Crime Yet another act of terror in France

there seems to be another attack going on in Berlin right now

I think you can start another thread almost every day
After the attack in Nice, France extended a state of emergency giving police extra powers to carry out searches and place people under house arrest for another six months until January.

Its more complex then this. It might take more then just extending a state of emergency. It seems this is not going to be enough to ensure the safety of people.

After the attack in Nice, France extended a state of emergency giving police extra powers to carry out searches and place people under house arrest for another six months until January.

Its more complex then this. It might take more then just extending a state of emergency. It seems this is not going to be enough to ensure the safety of people.

Viktor Orban Hungarian PM's speech after the Nice terror attack
Viktor Orban Hungarian PM's speech after the Nice terror attack

Check 6.30 on time counter.....why other countries in EU do not do this instead of criticizing (bullying) other countries that take care of their national security? How can you have people crossing borders without being registered in a free for all flow?

Check 6.30 on time counter.....why other countries in EU do not do this instead of criticizing (bullying) other countries that take care of their national security? How can you have people crossing borders without being registered in a free for all flow?
I like your prime minister, a very rational person. I agree with him. Either we stop the boats by cost of Africa and turn them around at source, or EU need to come together to help Malta, Italy and Greece building detention camps for better immigrant screening. I think both ways should be implemented.
I would like to repeat that Nato should have gone to finish IS quickly couple of years ago. But we didn't do it, allowing IS to spread their propaganda, soldiers and money to organize attacks in Europe and around the world.
I like your prime minister, a very rational person. I agree with him. Either we stop the boats by cost of Africa and turn them around at source, or EU need to come together to help Malta, Italy and Greece building detention camps for better immigrant screening. I think both ways should be implemented.
I would like to repeat that Nato should have gone to finish IS quickly couple of years ago. But we didn't do it, allowing IS to spread their propaganda, soldiers and money to organize attacks in Europe and around the world.

Thanks, I believe he is too, our economy has grown under his leadership 14% of our work force is non Maltese and not too many people seem to complain about it.

Detention centers are not prisons. They are necessary places were people could be monitored (Registered, interviewed and observed) Children will already start schooling and defiantly 'should' be grateful for being in a safe environment. It has been known many times that some have shown an aggressive / criminal behavior to the point that when their application is refused they set the place on fire or go on a smashing spree. But of course these are the exception and not the rule. Even through all this monitoring a few manage to get into petty criminal behavior when given temporary citizenship, so even that is not 100% safe, let alone a free unregistered crowd.
Thanks, I believe he is too, our economy has grown under his leadership 14% of our work force is non Maltese and not too many people seem to complain about it.

Detention centers are not prisons. They are necessary places were people could be monitored (Registered, interviewed and observed) Children will already start schooling and defiantly 'should' be grateful for being in a safe environment. It has been known many times that some have shown an aggressive / criminal behavior to the point that when their application is refused they set the place on fire or go on a smashing spree. But of course these are the exception and not the rule. Even through all this monitoring a few manage to get into petty criminal behavior when given temporary citizenship, so even that is not 100% safe, let alone a free unregistered crowd.

what do you do with those whose application is rejected? most of them don't return voluntarily ..
the Syrian suicide bomber in Ansbach 2 days ago was refused asylum a year ago, yet Germany hadn't managed to send him back ..
Belgium finally ends up paying them money if they return home voluntarily, saying these people paid more money to the human trafickers to get in Belgium, so they don't make a profit .. yet I think all this is quite bizarre

Check 6.30 on time counter.....why other countries in EU do not do this instead of criticizing (bullying) other countries that take care of their national security? How can you have people crossing borders without being registered in a free for all flow?

it is what happened in Greece .. hence more and more people arrived untill the flow became realy uncontrollable .. fences were needed in the Balkans to stop people that Greece let through without any controll .. yet the fence builders were labelled 'racist'

Greece was offered money and help to controll the flow, they refused (they didn't want controllers coming from other EU countries on their territory) untill people were stopped at the Macedonian border and stayed in Greece
well, you know, it ended with a deal with 'our friend' Erdogan
what do you do with those whose application is rejected? most of them don't return voluntarily ..
the Syrian suicide bomber in Ansbach 2 days ago was refused asylum a year ago, yet Germany hadn't managed to send him back ..
Belgium finally ends up paying them money if they return home voluntarily, saying these people paid more money to the human trafickers to get in Belgium, so they don't make a profit .. yet I think all this is quite bizarre

send them back, they need to fight to restore their way of life. Do you think the English, French, Germans etc would mass migrate somewhere else if they where in the same predicament!

with only 30000 jobs found so far for 1 million refugees, I would say Merkel has blundered big time. The intent for most are to live off the state.

They should only have picked up and retained married families ( DNA test for legitimacy ) and the single people returned.
I think the European public will become de-sensitized to these regular events, and it will become something like mass-shootings in the US - just part of the media cycle. Sad really.
I think the phrases "nothing to do with Islam" and "isolated incident" are going to be quite worn out by the media.
Could you give us examples of media saying this. I'm watching news every day and never heard these statements.
send them back, they need to fight to restore their way of life. Do you think the English, French, Germans etc would mass migrate somewhere else if they where in the same predicament!
You need a history lesson. Millions of them emigrated to USA, Canada and Australia, and many other countries.
send them back, they need to fight to restore their way of life. Do you think the English, French, Germans etc would mass migrate somewhere else if they where in the same predicament!

with only 30000 jobs found so far for 1 million refugees, I would say Merkel has blundered big time. The intent for most are to live off the state.

They should only have picked up and retained married families ( DNA test for legitimacy ) and the single people returned.
The Pilgrims migrated to USA to avoid Religious persecution. Part of the reason why we Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. ;)

But I agree, the Immigrants need to bring there wife's and children; if they have kids in order to declare peace and settlement in Europe and America.
Maybe not in Canada. Not so much on the news ​as the commentators.
BBC today mentioned Islamic terrorists and Islamists. What commentators you are listening to?
BBC today mentioned Islamic terrorists and Islamists. What commentators you are listening to?

the phrasing actually came from Obama, I don't remeber any more after which incident, there have been so many ..
And now we get trapped in a race to the bottom? Act and react. Fundamentalism contra fundamentalism? IS fuels the extreme right of Le Pen, Wilders, Pegida, UKIP, a bunch of xenophobic Eastern Europeans and uncle Donald Trump, with his wall against the Latino's....and vice versa. And 'en passant' we get rid of values like tolerance, room for diversity and other enlightened values. That's a loss too me....

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