Economy Italy - GOES BUST!

THey are not actually able to gather enough votes for seccession, are they?

rumour is that Brussles and the EU want the northern italian regions in Europe , but not all of Italy. Brussels has asked for an "ambassador" from Padania to visit. The rumour is that Tremonti will go
What I have found interesting is that at the start of January borrowing costs for Italy and Spain fell, then almost immediately followed the down grade from the rating agency. The rating agencies are financed by the large investment banks and it is not in the interest of the investment banks for government to get low low interest rates on bond sales, record high borrowing costs are good news for banks and investors (just means more return for their money). Nothing like raiding the public purse.
rumour is that Brussles and the EU want the northern italian regions in Europe , but not all of Italy. Brussels has asked for an "ambassador" from Padania to visit. The rumour is that Tremonti will go

This is an absurdity if true. Lega Nord complain about Southern wastes, they say they are an "anti-system"-party, while they have been in the government for years wasting a lot of public money, encouraging familiarism and clientelism more than (almost) any other party (just look at Bossi's son, called "the Trout" for his stupidity. And he works in the regional council of Lombardia). All in all starting to claim "Padania"'s independence again, since they are no more in the government. Everybody in Italy should notice what LN really is, some people started to do so, other people still believe in them.

Economists say italy can stustain a spred superior also to 8-9%, but i have my doubts we will bust too, because the leftist parties and pdl traitors today reached their mission: the government fall, and berlusconi dimissions, which will highen the spred maybe up to 9%... in this case we and the other euro nations can thank italy communists... as always they want the worst for italy... they don't have the mind to understand our situation.

people in italy and surprisingly in other eu nations like to bash Berlusconi... yet i have to see what the left is capable off... i bet that if lefts win wi will plunge more and more.. they even understand less about economy... for sure the will high taxes, instead of cutting public spending, and public work...

one we can thanks is this dickhead, and shitman
the first traitor, that wanted the governemt to fall
he sits in the italian parlament since 1983...28 YEARS.. and guess what he has never worked for real in real life... What does he represent for italians?... he wants to tell us we have to work, but he never really worked.
There are many like him in the italian parlament, people who sits there since 30 years and more ago.. people who never worked... the shit of society that represent us...

The ex government like a victim...Sorry but this is a totally partisan analysis Julia, just to specify that this doesn't coincide with the opinion of many many many Italians.
You have to wonder if there isn't a conflict of interest in drawing a line under the bailout of Italy and Spain. Any money to be brought to the table is likely to come from Germany, but with borrowing costs rocketing for countires like Italy and Spain, investors are flocking to perceived safer bonds of Germany and the UK, this inturn is a great deal for Germany as they get to finance the country at record low levels of interest. Resolving the ongoing crisis would only make Germany's borrowing more expensive if the investor felt safe about Italy and Spain. Obviously a default would be a bit of a headache, but allowing the alarm bells to ring (keeping German borrowing cost low) and then stepping in every 6 months with a pantomine EU intervention to announce measures that already exist (stoping a crisis turing into a disaster). Seems to be working quite well so far in Germany's favour.
You have to wonder if there isn't a conflict of interest in drawing a line under the bailout of Italy and Spain. Any money to be brought to the table is likely to come from Germany, but with borrowing costs rocketing for countires like Italy and Spain, investors are flocking to perceived safer bonds of Germany and the UK, this inturn is a great deal for Germany as they get to finance the country at record low levels of interest. Resolving the ongoing crisis would only make Germany's borrowing more expensive if the investor felt safe about Italy and Spain. Obviously a default would be a bit of a headache, but allowing the alarm bells to ring (keeping German borrowing cost low) and then stepping in every 6 months with a pantomine EU intervention to announce measures that already exist (stoping a crisis turing into a disaster). Seems to be working quite well so far in Germany's favour.

I read somewhere that South Tyrol is about to Buy its Independence.
lets see. my personal feeling is that fiscal Union will not be in whole Europe, or Europe will collapse under the dictatorship of bankers,
I read somewhere that South Tyrol is about to Buy its Independence.
lets see. my personal feeling is that fiscal Union will not be in whole Europe, or Europe will collapse under the dictatorship of bankers,

Are you referring to austria's south tyrol or italy's trentino alta-adige region?. They are both tyrolese in culture
Are you referring to austria's south tyrol or italy's trentino alta-adige region?. They are both tyrolese in culture

the one which is in Italy

It seems like the Head of Trillaterals and G30 Monti has lost its battle to persuade Italians about fiscal 'economical problem solutions',

Italy is among the 4 biggest economies in Europe.
Personally for me it is like Greece,
'Commedy dell arte', reminds me the 4 new parties that change political scene in Greece,
seems like same happened in Italy.
Any news on what's happening in Bulgaria? Didn't the government recently quit?

I've been amazed at the predictive powers and the discipline displayed by the Icelandic people regarding the banks.
Bulgaria such as Greece.Nikos Dimou essay" Universe of Gentile" is written for Bulgarians.Culture and economy are linked.That explains it.Bulgaria no debt,but no functioning economy.Financial discipline bloch economy.People do not have money for food,electricity,first need.Each change brings hope.
Well I'm pulling for you guys... with zero debt you certainly didn't cause or contribute to this mess. Bulgaria's situation hasn't been covered by mainstream media here in the U.S. for some reason (that I've seen anyway.)


How was my translation?
Perfect english-bulgarian.Wrong bulgarian-englich.So google translate works.Poverti is a cause,but cocial inequality,takes people on the street.Hope for good.

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