Films & Series Favorite Historical Movies

Yes, I love that kind of movie! But I'm no historian so I'm not particularly obsessed with perfect historical accuracy (there are history books for that). For ie, La Reine Margot was not particularly accurate but I enjoyed it. I also love all the TV series like The Crown, Victoria or Wolf Hall (excellent). Even The Tudors!
I think you can find the French revolution with English subtitles on
Do you have any good historically based Italian movie (the kind I've listed above) to recommend?

Well, it doesn't cover the distant past, but it explains Italy from the 60's disruptions through the Red Brigades and beyond to 2003, and it's one of my favorite series ever, a recipient of many awards. It's great for Italians of the diaspora who really don't know what has formed the consciousness of modern Italians

It's called "La Meglio Gioventu" or "The Best of Youth". It's available for free on amazon prime.

Also available for free on amazon prime-
Garden of the Finzi Continis
The Vanishing of Pato-1890s Sicily

Also on amazon prime: but they make you rent it. Perhaps they're available for free in France?

"The Leopard" or "Il Gattopardo"
"Sunflower" or Girasole-It's spectacular: Sophia and Marcello during WWII
"A Special Day"-same as above
"Rome, Open City" with Anna Magnani

I own all six to let you know how much I love them.

On Netflix:
The Medici-not accurate, but fun

The following are not precisely historical films except that Mediterraneo is about Italian seamen during World War two, but they're wonderful. I don't know where you can even rent that, or Il Postino. Cinema Paradiso you can rent on amazon.

Cinema Paradiso
Il Postino

Two other good films, but Bread and Tulips is in a modern setting:
Bread and Tulips, which I loved

Make you rent those too.

I also own all of those, so you know how much I like them. :)
Thanks for the list, I'll definitely check them out!
It's high time I watch The Leopard at last.
1900 is with Gerard Depardieu, I see.
They all look good, I think I'll start with Il Postino since it's set in Procida.
Oh, and The Medici looks great too. I love that kind of series.

Have you watched The Man who will come (L'uomo che verr?) and The Tree of Wooden Clogs ('Albero degli zoccoli)? I've stumbled upon them while doing a search on Google. They sound like good movies too!
Thanks for the list, I'll definitely check them out!
It's high time I watch The Leopard at last.
1900 is with Gerard Depardieu, I see.
They all look good, I think I'll start with Il Postino since it's set in Procida.
Oh, and The Medici looks great too. I love that kind of series.

Have you watched The Man who will come (L'uomo che verr�) and The Tree of Wooden Clogs ('Albero degli zoccoli)? I've stumbled upon them while doing a search on Google. They sound like good movies too!

I don't know how I could have forgotten to add them.

They're absolutely fabulous. They're both going on the "presents you could give me list".:)

Very interesting film on Hulu, I saw yesterday. It is about the plot by Czech freedom fighters to assassinate Reinhard Heydrich:

Hatfields & McCoys on Netflix.

Bill Paxton and Kevin Costner are excellent in their roles, in this mini-series.

Here's an interesting tidbit: Devil Anse Hatfield, Patriarch from the Hatfield Clan had a life-sized Italian marble statue made for his grave back in 1921. On top of that he was buried in a steel coffin. The total cost at the time adjusted to inflation was over $100K.:

The Hatfield children spent $5,000 on the statue, which arrived five years after their father was buried in 1921 -- in a $2,000 solid steel coffin.


It is a landmark in West Virginia.
Hatfields & McCoys on Netflix.

Bill Paxton and Kevin Costner are excellent in their roles, in this mini-series.

Good movie. So is the one about the Czech resistance.

I'm not happy with the selection on netflix of movies I haven't yet seen, so I cancelled it. I think I'll give Hulu a try.
Templar but it was certainly an excellent film with a great soundtrack.
What films are there that are set around moonshine and the prohibition era?I dont mean documentries or television shows but just fictional or based on true event movies.I watched lawless last week and totally enjoyed it.Ive also read on here that thunder road is quite good.
Rise of Empires: Ottoman

This was a very interesting do-cu-dramatization of the siege of Constantinople.

Netflix has really taken the helm of historical documentaries, since the History Channel has become a shadow of it's former-self.
Rise of Empires: Ottoman

This was a very interesting do-cu-dramatization of the siege of Constantinople.

Netflix has really taken the helm of historical documentaries, since the History Channel has become a shadow of it's former-self.

Yeah, I enjoyed it too.

It's a part of history with which too few people are familiar.
I started watching the Ottoman Empire too. :)
Of all the historical movies, the one about Alexander is the one that interests me the most. I'm a huge fan of his.
I enjoyed the recently "newish" addition of........Kingdom of Heaven with the extra hour ( directors cut version ) ............made the film completely different from the one presented, ie , sybilla killing of her son due to he being a leper and other scenes.

I wonder if the hospitaller was represented as a angel in the film, especially after he appeared and disappeared in the burning bush scene in the desert.

they still got the main character's origin wrong ..........he was historically a Tuscan knight and not a French one
My top 10:

by Mel Gibson.
Il primo re by Matteo Rovere.
For Greater Glory by Dean Wright.
Taras Bulba by Vladímir Bortko.
Furious by Dzhanik Fayziev.
Mongol by Sergei Bodrov.
Dragon Blade by Daniel Lee.
The 13th Warrior by John McTiernan.
Beowulf by Robert Zemeckis.
Apocalypto by Mel Gibson.
I don't know if The Young Victoria and The King's Speech would be considered historical films and how much of the event and details are factual but they are definitely my favorite.

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