contrary, concidering that many posters like me have their Haplogroups on their profiles? I'm pretty sure a good portion of us on Eupedia came here to learn about our European Ancestry; if not European ancestry then ancestry from other parts of the world. LeBrok posted a pic with an excellent example of what life was like in segregated communities back in the MLK era. ^_^You can see where I am going with this argument. White “privilege” is a concept resulting from racial self-hatred. It is hatred of the white race by whites. This is nothing new. There are blacks who hate the black race, Jews who hate the Jewish people, and every other kind of group self-hatred. However, it is still an anomaly that deserves an explanation.
Explain this through self hatred:
Hate is self-destructive. If you hate somebody, you're not hurting the person you hate. You're hurting yourself. And that's a healing. Actually, it's a real healing, forgiveness.If you hate somebody, it's like a boomerang that misses its target and comes back and hits you in the head. The one who hates is the one who hurts.
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Read more at: [url][/url]
Explain this through self hatred:
Hate is self-destructive. If you hate somebody, you're not hurting the person you hate. You're hurting yourself. And that's a healing. Actually, it's a real healing, forgiveness.If you hate somebody, it's like a boomerang that misses its target and comes back and hits you in the head. The one who hates is the one who hurts.
Read more at: [URL][/URL]
Read more at: [URL][/URL][/QUOTE]Well, if you coulnd't explain, it should tell you that your assumption about "self hatered" is wrong.
Explain this through self hatred:
Hate is self-destructive. If you hate somebody, you're not hurting the person you hate. You're hurting yourself. And that's a healing. Actually, it's a real healing, forgiveness.If you hate somebody, it's like a boomerang that misses its target and comes back and hits you in the head. The one who hates is the one who hurts.
Read more at: [URL][/URL]
Read more at: [URL][/URL][/QUOTE]Well, if you coulnd't explain, it should tell you that your assumption about "self hatered" is wrong.
Intolerant people can concentrate their hatred not only on race but anything that makes the others different. It could be religion, place of birth, language, lifestyle etc. In all of us there is this primordial instinct of tribalism, which makes us be afraid and hate everything which is not related to our tribe. The racism towards everything different could be called tribalism. People lived for millions of years in small tribes, so tribalism is engraved in our genes. Now some of us can go beyond local tribalism and think of the whole world as our tribe, one tribe. If everybody belongs to our tribe, there is nobody left to hate and be afraid off. Well, this subject is more complex than that, but tribalism explains a lot.I'm not racist. I'm a left-winged European with left-winged parents. There surely are racists where I live- though not always openly (except a certain political party) as it's incredibly not-done. There is some (sometimes too extreme) political correctness around here, so barely anyone would go say openly 'I hate ... and we're better than them' though, particularly with recent terrorism attacks in Western-Europe, you can 'feel' the racism coming from certain people (which doesn't make much sense- middle easterners are often the exact same race (Caucasian) as Europeans) Anyway, no, I'm not racist. I wouldn't date someone not-white quickly though, but that's simply because the offer isn't really big and I melt for bright, light green or blue eyes, something which isn't exactly common on not-white people. ('White' is broad here. The person I think at is southen russian)
Racism is what makes an ethnicity together. People with similar cultural and physical traits form a community and protect their group from outsider influences. This can be seen in a negative way when A group discriminates and harass B group or positively when A group in order to protect their cultural heritage avoid the contact with B group.
Until we resisted eating alien tubular vegetable called potato from the weird alien continent of South America and now we fry it, boil it, roast and serve it with everything ......our ways have been polluted by outside influences:grin:
wow, I am new here and you sir ARE pretty racist. You are the the worst kind of racist actually...