What divides and unites people more than beliefs, values and opinions ?
It may be a double-edge sword to express them, as you never know what reaction to expect from others. On the other hand, everybody has beliefs, values and opinions, and if you have reflected properly about them, you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself for holding them, as long as you can defend them. Once you can't defend them anymore, nothing prevents you from changing them...
So here is a sample of my mind as of today :
I have my response using yours as a basis for comparison/similarity. Mostly we are largely apart. I have a brief version of yours followed by mine. I will add that the fairly common, non-Western practice of killing people for how/what they think is a big change that is needed. Thought that I would emphasize that as I doubt many will read much of the rest. Also, that while I mostly disagree, you set out a nice base.
universe is eternal (both in past and future) and infinite in every direction.
No. While I have no concept of why there would be a Big Bang, I can accept it. That would be the beginning, even if were part of some type of oscillation – Big Bang –Expansion - Collapse. Reality does not cease to exist - matter/energy just changes form.
life is a biochemical process….
Yes, but that does not preclude any such thing as a(n immortal) soul.
believe in life after death in the sense that a life being is composed of eternal matter/energy….
Yes, so that is what a ‘soul’ is.
do not believe in any god(s), supernatural powers or miracles.
No. Not everything has a scientific explanation, even if we think we have figured it out.
believe in an infinity of extraterrestrial life somewhere in the universe, …. doubt that any UFO has ever come to our Earth.
Possibly. Belief is too strong a term, The odds are that there are ETs, but life, while abundant on this planet, is very fragile and complex. As to UFO visitation to Earth, possibly also. Our own current advancement in technology allows us to view findings that were overlooked before.
believe that each individual is absolutely unequal to others in every respect ..., except possibly in rights.
Each individual is born different from each other, except identical twins (excepting birth order, birth defects, early illness, and the like). Nonetheless, differences at birth do not detract from any human’s rights with respect to any other human being. Therefore, all humans are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator (or if you desire, endowed by a common Humanity of personhood) with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and other rights, including the freedom to think and hold beliefs that are different than the group, however defined. But in thinking or being different, a human must be responsible for the consequences of being different, as may be reasonably anticipated.
value knowledge, intelligence, rationality, creativity, progress, self-improvement, continual change for the better, self-responsibility, peace, beauty, harmony... But peace, beauty and harmony, and especially progress, cannot be solely group norms.
- "
Better nothing than something bad." No. “Better tried and failed, than not tried at all.”
I strongly disregard hypocrisy, dishonesty, and lies (about facts, not feelings or emotions). Almost. I strongly detest hypocrisy, dishonesty, and lies, except humans are too often in conditions that force them to lie. Also, lies in a social context so as to avoid hurt feelings are usually acceptable (there are exceptions). And making up for dishonesty takes more than an apology. It requires restitution as a minimum, and an apology.
for the death penalty for dictators, heads of states, …, who carry the responsibility of the acts committed by their subordinates. In theory, I am for the death penalty for anyone who has taken another’s life, or has permanently and severely disabled a person, or permanently maimed a person so as to make that person socially unappealing. In practice, I would set a high standard of evidence before sentencing a person to death.
do not donate to humanitarian aid because I consider that too much of it is wasted, goes to the organisations' administrators or to corrupted officials, or serves to finance wars …. No. It is a virtue to extend aid to others. Good for the ‘soul’ or self-worth. Bogus charities abound, but in at least one country, a great deal can be discovered regarding how much of the donation goes to the intend beneficiaries, and who is paid, etc. People who keep donating to virtuous humanitarian funds are blessed.
for individual freedom to consume drugs (alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, chocolate, coffee, etc.) or other addictive products (video games, pornography, TV, music...)…. am against smoking in public places …. am also against any other public behaviour that is harmful or disturbing to others….. Generally agreed as to adults. Adult humans should be treated as adults, responsible to themselves and society at large.
am pro-abortion, even after 3 months, if it can prevent a child from being born in a negative environment … or prevent the parents from having to raise a disabled child. No. In the trope of treating adult humans as adults, abortion as a convenience should never be approved, nor non-consensual abortions performed absent mental deficiency of the mother (not as eugenics). And, it is very easy to detect and to abort a fetus much earlier than 3 months. Consensual abortions are to be allowed for rape, incest and the life of the mother. In the case of rape, an under-aged woman’s family can insist on an abortion, but not prevail on preventing one. In the case of saving the life of a mother, if the mother has other children at home, then the abortion cannot be refused.
that parents are fully responsible for their child(ren)'s education and well-being, and should have a minimum of maturity and financial means to be allowed to procreate. Mostly agree, except for the financial aspects. And tough to enforce without compulsory abortion, which can quickly devolve to eugenics. Parenting and parenting skills, fully revealed, ought to be mandatory subjects in about 8
th grade (13-14 years old) for both sexes. Included, or as separate subject, should be ‘domestic finances’, so that the real world is very clear to them. Also, but may be passé, is a marriage class, that explains that ‘marriage’ is not just romance, sex and inter-personal this and that, but is a civil state under the law. The couple is a unit in the eyes of the state (I assume this is true through most of Europe).
From Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life:
Grim Reaper: Shut up, you American. You Americans, all you do is talk, and talk, and say "let me tell you something" and "I just wanna say." Well, you're dead now, so shut up.