I am looking to move out from Portugal and find another country to live indefinitely.
I would like you to advise me the top 3 countries offering me what i look for.
Key important points for me to consider relocating:
- Country with a "good, stable financial situation" where unemployment rate isn't high.
- Where foreigners are tolerated and people are treated equally.
- With warm weather on summer so you can swim in the sea. With mountains, where skiing is possible in winter.
Key important points i don't want:
- Eastern European countries with a communistic or soviet union background. These are countries, I would not feel safe settling down.
I have been thinking France. But i am open for your advice.
Unemployment in France was 10% in Jan 2017. It was 11.7 in Italy, and 10.5 in Portugal. Those are the latest figures I can find.
I don't understand your logic, for choosing France as your next destination. I don't think there is a huge difference in unemployment rate between France or Italy in comparison to Portugal.
France has a lot of immigrants, not all French like their immigrants. There is a shade of grey. I have met very nice Caucasian people and very mean ones. We can only say the so called equality is a myth.
In Italy the north is wealthy and the south is poor, the north does not want to help the south. It is not really a country for immigrants unlike Canada, Australia etc. However, there is discrimination in Australia too. Well, Australia these days is very multicultural, but most of the immigrants are from Asia unlike in Europe where most of the immigrants are from Africa and the Middle East.
Australia is very popular for Chinese immigrants and Indian immigrants. Australia is a world leader in "severely unaffordable" housing, a study of global housing markets has found, with Sydney the second most unaffordable major housing market in the world, coming behind only Hong Kong.
If you want to migrate to Australia you better have a lot of money, otherwise it will be very hard. I don't think you are interested to move out of EU, even though a lot of people in this thread have suggested countries outside of EU.
In France, the Le Pen party is getting quite popular. She does like want legal or illegal immigrants. If she wins, she has pledged to pull France out of NATO and the E.U., to abolish the euro and reintroduce the franc, among other radical and potentially destabilizing ideas. She, too, is buddies with Russian President Vladimir Putin (naturally). A Le Pen victory in May could well precipitate the collapse of the European project.
As long as EU still exists, even if it ends, as an European you can easily take a holiday to nearby EU countries for ski vacations. Most southern part of Europe has seas you can swim in. However, the countries who have better economy are mostly up north.
There is Malta 4.1 percent, Germany and Nordic countries are lower but those countries are cold