Why Spanish people look like the people of Yemen?


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They have many characteristics in common, such as the nose for example.
There are also people very similar to these in Mexico (not all), a country that Spain colonized.

I thought of the Gypsy people, but they do not have similar traits with those of the Yemen people.

Could someone explain?
Original Iberians were Celts! Lombards and Visigoths were Germanic they came later. I don't know why you would compare Spaniards with people in Yemen?
The Arabs who invaded Spain were largely from Yemen (known fact, not speculation), sooo....


We don't look kindly on these kinds of provocative posts here. This is the second such one I've seen from you in the past two days. I thought judicious ignoring would work, but apparently not.

Now you've been warned. Cut it out.


We don't look kindly on these kinds of provocative posts here. This is the second such one I've seen from you in the past two days. I thought judicious ignoring would work, but apparently not.

Now you've been warned. Cut it out.
I agree. Definitely a racist intent. One more time and he should be banned.


We don't look kindly on these kinds of provocative posts here. This is the second such one I've seen from you in the past two days. I thought judicious ignoring would work, but apparently not.

Now you've been warned. Cut it out.

I'm really lazy to read a few things about the subjects I ask, so that's why I asked here on that site.
The way I see it here, any question here is provocative.
I will not ask more questions here, but on other sites that are willing to help me. I thought that here you would like to help people understand about these genetic issues.
No access here anymore and neither do I want to be part of this site anymore.
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I agree. Definitely a racist intent. One more time and he should be banned.
I'm really lazy to read a few things about the subjects I ask, so that's why I asked here on that site.
The way I see it here, any question here is provocative.
I will not ask more questions here, but on other sites that are willing to help me. I thought that here you would like to help people understand about these genetic issues.
No access here anymore and neither do I want to be part of this site anymore.
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The Arabs who invaded Spain were largely from Yemen (known fact, not speculation), sooo....

Thank you very much Khalid_1.
I knew that the Iberian Peninsula had been invaded by the Arabs but did not know the locality they came from.
You get the point. Thank you for your education in responding.
Original Iberians were Celts! Lombards and Visigoths were Germanic they came later. I don't know why you would compare Spaniards with people in Yemen?

Because I think they look alike.
A good example I have of this is my acquaintance says he is a descendant of Spaniards, but he resembles the people of Yemen.
The Iberian Peninsula later received Arab people. Should be it.
Arabs from Yemen settled mostly in Aragón but not in the rest of the Iberian Peninsula. Then, any genetic influx and I believe should not be very significant, would be found somewhere there.

If you know something about Yemenis, then you should know that they are not homogeneous, just like the Iberian Peninsula, but you can find such extremely different physical traits. Talking about some traits would be tedious but going to skin colour you can find people as "white" as a random German guy and people as dark as a brown North African.

The Iberian Peninsula is absolutly heterogeneous when we talk about physical traits, some regions most heterogeneous than others and micro-regional homogeneity could be found. For example, Basque Country, you can find some recurrent physical types depending on the region you look for.

Then you can say: "This guy looks spanish" but then you can see another very different looking guy and say exactly the same because he fits among any of the different Iberian types or any mix of these types.
You have several scientific statments coming from the bioanthropologist Pedro Gómez from the University of Oviedo, I will give you one and not talking about the whole Iberian Peninsula but only just about Asturies:

"Asturies contains a high human diversity because of their marked relief and isolated valleys, then keeping regions with very low or null migratory influx with the pass of the time until very recent times.". Pedro Gómez 2013
Iberians have little North African or Arab ancestry.
Andresasj, here you have a "Spanish Yemeni" from southern Castilla born in Asturies, could pass as Mexican from Yucatan :D

A.J.T.R. from southern Castilla and born in Asturies.jpg

I can't resist, I had to do.
They have many characteristics in common, such as the nose for example.
There are also people very similar to these in Mexico (not all), a country that Spain colonized.

I thought of the Gypsy people, but they do not have similar traits with those of the Yemen people.

Could someone explain?

Well .. obviously some people thought you had a racist intent, by comparing Spaniards to Yemenis, judging from the down votes, but lets pause here for a moment, why do we think that's offensive, why is looking Yemeni offensive ? do we think it's ugly ? who is the racist here ?

Anyway, Arabs in general had little genetic input to Iberia, FGC12, the dominant form of J1 in Arabia, is 0.5% of the total population, and not all of them came with their families, Berbers from north Africa had a higher contribution, in the history of Moorish Iberia they were the majority of the invading Armies while Arabs were officers and governors.
Never met a Spaniard who looks anything like a guy from Yemen. What a ridiculous notion
Well .. obviously some people thought you had a racist intent, by comparing Spaniards to Yemenis, judging from the down votes, but lets pause here for a moment, why do we think that's offensive, why is looking Yemeni offensive ? do we think it's ugly ? who is the racist here ?

Anyway, Arabs in general had little genetic input to Iberia, FGC12, the dominant form of J1 in Arabia, is 0.5% of the total population, and not all of them came with their families, Berbers from north Africa had a higher contribution, in the history of Moorish Iberia they were the majority of the invading Armies while Arabs were officers and governors.

Maybe because we know him and know he thinks it's offensive.
Well .. obviously some people thought you had a racist intent, by comparing Spaniards to Yemenis, judging from the down votes, but lets pause here for a moment, why do we think that's offensive, why is looking Yemeni offensive ? do we think it's ugly ? who is the racist here ?

Anyway, Arabs in general had little genetic input to Iberia, FGC12, the dominant form of J1 in Arabia, is 0.5% of the total population, and not all of them came with their families, Berbers from north Africa had a higher contribution, in the history of Moorish Iberia they were the majority of the invading Armies while Arabs were officers and governors.

In order to insult Spaniards, knowing their phobias and racism towards Arabs, is to say that they look like Arabs.

As Angela said, the intent is a key here. We think that intent here wasn't a scientific curiosity type, but animosity towards Iberians, and being provocative to inflict emotional pain to an ethnic group.

I'm surprised only one Spaniard showed up to defend "the honor" of "white christian celtic" nation. Usually there is a whole army of defenders.
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Maybe because we know him and know he thinks it's offensive.

And radical muslims find any questions about their prophet offensive.

Should we therefore never ask such questions?

I honestly find political correctness more offensive than any question.
I don't think that they look much alike. Yemenites are much darker-skinned, for example. However, there are many Lebanese (like Paul Anka, Joseph Dahdah) who could pass for Spaniards (like Bernat Quintana, Placido Domingo).
I don't think that they look much alike. Yemenites are much darker-skinned, for example. However, there are many Lebanese (like Paul Anka, Joseph Dahdah) who could pass for Spaniards (like Bernat Quintana, Placido Domingo).

I wonder if the Lebanese and Yemenites find your comment offensive...

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