I have not been to this website for a very long time, hence, sorry for my late reply.
I have to say the countries where you have chosen are typical choices of Europeans I know, especially from the part of Europe you come from.
Germany: for a very long time Germany remains to have the best economy in Europe. Today, Germany continues to be one of the world’s most powerful and dynamic economies. This is why you chose Germany. I think a lot of Spanish moved to Germany because of their high unemployment rates.
Switzerland: you want to go there because their salary is higher, just like French or Germans who have moved there to work, or perhaps the Italians as well. However, Lugano is small and is like a Hollywood star residence area. I doubt that there are many jobs available. The French parts of Switzerland are more expensive than the German parts. There is one problem with migrating to rich countries or cities, unless you got a very good job you would need to work 2 to 3 jobs to survive over there. Swiss German is different from high German. However, the Germanophones understand each other. For foreigners, it can be difficult.
The Netherlands: Dutch economy expands at the fastest rate since joining the euro. Every year when I take a look at the world's richest countries, they seem to be improving while the France drops its ranking year by year. However, I don't know much about the Dutch, to be honest.
Finally, Luxembourg: there are a lot of Portuguese in Luxembourg. Limitations: From what I know they look down at the Portuguese over there. Advantages: It is the wealthiest country in the EU, and you already have many of your own people over there, networking is very important to get jobs. To survive in Luxembourg, you need French and English or German, you may need to learn Luxembourger as well. However, I think the Luxembourgers are relatively friendier than the Swiss on average. They are similar to the Swiss, very discreet people. They keep to themselves. As a Southern European, you may find them cold.
Most Europeans learn each other's languages. Aside from Portuguese, and English, have you mastered your German and French well? With countries who use multiple languages such as Luxembourg, Switzerland probably Belgium as well, you need to specialise in one of their main languages with a skill (Medicine, IT, Engineer, MBA...etc). With the other languages spoken in their countries, you need at least a sound level in those languages. You cannot be clueless, if you want to get a job.