Y-chromosome phylogenetic tree redrawed by a Chinese team


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Y-chromosome phylogenetic tree have experienced several and major changes in this new paper.

According to the authors haplogroup F is splitted between ABDEC, G and HIJK

What do you think?

Y-chromosome phylogeny.png
That's a good example of why modern science did not arise in China. Even in the 21st century they can't seem to deal with the fact that they descend from Africans and go to great lengths to try to "prove" that it isn't the case, twisting every fundamental concept of science and intellectual honesty in the process.
That's a good example of why modern science did not arise in China. Even in the 21st century they can't seem to deal with the fact that they descend from Africans and go to great lengths to try to "prove" that it isn't the case, twisting every fundamental concept of science and intellectual honesty in the process.

and the Japanese descend from aliens in outer space

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