
  1. ConfusedCelt

    I have T1a2b1a, am I descended from Carthaginians/Phonecians?

    All the rest of my ancestry was Celtic and Saxon/Scandinavian. But I had a tiny sliver of DNA titled "Balari" and I looked it up and they were a Nuragic people. And my YDNA is Haplogroup T1a2... My father is from the Netherlands and my mother is from Ireland. Where did this come from? Did it...
  2. Maciamo

    Analysing Iron Age Italian samples

    The Antonio et al. (2019) paper on Ancient Rome was released 2 and a half months ago, so I am coming a bit late for the analysis, but I had been busy before. Using the Dodecad K12b data provided by Jovialis, I created a table of the 11 Iron Age samples from this study. ID Date Y-DNA...