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Ancient ‘Unknown’ Middle-Iranian Script Is Finally Deciphered
Several dozen inscriptions in an unknown writing system have been discovered in an area stretching geographically from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to southern Afghanistan. Most inscriptions can be dated to the period from the 2nd century BCE to the 3rd century CE, yet all attempts at decipherment have so far been unsuccessful. The recent discovery of previously unknown inscriptions near the Almosi gorge, Tajikistan, however, allows for a renewed attempt at decipherment. Drawing upon a catalogue of characters and a distributional analysis, we report two identical sequences in the newly found Almosi inscriptions and in the Dašt-i Nāwur trilingual. Based on parallel texts in Bactrian, we suggest to read the name of the Kushan emperor Vema Takhtu in these sequences, accompanied by the title ‘king of kings’ and several epithets. This allows for the deduction of probable phonetic values of 15 different consonantal signs and four vocalic diacritics and the inference that the inscriptions record a previously unknown Middle Iranian language.
Message and Video from the University of Cologne (German):
Several dozen inscriptions in an unknown writing system have been discovered in an area stretching geographically from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to southern Afghanistan. Most inscriptions can be dated to the period from the 2nd century BCE to the 3rd century CE, yet all attempts at decipherment have so far been unsuccessful. The recent discovery of previously unknown inscriptions near the Almosi gorge, Tajikistan, however, allows for a renewed attempt at decipherment. Drawing upon a catalogue of characters and a distributional analysis, we report two identical sequences in the newly found Almosi inscriptions and in the Dašt-i Nāwur trilingual. Based on parallel texts in Bactrian, we suggest to read the name of the Kushan emperor Vema Takhtu in these sequences, accompanied by the title ‘king of kings’ and several epithets. This allows for the deduction of probable phonetic values of 15 different consonantal signs and four vocalic diacritics and the inference that the inscriptions record a previously unknown Middle Iranian language.
Message and Video from the University of Cologne (German):
Das zentralasiatische Kuschana-Reich zählte zu den einflussreichsten Staaten der Antike. Nun hat eine Arbeitsgruppe des Instituts für Linguistik ein Schriftsystem entziffert, das neues Licht auf seine Geschichte wirft / Veröffentlichung in den „Transactions of the Philological Society“Einem Team von Nachwuchswissenschaftlern der Universität zu Köln ist es gelungen, eine Schrift zu entschlüsseln, die der Wissenschaft seit über siebzig Jahren Rätsel aufgibt: die sogenannte ‚unbekannte Kuschana-Schrift‘. Über einen Zeitraum von mehreren Jahren untersuchten Svenja Bonmann, Jakob Halfmann und Natalie Korobzow Fotografien von in Höhlen gefundenen Inschriften sowie Schriftzeichen auf Schalen und Tontöpfen aus verschiedenen zentralasiatischen Ländern, um das Puzzle nach und nach zusammenzufügen. Am 1. März 2023 gaben sie ihre partielle Entzifferung der unbekannten Kuschana-Schrift bei einer Online-Konferenz der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Republik Tadschikistan erstmals bekannt. Aktuell können ca. 60 Prozent der Schriftzeichen gelesen werden, am verbleibenden Rest arbeitet die Gruppe intensiv. Eine ausführliche Beschreibung der Entzifferung ist nun unter dem Titel „A Partial Decipherment of the Unknown Kushan Script“ in der Fachzeitschrift Transactions of the Philological Society erschienen.