An amazing array of new technologies are set to change human civilisation as we know it. The continuous progress in artificial intelligence will enable computers to do the jobs of telemarketers, clerks, accountants, corporate lawyers, analysts, airline pilots, and countless other jobs. In fact...
What if all Middle Eastern countries would unite together in an organization like European Union. Suppose a Union starting from Turkey in the West, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in North, Afghanistan, Pakistan in the East and Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Oman in South. Very large area including many...
In principia and roughly, idea of communism applies to equal sharing of production of goods among group members and equally owning resources. By these standards H-G hunter-gatherers were communist by nature of their socio-economic settings (system). They went hunting together on land or forest...
I have checked the forecasts for GDP per capita (PPP) for the next five years. Slavic and Baltic countries in the EU are starting to overtake older member states from southern Europe. The Czechs are already richer than the Greeks and Portuguese, and will have caught up with the Italians by 2018...
The Boston Consulting Group has just released a report on the percentage of millionaires in USD in the world. Here are the top 15 countries with the highest densities of millionaires. As you will see this ranking is quite different from the GDP per capita ranking. Singapore, Japan, Israel and...
Today Italian yield on 10-year government bonds went over 7%.
7% is regarded as the line after which a country can no longer afford to service it's debts.
Can the EU afford to bailout Italy now, what cost has Italian pantomine political culture cost Europe?
Are we looking at the end of the EU...
Recently British PM David Cameron said the government had no new tricks up its sleeve for creating jobs and growth and the only way out for the UK economy was the role of 'entrepreneurs'. article
I have read that economies only emerge from recessions because of the growth created by new...
With the rise of China as an economic and political super-power, are you worried about the potential drop in your living standards?
With the Austerity measures being unrolled across Europe and with the fudamental weaknesses still unresolved within the Euro-zone, some are wondering if Europe...
Below are 3 senarios for the future of Europe, which option would you preffer?
Option 1
A decade of very low growth and high unemployment all ‘round. The danger is that in a decade’s time, Europeans will be so thoroughly disillusioned with the European project that it will fall apart...
Does the future of the Euro depend on Spain's management of their economy. With talk of Portugal, Spain and Ireland next in the firing line it seems that Spain is now the key player.
The markets are unconvinced by the EU and IMF rescue plans. Article
Zapatero this week outlined Spain own...
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