Politics Will European Union Survive?

I hope not, atleat not in its current form. Europe, is not ready for a that vast union. There has to be high level of muterel understanding and identification among people, and Europe is to big for that. The EU will as we know it, will be downsizes, people are tired, of seeing EU getting more and more power. I live in Denmark, why do I have to pay, for the Greeks, cheating their way in to the EU currency, and some East European countries, people I do not identify with at all, culturelly or morally?
No doubt in the long run, EU also a big EU is a good thing, and great idea, but the countries, most be at a higher standard, to join. We are too far part atm.
EU will survive out of necessity, and it has to become entirely self-sufficient and self-reliant. That means little trade and outsourcing with outside nations. With 3rd world countries that many times outnumber Europe, gaining more and more of the production means that are being outsourced there, and providing great competition, the quality of life in Europe will "leak out" slowly towards them, unless the borders are sewn up.Europe survived many years ahead of others due to the others' lack of education and lack of productivity, but it will soon be torn apart and end up like Detroit if it doesn't close up it's economical borders.
better the European Union fails

I hope not, atleat not in its current form. Europe, is not ready for a that vast union. There has to be high level of muterel understanding and identification among people, and Europe is to big for that. The EU will as we know it, will be downsizes, people are tired, of seeing EU getting more and more power. I live in Denmark, why do I have to pay, for the Greeks, cheating their way in to the EU currency, and some East European countries, people I do not identify with at all, culturelly or morally?
No doubt in the long run, EU also a big EU is a good thing, and great idea, but the countries, most be at a higher standard, to join. We are too far part atm.

I think it will be good for all European people if the European Union fails and disintegrates. I think some sort of trade agreement between nations is all that would be beneficial. There is no need for the political union. What I see is the big financiers, who are not even European in many cases, are really behind the problems. What it appears is that if they can, behind the scenes using for instance Germany as a front to crush smaller countries like Greece and turn them into protectorates, i.e., strip them of their nationhood and identity, then they will have started the ball rolling. They will move to crush more and more until Europe is owned and controlled by the big financiers. There will not be any nation, not even those that are wealthy and powerful today.

I hope Greece rejects the Euro and goes back to the Drachma and leaves the European Union. It will pave the path to the European Union disintegrating and Europe surviving as a continent of independent nations with their own identities and political freedoms.
Europe has to survive, otherwise there will be WW3. The Euro countries are very hostile to each other, but EU keeps their economic interests together and that is the only reason we have no war in Europe for the last 50 years (asside the Serbia aggression on Bosnia)
th future of European Union pass through TTIP today,

the old Pigs program seems that is an obstacle anymore,

Brexit will have no meaning if TTIP is signed,

TTIP is a kind of secondary globalization,
it is the loss of power from state and people and pass to corporations,
that means less stress to common human for his vote does not matter,
but brings hungry unemployment and foreign employess/specialists to Europe,
although as always the 'angel' say that prosper will come, and things will be cheaper,
well yes i may buy iphone6 from 749 E to 499E but the only work I could find will be low salary
so again will be difficult to buy iphone6

I use the device as an example,
I think EU will survive because people of Europe want this union.
Money talks, bulshit walks.
Money talks, bulshit walks.

shoot the bullshit, they splash, they spread, they will be everywhere
shoot the money, they cry, they shut down their mouth, they hide in scycrapers,

' and justice for all' :LOL: :LOL:

just prepair,

''The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say''

when Roman empire decline
they shell the title of Ceasar for millions of denarii,
and they made 'commedian emperrors'
today we made actors as presidents and billionaires as Ceasars


doom is upon the ones who shold their shoul
new religion is coming and is not 'new order'
remember Υπατια :sad-2:
and at least die FREE with dignity,
something that both communism and capitalism took it away from our souls,

shoot the bullshit, they splash, they spread, they will be everywhere
shoot the money, they cry, they shut down their mouth, they hide in scycrapers,

' and justice for all' :LOL: :LOL:

just prepair,

''The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say''

when Roman empire decline
they shell the title of Ceasar for millions of denarii,
and they made 'commedian emperrors'
today we made actors as presidents and billionaires as Ceasars


doom is upon the ones who shold their shoul
new religion is coming and is not 'new order'
remember Υπατια :sad-2:
and at least die FREE with dignity,
something that both communism and capitalism took it away from our souls,

Yetos, what happened to Occupy movement, and your prediction of end of capitalism? This is how bulshit walks. You should realise by now that your understanding how world works is faulty.
Yetos, what happened to Occupy movement, and your prediction of end of capitalism? This is how bulshit walks. You should realise by now that your understanding how world works is faulty.


well the same said the Romans but Hannibal and Huns and Goths enter,
same said the Byzantines, but Crusaders and Turks enter,
if you love the times of 'mad or weak' emperrors then it is your time,
simply look around you, who knows for a few million Dollars you can be president,

'Free porn and blood to the people' :heart:

I still wonder who burned Rome, Neron or Christians or someone else?
can you answer?

Dedicated to you, Sophia is always beautyfull, even at her last of her life she had the 'grace' of beauty
watch minute 3:50 and after 7:30 of trailer

simply, honorable 'patriot' Romans made 7 centuries to create a healthy empire, and it collapse to 2-3-4 parts after the era of 'money talks'
that time when news and media and education did not exist,
today 1 century will be enough,

Do you have a 'Mexican' or a 'European' housekeeper?
at the times of Decline all 'money talks' people had a Greek or Christian one, it was considered ultimate thing to have one

if as you say 'money talks'
come on money talks what is your price??? 500$ ?

New world order is like 'Ceasar is god' a religion from 'above' to lower class, so it is doomed',
they might buy 1 or 2 generations time.
at the times of monotheistic religions, people are amazed by the life of simple, poor, and descent men, who fight for a reason,
the Jews who left their wealth to Egypt and desert enter Palestine,
the christians who deny 'gifts' and live in hunger, took Rome as inheritage,
etc for Islam, Reformers ...
choose to whom you sacrifice.

strange paradox, History is always repeating her shelf.

your capitalism is dead, only he does not know it yet,
but you and I know it well. the difference is that I am free, you are not.
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The vote is today... From what I see here in the u.s. -- England is far better leaving. I think her populace wants out, however the elites will steer the result.
Populations should not be controlled by faceless boards... This removes accountability and a system with these parameters is guaranteed to fail.
The vote is today... From what I see here in the u.s. -- England is far better leaving. I think her populace wants out, however the elites will steer the result.

the EU government is rotten, it needs a totally different approach and organisation

leaving is no solution though
the EU government is rotten, it needs a totally different approach and organisation

leaving is no solution though

Seems like its a little too late now. The writing on the wall has been there for a while and been either ignored hoping its just a phase and will just go away. Seems like Europe will have to go back to an economic union as no one really complains about that, but political Union dictated by Brussels has never really been popular, very often insensitive to the people needs, or when the sensitivity arrives it would have caused too much resentment and distress.
Seems like its a little too late now. The writing on the wall has been there for a while and been either ignored hoping its just a phase and will just go away. Seems like Europe will have to go back to an economic union as no one really complains about that, but political Union dictated by Brussels has never really been popular, very often insensitive to the people needs, or when the sensitivity arrives it would have caused too much resentment and distress.
I'm not sure if EU was more insensitive than most national governments. I think that pendulum has swung towards conservatism and nationalism these days due to slow economy, terrorism and too much immigration. In a decade the populous mood might be way different.
There might be unforeseen circumstances though. Possibly Scotland and North Ireland will separate from GB and jon EU instead? If city of London could have done it they would.

Voting by demographics:



The smart and the young wanted to stay in.
I'm not sure if EU was more insensitive than most national governments. I think that pendulum has swung towards conservatism and nationalism these days due to slow economy, terrorism and too much immigration. In a decade the populous mood might be way different.
There might be unforeseen circumstances though. Possibly Scotland and North Ireland will separate from GB and jon EU instead? If city of London could have done it they would.

Voting by demographics:



The smart and the young wanted to stay in.

Encouraging figures re age group, but its done now. Britain has to leave. The EU has to decided whether to punish or not. I think it will not. If it will not others will follow. Besides Scandinavia, Austria is hanging on a piece of string, and France is gaining momentum. Trump can be voted in for the same reasons and that will create a perfect storm. I am not normally pessimistic but I can feel some kind of Third world turmoil (not to call it war). Hopefully it will not get to that.
Globalist elite have let greed dictate policy and the plebes are now awake. Awake and angry.
Immigration definitely played a big part in all of this, or rather the fear of unregulated immigration from the Middle East and Africa.

To some degree it's the EU itself which is to blame for this, in the sense that it was ill-conceived, sort of "neither fish nor fowl". There were no mechanisms and no will to present a unified, sensible front in terms of the immigration. They never were able to come up with a unified policy toward the disruptions in the Middle East or North Africa which precipitated that crisis either. Even in the Balkan War right within their own borders they were totally absent in finding a solution.

To some degree Britain has always been conflicted about the EU, which I think can in part be traced back to its traditional foreign policy stance that the more they can distance themselves from the messes on the "continent" the better.

The other factor is the growing restiveness with regulation and over-regulation by people whom they didn't vote for and/or who don't have the interests of Britain itself as their first priority. In a way it's a version of America's own "no taxation without representation" position against Britain itself.

Then add in the anger at big banks and investment houses who precipitated a financial crisis but got shielded from the worst effects, and you have a perfect storm.

Whether this spreads to Scandinavia I don't know, but it might happen. The economies there are reeling from this massive influx. Well, now they know what it does to national economic numbers when you have a big group of people in your country who are not working and contributing to taxes, but are draining tax money in benefits.

Ed. Another interesting factor is that all of the negative press about Brexit couldn't swing the vote.

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