Hello to everyone.
I received my Big y-700 results from FTDNA on October 2.
I am now T1a2-Z19943.
I am also now "presumed positive" for CTS8862 and Z19945.
I now believe my Walsh family line stems from a Flemish (maybe Norman) knight named "Hait" in 11th / 12th century south Wales.
He was possibly from the Wallonia-Flanders region or the Amiens area of France...(Armorica, in general?)
Hait's ancestors may well have been from the Alan tribe who made their way westward from the Black Sea region (and maybe the Caspian Sea region before that).
I would greatly appreciate any feedback.
I have 2 matches which are close to walloon area
François Bernot b. abt 1618, d. 1677 .............from Walloon , the owner of the site, told me his ancestors fled to spain after the spanish netherlands where lost...his family where cannon makers ...............before going to walloon, flanders area, he stated his family came from Gorizia north italy
The other is a person surname Reddick...from USA......originally from Hesse Germany with surname Radich
Bernot is positive for CTS1848 and Z19945 .............unsure for Reddick
I am negative for CTS1848
forgot this new one from Thuringia
[TABLE="class: advYGridView"]
[TR="class: ng-scope"]
[TD="class: ng-binding"]Anthonius Hoff, b. 1616 and d. 1677 [/TD]
[TD="class: ng-binding"]CTS8862+ [/TD]
[TD="class: ng-binding"]7/22/2019( when submitted)[/TD]