I think most racism today stems from the Fact Europe and America seem to be hell bent on allowing our enemies free citizenship at our expense. With the economical situation around the globe I think immigration should be halted until every European and American has a job and then only allow those with a skill
Every population deserves its own place, that is only for them. Others may visit, but they are not welcome to settle or take over neighborhoods. I do not apologize for preferring my own people.
Only a coward or dupe suggests everyone and every culture has the same potential, the same outcomes, the same benefit. There are very undesirable populations that no one in their right mind would take in, and should be banned from migrating. That may hurt the feelings of those peoples, but its true.
There is a saying-"If you dont brush your teeth, you won't have to worry about them"
Same thing goes for races and cultures= If you dont protect a place for your own culture and ethnic group, you won't have to worry about it for long..
My biggest problem with racism is censorship. I am fine with people choosing to hold or NOT hold whatever opinion you want to, but when you pass a law to criminalize 'racism' (however that is defined) then you no longer are a free person, you are a slave who has no right to free speech or honest opinion, only the order to accept and obey whatever the power elite in your nation/state tell you is allowed to say.
I have met many people of many cultures who are great, and many people who are like me who I may not like that much, but high-functioning european and asian countries are high-functioning for a reason, and there is a definite I.Q. and behavioral difference, as well as human potential between these people and other groups who are simply undesirable.
I can understand how no one wants to admit they are part of a low achievement or undesirable group, but there is a difference between preserving ones own culture and people from populations that bring harm and cost, with no benefit to admitting them, and simply being mean because you want to be mean.
I say the truth is the goal, and to get to the truth you have to be able to speak the truth openly, without censorship laws or mandated multi-culturalism and let the actual population decide what is best for it. Some races and ethnicities do need to be segregated from others - they have well earned their reputation, and its irrelevant if a minor pct of that population can somehow manage to behave themselves and profit their own families in Western countries, what is important is that impact of the mean-average..
If the mean-average is negative in its impact, then they need to be deported and removed. The populations complaining the loudest about 'racism' are from nations or states that are incredibly racist, and such hypocrisy also needs to be removed and deported.