Positive for CTS8489 but Negative for CTS8862

I have gotten my results from YFull....but they have not updated the YTree yet.
I am matched with Piero Pretoto, François Bernot, Reddick Knox,
ERS256892 (the so called "sardinian from cagliari ") and four other unnamed kits.
I have spoken to the knox person, I still have his emails....they are hessian germans and original surname is radich......
I have spoken to the knox person, I still have his emails....they are hessian germans and original surname is radich......

... any relation with Amanda Knox?

Which is you in yfull
Yf 66044 or
Yf 67091
I have spoken to the knox person, I still have his emails....they are hessian germans and original surname is radich......

Radich appears to have been originally a Croatian name.
Radich appears to have been originally a Croatian name.
He says it came from Rettich, which means radish in german, it was later changed to radich and then Reddick...it was used as a first name in north carolina
I must have this in earlier posts
A W. Redlich is also my match:

Reddick, Redlich, Redich, Radich, ...

... this Family line gets around a lot.
A W. Redlich is also my match:

Reddick, Redlich, Redich, Radich, ...

... this Family line gets around a lot.

Are you 67091 in yfull ?
I don’t think so.

First i did the y67, and now I’m waiting for the Y111 results.

Hmm, so no yfull submission by yourself.....then i wonder who it is as it sits with myself
[QUOTE = BMW; 589335] [QUOTE = torzio; 589324]

Моят Y-DNA ме проследява името "Hait", което е възможно арменски произход:

Hyde [Heydt]

>> Фамилията Heydt / Hait за първи път е намерена в Бавария име Хайд е свързано древно с племенните конфликти в района. Те декларираха привързаности към много благородници и първенци от ранната история, давайки своето влияние в борбата за власт и статут в региона. Те се разклониха в много къщи и приносът им беше търсен от много водачи в търсенето на власт. <<

>> най-вече означава „обитател на селските райони“, „този на земите“, при което Heath е нищо повече от широката, открита земя за разлика от затвореното поле <<

***** Племе Alemanni (520 сл.

Пол за мъжки пол
Използване на арабски
скриптове حيدر (арабски)
Значение и история
означава „лъв“ на арабски.
варианти на имена Хайдер , Хайдер , Хайдер
Други езици и култури Хайдар (персийски) Хайдар (турски)

„Във всеки случай англосаксонската употреба на езичниците последва тази на техните континентални братовчеди, готите. През четвърти век готският епископ , Улфилас ('Wolfling') е направил свой готически превод, в който сирофеничката в Марк 7:26 се наричахаитно . Това прилича на езичници , но гениалният норвежки филолог Соф Буг (1833-1907) има представа, че Улфилас е заимствал думата haithno от арменската версия на Евангелията. И арменците просто са взаимствали собствената си дума от гръцкия етнос . "

„ Поганът "идва от епископ Улфилас (известен още като Вулфила). В края на 300-те той превежда Новия завет от гръцки на готически за вестготите. Много от неговите думи се разпространи в други германски езици, като английски.
Неговият езичник беше haithno . Има две идеи за това как той излезе с тази дума:
1. Той готифицира гръцкия етнос , вероятно чрез арменската думахетанос .
2. Той го моделира с латинската дума paganus (езически). Поган означаваше някой, който живееше в провинцията, но тъй като градовете се християнизираха, това означаваше нехристиянин. По същия начин, езичниците бяха някой, който живееше на хейт, който сега беше разглеждан като нехристиянин. [/ ЦИТАТ]

The origin of the name may be related here
Thank you, Krum!

"Moyat Y-DNA me prosledyava imeto "Hait", koeto e vŭzmozhno armenski proizkhod"

Fascinating!.....and you are haplogroup "E".
I will have to do some research and find out if haplogroups "E" and "T" may have migrated together at some point.

. The Alemanni (also Alamanni; Suebi "Swabians") were a confederation of Germanic tribes on the Upper Rhine River.

In 496, the Alemanni were conquered by Frankish leader Clovis and incorporated into his dominions.
Haito of Reichenau….was born in 763, of a noble family of Swabia.

The Thracians, Dacians & Illyrians

According to ancient sources, the Thracians were a fusion of Proto-Indo-European Steppe people with the Neolithic inhabitants of the Carpathians (Cucuteni-Trypillian culture). As such they probably belonged to R1a (about 30%), R1b (10%), I2a1b (25-30%), E-V13 (10-15%), G2a, J1, J2a, J2b, and T1a. The Dacians were closely related to the Thracians and would have carried a similar mixture of haplogroups.

Ancient Greeks

The Pelasgians (pre-Minoan Greeks, or Helladic Greeks) belonged to an admixture of I2, E1b1b, T and G2a. E-V13 and T probably arrived in Greece from the Levant (and ultimately from Egypt, hence the small percentage of T) in the early Neolithic, 8,500 years ago.

. The Alemanni (also Alamanni; Suebi "Swabians") were a confederation of Germanic tribes on the Upper Rhine River.

In 496, the Alemanni were conquered by Frankish leader Clovis and incorporated into his dominions.
Haito of Reichenau….was born in 763, of a noble family of Swabia.

The Thracians, Dacians & Illyrians

According to ancient sources, the Thracians were a fusion of Proto-Indo-European Steppe people with the Neolithic inhabitants of the Carpathians (Cucuteni-Trypillian culture). As such they probably belonged to R1a (about 30%), R1b (10%), I2a1b (25-30%), E-V13 (10-15%), G2a, J1, J2a, J2b, and T1a. The Dacians were closely related to the Thracians and would have carried a similar mixture of haplogroups.

Ancient Greeks

The Pelasgians (pre-Minoan Greeks, or Helladic Greeks) belonged to an admixture of I2, E1b1b, T and G2a. E-V13 and T probably arrived in Greece from the Levant (and ultimately from Egypt, hence the small percentage of T) in the early Neolithic, 8,500 years ago.

Yes, it is possible because these are many groups. The link I sent you is about one possible origin of the surname HAYDT / HAYT from the word "hajduk". The etymology of the word "hajduk" is unclear. One theory is that the Hajduk was derived from the Turkish word haidut or haydut, which was originally used by the Ottomans to refer to Hungarian and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth infantry soldiers. Another theory suggests that the word comes from the Hungarian hajtó or "hajdó" (plural hajtók or "hajdók"), meaning a (cattle) drover. Indeed, these two theories do not necessarily contradict each other, as the Balkan word is said to be derived from the Turkish word haiduk or hayduk (bandit).
Other spellings in English include hayduck, haydut, haiduk, haiduc, hayduck, hayduk. The time period when it appears can also guide you
. The Alemanni (also Alamanni; Suebi "Swabians") were a confederation of Germanic tribes on the Upper Rhine River.
In 496, the Alemanni were conquered by Frankish leader Clovis and incorporated into his dominions.
Haito of Reichenau….was born in 763, of a noble family of Swabia.
The Thracians, Dacians & Illyrians
According to ancient sources, the Thracians were a fusion of Proto-Indo-European Steppe people with the Neolithic inhabitants of the Carpathians (Cucuteni-Trypillian culture). As such they probably belonged to R1a (about 30%), R1b (10%), I2a1b (25-30%), E-V13 (10-15%), G2a, J1, J2a, J2b, and T1a. The Dacians were closely related to the Thracians and would have carried a similar mixture of haplogroups.
Ancient Greeks
The Pelasgians (pre-Minoan Greeks, or Helladic Greeks) belonged to an admixture of I2, E1b1b, T and G2a. E-V13 and T probably arrived in Greece from the Levant (and ultimately from Egypt, hence the small percentage of T) in the early Neolithic, 8,500 years ago.
Imo, the only T1a branch found in the levant was mostly T1a1, with pages00011 heading to egypt with R-v88
The only T1a2 i recall in the BC levant was the history of the Lemba, who began in an area north of lebanon and migrated to south africa, once there they accepted wifes, unsure if they are from the jewish faith
More likely for Your T1a2 is either from Chios, Ancient Lycien or northern asia minor.....or what the ancients writers called , the Asiatics