Health World life expectancy map


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Ethnic group of those who are going to die.
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Life expectancy at birth is an estimate of the average number of years he would live a group of people born the same year if the movements in the mortality rate remained constant region assessed. Is one indicator of quality of life more common, though difficult to measure. Some economists have proposed using it to measure the return on investment in human capital of a region by international bodies or institutions ..

Top 10 countries with highest life expectancy:

10. Guernsey: 80.42 a?os
9. Australia: 80.50 a?os
8. Switzerland: 80.51 a?os
7. Sweden: 80.51 a?os
6. Japan: 81.25 a?os
5. Hong Kong: 81.59 a?os
4. Singapore: 81.71 a?os
3. San Marino: 81.71 a?os
2. Macau: 82.19 a?os
1. Andorra: 83.51 a?os

Countries that have a lower life expectancy are mostly in Africa and are mainly

Swaziland and Botswana, with only 33 years on average
Lesotho, 34
Zimbabwe, 37
Angola and Liberia, 38
Zambia and Sierra Leone, 39
Mozambique, 40
Malawi 41
Djibouti, Africa, Central African Republic, Niger and Namibia, 43
Tanzania, 45,
Guinea-Bissau, Nigeria and Rwanda, 46
Chad and Kenya, 47
Somalia, Burkina Faso Ivory Coast, Mali and Ethiopia, 48
Guinea and Equatorial Guinea, 49,
along with Burundi and Cameroon, with 50 years.

For its part, in Asia include Afghanistan, with only 42, Bhutan, 52, and Laos, 55, and Haiti, 52 in America.

Human Immortality: Scientists claim they can stop your biological clock at age 50 (while still living to 100!)

A group of scientists says that centenarians could live in bodies of people of 50 years, and declares that this is a very realistic

The American scientist Ray Kurzweil predicts that advances in nanotechnology could solve the energy crisis, improve the human genome and even lead to human immortality in 20 years.

The inventor, 61 years old, technology has made other predictions above. He said that with the constant technological advances and knowledge of computing techniques, the 'immortal human body' would not be merely a dream.

According to Kurzweil, theoretically increases the rate at which our knowledge will help create nanotechnology that could replace vital organs in two decades. The scientist added that it appeared that his idea was something distant, but to defend their opinion, argued that existing artificial pancreas and neural implants

Kurzweil wrote an article in the British newspaper The Sun saying, "Like me, many scientists also believe that in 20 years we will have new techniques that could rewrite the old 'software' of the human body. Nanotechnology will give us eternal life. "

Kurzweil said that "ultimately, the nanobots will replace the blood cells and make the job of a thousand times more efficient." He also predicted that in 25 years we would be able to run at high speed for 15 consecutive minutes without breathing air and stay under water for 4 hours without oxygen.

The scientist said that those with cardiovascular disease who have not received an artificial heart could drive his vehicle safely to the hospital for a minor operation, since the nanobot put in his body could keep them alive. Furthermore, genetic techniques can extend our mental capabilities to such a level that even we can write books in minutes.

Kurzweil said that "if you want to get into a mode of virtual reality, the nanobots shut down some signs of our brains and take us where we want to go ... So expect the emergence of world semirobots and half-human, that human beings have artificial vital organs. "

The British media think that, although many people consider crazy Kurzweil's prediction, this "crazy" was an excellent student at MIT and the inventor of the first reading machine printed documents for the blind. When not making predictions, Kurzweil is a very serious scientist.
Hallelujah!, finally a map where Spain is not painted in black.
Lol, good one, carlitos. :)

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