Immigration Dalai Lama to refugees: 'Europe belongs to the Europeans'

bicicleur 2

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The exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, declared Wednesday that the refugees flooding to Europe from Muslim-majority countries must ultimately return to their own countries to rebuild them.

“I think Europe belongs to the Europeans,” the 83-year-old Tibetan, who has been in exile in India since 1959 after an uprising against Chinese rule, said at a conference in Sweden’s multicultural city of Malmo, Agence France-Pressereported.

The Dalai Lama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, said Europe was “morally responsible” to help refugees who are facing danger in their native countries, but that their stay in Europe should be a temporary one.

“Receive them, help them, educate them … but ultimately they should develop their own country,” he said.

The Dalai Lama made similar comments in June 2016 when he expressed concerns about Germany potentially becoming an Arab country.

“Europe, for example Germany, cannot become an Arab country,” he told a German newspaper. “Germany is Germany. There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult. … From a moral point of view, too, I think that the refugees should only be admitted temporarily.”

I couldn't agree more.
I don't know how this should be solved in practice.
But at least this man has common sense, which can't be said about most European politicians.
respect for people who can give an honest opinion without bowing to the politically correct :)
respect for people who can give an honest opinion without bowing to the politically correct :)
I'll be damned, this guy/girl has an initiative in free hand writing. Though the message is the same in support of nationalists and populists. Divide and conquer.
why does every opinion that doesn't agree on immigration as a positive thing have to be labelled as nationalist/nazi, cmon, let's face it: immigration, at a masaive scale, has always been a negative phenomena: magyars coming in pannonia, yes we got the beautiful country of hungary as a return, but we will never have anymore the pannonian people alive, look at the slavs settling west/southwards, it's wonderful to have all these beautiful slavic countries but we will never know anything about the illyrians, the eastern euro celts, how romanian originally sounded (currently it is heavily slavized) and all the cultural asset of eastern eu, and these are the consequences of compatible cultures/ethnicities merging in a brutal way, imagine in those cases (modern europe) where this happens between unintegrable realities, that's the worst thing that can happen.
Remember: diversity is the most beautiful thing we have, and destroying it in order to push an AVERAGE standard man is only part of a bigger zionist agenda that wants us all equal and easly enslavable, nothing more than this; the liberal trash talk is just the mask of this agenda, and it's here to push an unnatural status as normal, and normality as old and bigotted.
Have a nice day.
I had more extreme ideas in the past, due to my xenophobia.. Like fearing immigrants ecc

Now I fell more happy and well as I met many immigrants from all over the world here in my country who are good people

I must say that still the saying that Italy belongs to the Italian is not uncorrect; I firmly believe italians should decide if how many we can host and our laws

Unfortunately those speeches can point in some people racist feelings wich are bad.. Like discriminating someone just because he looks different

Italy belongs to the Italian with policies of tolerance and integration and 100% persecution of racism behaviour is good

That law against homophobia and racism should be approved in italy
That law against homophobia and racism should be approved in italy

There are already laws against racism as there are laws against intolerance in Italy, they just have to be applied . If your aim is to mute whoever thinks that there are too many illegals and that Italy shouldn't be invaded like it is happening, or that teaching kids to be gender fluid since kidergarden is wrong, you have to go to North Korea ( and i doubt there would be so tolerant with gays and blacks btw) and not in Europe.

Legge Zan is ideologically liberticide.
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There are already laws against racism as there are laws against intolerance in Italy, they just have to be applied . If your aim is to mute whoever thinks that there are too many illegals and that Italy shouldn't be invaded like it is happening, or that teaching kids to be gender fluid since kidergarden is wrong, you have to go to North Korea ( and i doubt there would be so tolerant with gays and blacks btw) and not in Europe.

Legge Zan is ideologically liberticide.

Yeah, please don't become like us. We're already on the brink of conflict, as is France.

Northwest European elites' decision to restructure the countries completely with millions of immigrants is turning out to be fatally stupid. They thought this would build robust economies. Didn't matter that the immigrants belong to different cultures. Instead of integration they promote multiculturalism, but they did this without the consent of the native populations.

In the US the same thing is happening. We were always a multicultural melting pot, but we had some sense of common identity/patriotism that applies to everyone of all races. Now there are immigrants who feel absolutely no loyalty to the country, and brag about this openly. According to liberals we're all supposed to be okay with this, because "tolerance". I'm not, and neither are many people I know. Half the country realizes this was an awful idea.

Trying to prohibit people from saying the obvious via "hate speech" laws will trigger riots and open rebellion. I hope Italy's leaders have common sense–it is good they didn't follow the same suicidal policy as the countries to the north.
There are already laws against racism as there are laws against intolerance in Italy, they just have to be applied . If your aim is to mute whoever thinks that there are too many illegals and that Italy shouldn't be invaded like it is happening, or that teaching kids to be gender fluid since kidergarden is wrong, you have to go to North Korea ( and i doubt there would be so tolerant with gays and blacks btw) and not in Europe.

Legge Zan is ideologically liberticide.

where is the invasion that you are talking about? because i can't see it. people are collected in camps and those who aren't probably won't stay in italy for long. i agree that migration has to be lowered a bit, maybe the rest of europe has to take up more people to take some weight from italy's shoulders. but an invasion looks different imo. that's just lurid rhetoric.

Yeah, please don't become like us. We're already on the brink of conflict, as is France.

Northwest European elites' decision to restructure the countries completely with millions of immigrants is turning out to be fatally stupid. They thought this would build robust economies. Didn't matter that the immigrants belong to different cultures. Instead of integration they promote multiculturalism, but they did this without the consent of the native populations.

In the US the same thing is happening. We were always a multicultural melting pot, but we had some sense of common identity/patriotism that applies to everyone of all races. Now there are immigrants who feel absolutely no loyalty to the country, and brag about this openly. According to liberals we're all supposed to be okay with this, because "tolerance". I'm not, and neither are many people I know. Half the country realizes this was an awful idea.

Trying to prohibit people from saying the obvious via "hate speech" laws will trigger riots and open rebellion. I hope Italy's leaders have common sense–it is good they didn't follow the same suicidal policy as the countries to the north.

you write that the "restructuring" happened without the consent of the native population, what proof do you have? exactly nothing. immigration will always happen and especially nowadays where the world is so connected. and i wonder, why do countries with a lot of immigration have strong economies if it was that "fataly stupid"?
I wrote that the restructuring of the Western nations happened without the consent of the native populations because elites within leftist parties decided to minimize immigration restrictions without any form of public input on the matter. That's why campaigns against immigration are nowadays considered "populist" more than leftist or rightist. Few passionately want less restricted immigration; many want the opposite.

As far as nations with mass immigration having strong economies, this is likely just inequality showing. My own country has an enormous wealth gap, and increased immigration is of little benefit to most people. Megacorporations and Fortune 500 companies seem to be the only ones who profit. For the rest of us, it drives down wages and makes finding a job harder, especially for young people.
I wrote that the restructuring of the Western nations happened without the consent of the native populations because elites within leftist parties decided to minimize immigration restrictions without any form of public input on the matter. That's why campaigns against immigration are nowadays considered "populist" more than leftist or rightist. Few passionately want less restricted immigration; many want the opposite.

As far as nations with mass immigration having strong economies, this is likely just inequality showing. My own country has an enormous wealth gap, and increased immigration is of little benefit to most people. Megacorporations and Fortune 500 companies seem to be the only ones who profit. For the rest of us, it drives down wages and makes finding a job harder, especially for young people.

and yet people didn't vote against those "leftist" parties that you are talking about. and even with this growth of the political right in many countries those parties are still minority except maybe in france and italy.
Many leftist parties increased their appeal by supporting more restrictions on immigration. The fact that people didn't vote against those parties on a large scale ≠ evidence that they support mass immigration. You really seem to want that to be the case.
Many leftist parties increased their appeal by supporting more restrictions on immigration. The fact that people didn't vote against those parties on a large scale ≠ evidence that they support mass immigration. You really seem to want that to be the case.

didn't you just say that the "leftist" elites removed restrictions on immigration and that people didn't want that? i'll ask again where is your proof for the removal of those restrictions as well as the opinion of the people? do you mean the implementation of Schengen so that EU citizens were able to migrate easier?

people voted for them all this time and they still do. and at least in the case of switzerland/germany it is not really because they support more restrictions on immigration. that is not even on their list of goals in a lot of cases.
didn't you just say that the "leftist" elites removed restrictions on immigration and that people didn't want that? i'll ask again where is your proof for the removal of those restrictions as well as the opinion of the people? do you mean the implementation of Schengen so that EU citizens were able to migrate easier?

people voted for them all this time and they still do. and at least in the case of switzerland/germany it is not really because they support more restrictions on immigration. that is not even on their list of goals in a lot of cases.

Three journal articles on the subject highlighting the effects of elite and NGO opinion, and then the effects of exposure to migration on the attitudes of natives. The backlash against mass migration is a well-documented phenomenon in Europe and the Americas, as acknowledged by people on both sides of the issue, and I really don't understand why you insist on continuing to argue that it isn't.



Three journal articles on the subject highlighting the effects of elite and NGO opinion, and then the effects of exposure to migration on the attitudes of natives. The backlash against mass migration is a well-documented phenomenon in Europe and the Americas, as acknowledged by people on both sides of the issue, and I really don't understand why you insist on continuing to argue that it isn't.



i never argued agains't the rise of the political right. that is completely clear. however that is not all what you have been saying. you wrote that "leftist" elites removed restrictions for immigration and that the native population didn't want that implying that the majority of the native population disagrees with a current situation where restrictions supposedly have been removed by leftist elites.
however a growth in the politcal right doesn't mean that it is suddendly majority.
i never argued agains't the rise of the political right. that is completely clear. however that is not all what you have been saying. you wrote that "leftist" elites removed restrictions for immigration and that the native population didn't want that implying that the majority of the native population disagrees with a current situation where restrictions supposedly have been removed by leftist elites.
however a growth in the politcal right doesn't mean that it is suddendly majority.

Initially it seems like most people didn't care. I don't believe most people wanted the current scale of immigration, and I stand by that. That is different from claiming it is the single most important issue for most voters, which I did not. It is hard to imagine that people who claim that Europe isn't doing enough to accommodate immigrants and should in fact accept more are anything but the minority.
where is the invasion that you are talking about? because i can't see it. people are collected in camps and those who aren't probably won't stay in italy for long. i agree that migration has to be lowered a bit, maybe the rest of europe has to take up more people to take some weight from italy's shoulders. but an invasion looks different imo. that's just lurid rhetoric.
If you don't know nothing of Italy don't adress me with your ignorance please. People are collected in camps ?? So what ? They get out of there by the thousands a day just by saying that they are persecuted or gay and get the refugee status even if they are criminals because they throw away their documents and nobody knows who they are . There is an invasion you like it or not and the fact that they are in camps for a while doesn't mean that they are not going to be freed in a short time. Nobody in Europe is going to help us with the immigrants issue and you have too be very naive to think immigrants are going elsewhere or that their aim is to go just in Germany of France. Maybe 10 years ago not today and even if they try to reach Germany or France they get blocked and sent back to us... Been there seen that already . Cities are filled with immigrants that are everywhere and also sleep in parks and out of Train stations thanks to liberals who welcome them and then care less once they arrive in Italy. There are data on illegals btw and Prison statistics also say that immigrants are prone to crimes 8 times more than Italians. Yes, we are invaded even by criminal people most of the times and repatriations are usually hard to do so they will stay in Italy . True refugees are just the 8% and that is a statistic made by Viminale not by me. The only lurid rethoric is to keep claiming that people that pay 5000 euros to human traffikers and chose only Lybia to go to Italy ( even people from Pakistan and India go there) shoudn't be stopped in every logic way and that there is not an invasion even when it is enough to take a walk in Italy to understand that.
If someone was a real refugee or persecuted would go to the first European consulate or embassy to get a free flight and everything, but if you aren't it's easier to pay 5000 Euros, go to Lybia, jump on the first NGO's that sails close to the coast working with traffikers and then throw away your documents in the sea. That's also how many terrorists have done in the past. The time of fairytales is finished.
Yeah, please don't become like us. We're already on the brink of conflict, as is France.

Northwest European elites' decision to restructure the countries completely with millions of immigrants is turning out to be fatally stupid. They thought this would build robust economies. Didn't matter that the immigrants belong to different cultures. Instead of integration they promote multiculturalism, but they did this without the consent of the native populations.

In the US the same thing is happening. We were always a multicultural melting pot, but we had some sense of common identity/patriotism that applies to everyone of all races. Now there are immigrants who feel absolutely no loyalty to the country, and brag about this openly. According to liberals we're all supposed to be okay with this, because "tolerance". I'm not, and neither are many people I know. Half the country realizes this was an awful idea.

Trying to prohibit people from saying the obvious via "hate speech" laws will trigger riots and open rebellion. I hope Italy's leaders have common sense–it is good they didn't follow the same suicidal policy as the countries to the north.

We are already like you and France somehow believe me . Some places in Italy are already Banlieues-like with immigrants and even illegals where even police fears to put a step into . Just liberal retards keep saying that there isn't an invasion .
and yet people didn't vote against those "leftist" parties that you are talking about. and even with this growth of the political right in many countries those parties are still minority except maybe in france and italy.

In Italy they are not a minority at all infact Left wing parties fear elections and try everything to postpone.
If you don't know nothing of Italy don't adress me with your ignorance please. People are collected in camps ?? They get out of there by the thousand a day just saying that they are persecuted or gay and get the refugee status even if they are criminals because they throw away their documents and nobody knows who they are. There is an invasion....

maybe you can give some numbers?if we just look at asia and africa because that is probably where most refugees come fron, then even if we take all people from africa, west, central, south and east asia we would still only be at roughly 3.4% of italy's population. now if we add the estimated 600'000 illegals we come to something around 4.4%. and certainly not all of those are refugees.
that number is comparable to other western european countries, it is actually one of the lower values.

i'm not saying the immigration shouldn't be lowered a bit, but that is not an invasion and italy is definitly not alone here.
maybe you can give some numbers?if we just look at asia and africa because that is probably where most refugees come fron, then even if we take all people from africa, west, central, south and east asia we would still only be at roughly 3.4% of italy's population. now if we add the estimated 600'000 illegals we come to something around 4.4%. and certainly not all of those are refugees.
that number is comparable to other western european countries, it is actually one of the lower values.

i'm not saying the immigration shouldn't be lowered a bit, but that is not an invasion and italy is definitly not alone here.

Sorry, but wich part of "invasion" are you not understanding ? Granted the the number you pulled out are wrong as in Italy there are already 1,14 million ( 2019) legal Africans ( and i don't count Asians) and "about" 600.000 illegals , all the ones that are arriving in Italy in the last month\years stay in Italy because nobody in Europe is taking them anymore. I don't care what other countries welcomed in a longer span of time and honestly i can't see while Italy should be compared to France or England given that they had all those colonies.. Anyway Italy is facing an invasion that is happening in a short time and that is socially dangerous . France and Germany send immigrants back to Italy on a daily basis especially the ones that try to reach them illegally but anyway force us to get them in Lampedusa. They also fund their NGOs boats but they never let them dock in France or Germany . Of the last 5400 illegals that arrived in Lampedusa just 30 were taken by what we are talking about ?

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