Question How do you release stress?


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Besides ranting. ;-)

Not that I'm under a lot of stress right now, but I just wonder how people cope with stress.

Well, I was quite shocked when I watched TV a while ago by the fact that I saw commercials after commercials for pills that would make you feel good, functioned or not worry about anything. They seemed to be targeted to people in their 20s~40s, and the weird thing is that it seemed like as if they were saying that "You are stressed out, and you need these pills. Here, take this red triangle pill, then you will be so happy."

But, how do you release stress? I used to think that sleeping longer was the best solution, but now I have to do something rather active than that. I also think it depends on the kind of stress you have.

When I am physically tired, I stretch or take a little walk in the woods. When I am tired of dealing with people, I read, listen to music, talk to my husband who understands me the best or play with my dog. I think I am extremely lucky to have these things I can do.

What about you?
When I'm really stressed, I go downstairs, take out the Boxing bag, and just hit it until i almost DROP DOWN, or i take a longer shower than normal, and try to control the way i breath...

say Booo... than breath it... and when you breath out you say DOOO.. concentrate on that.. BOOOO DOOOOO BOOOO DOOO...

Also talking to others can make me less stress full, or writing things down, clear my mind... I always see stress like having a lot of Books on the ground.. all you got to do is pick them up and put them in the shelves... on the alphabet... sometimes you have just 10 books, sometimes 100..
Well I listen daily to music whenever I can so that i never get too stressed out.
Also comedy really helps to be in a good mood. When something is too much though sleep usually is the best cure. I think daily things can help us not carry too much stress or let stress pile up in our backs. By that I mean daily methods of dealing with stress.. whether is playing with your dog.. talkin to ur close one or reading a book or watever it may be
To live in the country in which I live is to have stress "25 hours" per day... What do "not take" - lots of problems...To remain here "normal" it is possible if to think - what you will leave this country for ever...At other variants - it is voluntary to "be mad"...
I like to play my guitar sometimes. Let my fingers do the 'fretting'! (hey, I didn't realize I'd made a pun until the last word. Pretty cool, huh?)
I play violent video games and verbally abuse the AI in the game to clam down. It helps out a lot. :-)

Doc :wave:
I play videogames and listen to music.

I think its really down to the individual how they deal with stress.
Several ways for me.

I love to sleep 20 hours a day when I'm stressed or down in the dumps.
I love to pet the cats and talk to them. Their purr carms me.
I have a pellet gun shooting range in my cellar, so I shoot for a while.
I save broken things such as VHS players, PC's, etc. and smash the heck out of them with a big hammer.


I don't get stressed, or when I do (which is rare, for I have almost mastered the art of calmenism ^_^) I just find out why I'm stressed, and then realize either:
A.) How to fix the problem.
B.) That the problem isn't fixable right now, so forget about it and relax.
C.) That the problem involves the forces of God, (such as relationship women) or the laws of physics (such as i can't run faster than the other guy in track) and don't it get to me.:-)

P.S.- Frank, I'm lovin' the avatars. ^_^
Frank D. White said:
I love to sleep 20 hours a day when I'm stressed or down in the dumps.
I love to pet the cats and talk to them. Their purr carms me.
So sweet uncle frank 20 hours in a bed, and with cats..
Frank D. White said:
I have a pellet gun shooting range in my cellar, so I shoot for a while.
I save broken things such as VHS players, PC's, etc. and smash the heck out of them with a big hammer.

.... agressive?

I see a lot of people being agressive when they are stressed... I know it really helps to be sometimes, but to break things and play violent games... is it really good for ya? how about meditation... anybody is using this?
Believe it or not, I seldom get stressed out, even with the work load and stuff that I have here, but when I do...and it's always a building thing that I can feel...I take to soft music, preferably Mozart strings, and some soothing 12 yr. scotch, or the guitar, some soft, well bent and hung blues, or sometimes go for a drive. In the summer I may go out and cut weeds with the 0.5 horse weed-eater, or do some carpentry work.

I have very, very, and very, very seldom do go to any physical way that generally resorts to negative release--although the weed cutting could imitate that.
I beat the crap out of some alien scum
I cry like a baby for an hour or two
I have a fairy jasmine bath
I destroy something unimportant or punch some cushions
I go on the exercise bike
I drink a mug of tea with two spoons of sugar

These are what I do after I have gone over the edge, but to avoid stress if I feel it coming on, reading is the best thing for me. And yes, I get stressed a lot.
I find that physical exercise is really good for releasing stress. I like to go to the gym and use the treadmill, rowing machine and weights. And of course, plain ordinary walking is good, too. Something about the rhythm of walking helps me to get my thoughts in order.

Like Lastmagi and Sabro said, I love to play my guitar! Sometimes I don't know if it's good for me because I get stressed if I don't play it... :worried: And also playing the keyboard. Again, it's a physical activity even if less strenuous than the gym. Something about the concentration you need in order to keep that optimum control over your body, is really good for de-stressing your mind, because while you are concentrating hard on that, there is no room in your head for the other stressful thoughts.

That is the reason I began to learn keyboard, in fact - I was going through a stressful time and needed something to take my mind off it. And of course, you get a sense of satisfaction, too!

Getting enough sleep is important. I never get enough and I'm trying to do something about this. It's not the lack of sleep in itself that causes me stress, but the fact that tiredness is impairing my memory, speed of thought and work performance, and this makes me worry sometimes (not much though... since when did I care about work... :blush: ).

Listening to music is great, too... but it doesn't always relieve stress... it depends what music it is. Sometimes it makes me feel down instead. But to put on a happy upbeat dance track and dance energetically around the room makes me feel so much better if I have just spent the day sitting in a boring meeting or something - gets the blood circulating again!

Generally I'm like Clawn - don't really get stressed as I'm quite philosophical about things. I'm a big believer in positive action to make you feel better about something, and if there is nothing you can do, not to worry. (I guess you could say, 'serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can', hehe!)

Sometimes I just HAVE TO PUNCH SOMETHING though! Luckily, it always ends up being a pillow, as I don't have a punchbag. That's more out of anger than stress, though! :bluush:
Kinsao said:
I find that physical exercise is really good for releasing stress.
I agree. When I get up an hour early in the morning to lift weights, my body has so much more energy that lasts all day. Swimming in an empty pool is one of my favorite ways to de-stress.

How about partying & drinking? Anyone? Besides Mars Man who likes scotch.
Absolutely! :cool:
Sometimes when I'm thoroughly fed up and p**sed off, there's nothing like a good night out... or failing that, just going round to a friend's house and drinking and doing nothing in front of some stupid crappy TV programme... and just generally getting yourself back down to earth. :-)
Alcoholism and stress do not mix will, and I condemn it too. I refuse to drink when I'm stressed, as it only can create more problems in the end. I should know because I am genetically predisposed to become an alcoholic should I start drinking. Therefore, I naturally refuse to drink at all. As for exercise I absolutely love it. I even find it better than a sexual release! I love exercise, plus it's a great stress reducer! :-)

Doc :wave:
I just go jogging, have a nice cup of coffee or tea. Or sometimes I just go somewhere to be by myself. That's all I do pretty much.:p