Y-DNA Haplogroups of U.S. Presidents


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Here are the Y-haplogroups of US presidents known at present:

[TD]George Washington[/TD]
[TD]John Adams[/TD]
[TD]Thomas Jefferson[/TD]
[TD]James Madison[/TD]
[TD]James Monroe[/TD]
[TD]John Quincy Adams[/TD]
[TD]Andrew Jackson[/TD]
[TD]Martin Van Buren[/TD]
[TD]William Henry Harrison[/TD]
[TD]R1b-U106 (?)[/TD]
[TD]John Tyler[/TD]
[TD]James K. Polk[/TD]
[TD]Zachary Taylor[/TD]
[TD]Millard Fillmore[/TD]
[TD]Franklin Pierce[/TD]
[TD]James Buchanan[/TD]
[TD]Abraham Lincoln[/TD]
[TD]Andrew Johnson[/TD]
[TD]Ulysses Grant[/TD]
[TD]Rutherford B. Hayes[/TD]
[TD]James A. Garfield[/TD]
[TD]Chester A. Arthur[/TD]
[TD]Grover Cleveland[/TD]
[TD]Benjamin Harrison[/TD]
[TD]R1b-U106 (?)[/TD]
[TD]Grover Cleveland[/TD]
[TD]William McKinley[/TD]
[TD]Theodore Roosevelt[/TD]
[TD]William Howard Taft[/TD]
[TD]Woodrow Wilson[/TD]
[TD]Warren G. Harding[/TD]
[TD]Calvin Coolidge[/TD]
[TD]Herbert Hoover[/TD]
[TD]I1-Z161 or R1a-Z93[/TD]
[TD]Franklin D. Roosevelt[/TD]
[TD]Harry S. Truman[/TD]
[TD]Dwight D. Eisenhower[/TD]
[TD]John F. Kennedy[/TD]
[TD]R1b (L21?)[/TD]
[TD]Lyndon Baines Johnson[/TD]
[TD]Richard Nixon[/TD]
[TD]E1b1b (?)[/TD]
[TD]Gerald Ford[/TD]
[TD]R1b (?)[/TD]
[TD]Jimmy Carter[/TD]
[TD]Ronald Reagan[/TD]
[TD]R1b-L21 (?)[/TD]
[TD]George H.W. Bush[/TD]
[TD]Bill Clinton[/TD]
[TD]George W. Bush[/TD]
[TD]Barrack Obama[/TD]
[TD]Donald Trump[/TD]
[TD]R1b-U106>L48>Z9>BY20693 (?)[/TD]
[TD]Joe Biden[/TD]

So far we have the presumed haplogroups 38 out of 46 presidents. None of the haplogroups are 100% certain as no president tested personally. The haplogroups were inferred based on triangulation of each president's genealogy and the results of descendants of a common shared ancestor. Those with a (?) next to the haplogroup are based on the haplogroups matching their surname in their ancestral region, but lacking clear data about the genealogy of the tested people.

- 2 are E1b1b => 5.5%
- 7 or 8 are I1 (Germanic/Nordic) => 14 or 16.5%
- 1 is I2a1a (British/Irish Neolithic)
- 2 are I2a2a-L801 (Germanic) => 5.5%
- 1 might be R1a
- 22 are R1b (61%) including:
  • 7 R1b-U106 (Germanic)
  • 1 R1b-S1200 (Celto-Germanic)
  • 1 R1b-P312>Z30597 (Celto-Germanic)
  • 2 R1b-DF27 (Celtic)
  • 3 R1b-U152 (Italo-Gaulish)
  • 7 R1b-L21 (British/Irish Celtic)
- 1 is T1a1a

Compared to the Y-DNA frequencies in Britain and Ireland, where most presidents' paternal lines originated, there are more E1b1b, I1, I2 and T1a than expected, but less R1b (Britain has 70% R1b and Ireland 81%). That's probably due to the small sample size though, which quickly adds more weight to minority haplogroups.
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Good idea!

I have a suggestion for you. Could you note in one way or another which ones are absolutely certain and which ones are just a possibility?

For instance, one colour could be used for those who have been personally tested (or their remains). Another one could be for a relative. A third one may be for a common surname in a genealogical project, etc.

The T Jefferson is rather unusual, BTW.
At this own site it says Hoover was R1a! So the Bushes are DF27, eh? Probably not the same clade as the Milesian DF27 of my Tipperary Ryan ancestors (the family of the mitochondrial ancestress who brought her J1c2b across the Atlantic to America).
I have a suggestion for you. Could you note in one way or another which ones are absolutely certain and which ones are just a possibility?

For instance, one colour could be used for those who have been personally tested (or their remains). Another one could be for a relative. A third one may be for a common surname in a genealogical project, etc.

None of the presidents were personally tested. All are predictions based on tested cousins descending from a common shared ancestor, so there is always the possibility of a non-paternity-event. In other words none are 100% certain - just highly probable.
At this own site it says Hoover was R1a!

That's the problem with descendant testing going back many centuries. There are two groups of Hoover/Huber from Switzerland sharing the same ancestor in the FTDNA project. The majority is I1. The rest is R1a. I can't tell for sure from which line president Hoover is descended.

So the Bushes are DF27, eh? Probably not the same clade as the Milesian DF27 of my Tipperary Ryan ancestors (the family of the mitochondrial ancestress who brought her J1c2b across the Atlantic to America).

The clade is R-S16864 It's easy to check. I doubt that it has any matches in Ireland though. The ancestors of the Bushes came from Essex and their only matches in Europe in Yfull are from Belgium.
None of the presidents were personally tested. All are predictions based on tested cousins descending from a common shared ancestor, so there is always the possibility of a non-paternity-event. In other words none are 100% certain - just highly probable.

Thanks, Maciamo! That's what I needed to know.
None of the presidents were personally tested. All are predictions based on tested cousins descending from a common shared ancestor, so there is always the possibility of a non-paternity-event. In other words none are 100% certain - just highly probable.

the most tested descendants was the ones out of thomas Jefferson and sarah hemmings
President John Tyler probably belonged to hg I-M223. Descendants of his ancestor Henry Tyler (d. 1672) have been tested as such by the Tyler Family DNA Project.
So, these two matches in Belgium (R-S16864): that's me (and my father)

I'm wondering how the got to R-S16864 for Bush?
What was the y haplogroup
Of richard nixon ? 🤔

Also r1b ?
Ronald Reagan's genealogy shows that he descends from a Thomas O'Regan (1783-1852) from Tipperary, Ireland. The Reagan DNA Project has only a few different lineages - overwhelmingly R1b-L21 as can be expected from an Irish surname. One lineage is I2a2b-L38, but originated in County Mayo in the northwest of Ireland. I looked up the R1b-L21 lineages and they are all from counties Cork or Waterford, right next to Tipperary. So there is a high probability that Ronald Reagan belongs to R1b-L21 too.
What was the y haplogroup
Of richard nixon ?

Also r1b ?

Richard Nixon's ancestors came from Staffordshire and Bedfordhsire in central England. The Nixon DNA Project has many very different Nixon lineages, from England, Scotland and Ireland. The only Nixon lineage from England is the first lineage in the project, that of Zachariah Nixon Sr. (1629-1692) from North Muskham, Nottinghamshire, not far from Staffordshire. It is E1b1b-L19 (according to Nevgen E-V257> PF2431, a lineage found in West Africa, Western Europe, including England, Armenia and Iran). All the Nixon lineages from Scotland are also E1b1b. Only the Irish Nixons are I1 and R1b. So there is considerable likelihood that Richard M. Nixon was E1b1b.
Gerald Ford was the biological son of Leslie Lynch King, Sr. His genealogy goes back to Devonshire in southwest England. That makes it easier to identify as the vast majority of people carrying the surname King are from Ireland. The King DNA Project has a dozen separate lineages from England, but most are from northern England or East Anglia. None are from Devon, but three are from nearby Gloucestershire (on the other side of Bristol), one from Dorset and one from Somerset (both adjacent to Devon). All those lines are R1b.

- John King, b. 1600, d. 1649 Weymouth, MA (looks like that individual from Dorchester, Dorset) => R1b-L21>DF13>S1051>FGC17938

- Martin King, born ca. 1560, Marshfield Gloucestershire, England => R1b (U106>Z381>Z301 according to Nevgen)

- John King, b. 1730, Ham, Berkeley, Gloucestershire => R1b-U106>BY93784

- Robert King, Somerset, England =>R1b-DF27>Z195>SRY2627

These are four distinct lineages, but all are R1b. We can't know which one of them (if any) is Gerald Ford's lineage, but so far R1b seems likely.
It doesn't surprise me the fact the majority of US presidents are R1b
The oldest known ancestor of President Richard Nixon seems to be a James Nixon (c. 1705-1775), he was born in Ireland

(source: famouskin.com)
The oldest known ancestor of President Richard Nixon seems to be a James Nixon (c. 1705-1775), he was born in Ireland

(source: famouskin.com)

so that fact push
more to him being an r1b or i1 rather than e1b1b1-L19
as the irish nixon were r1b and i1