Religion why are not u a muslim?

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key, i recently went to a lecture which promissed to prove gods exictence... many arguments presented, design, cosmological, ontological...
but the funny thing is: the guy disproved the exictence of god with many of them!!!

and now about the big bang. From the little i've read, the big bang occured because was an infinite spacial extent... then an instability occured (allowable through randomn fluctuations in space) causing all parts of the universe to rush away from one another (like if you drop a mass into water). this caused the universe to curve which caused an increase in temperature and energy density. from this a small, three-dimensional point emereged from which the big bang occured...
How the 10 dimensional space from which the big bang began formed is unknown, but you can follow the pattern hypothetically that more and more symmetrical, higher dimensional planes lost symmetry due to instabilities...
in no way a proven theory as the maths is a bit complicted now. but it basically offers a lot of solutions that are not offered by other theories. Also explains multiple universe theory and how we are not as special as we thought.

Arguing about this is pointless because i wont have many answers, but i just posted this to remind people: Scienece will always make progresses, however long it takes. and by the way, even attempts are more progress than not trying... It might not answer everything, but it sure will try.
Religion on the other hand just creates some nice assumptions about the world makes them "indesputable" and bob's your uncle. This creates stability but in no way truth. (heck, look at europe after the rise of christianity... no progress for about 1000 years)
I would happily support science simply on the fact it doesn't stand still.

and also...'s because of discussions like this that wars start...
Actually I disagree with you blessed. I think Christianity has made Europe progress a lot, but after the fall of The Roman empire excisting technologies weren't used, it took the western world quite some time to reinvent lots of things. But they did make progress. I don't get it, why the hell are we bashing Christianity while has made our society as it is, well at least in my country.

Science can't give answers on what happenend millions and millions of years ago. How do you wan't the prove existence of nothing to this? The Big Bang theory doesn't give all answers as well, so I think we will always guess for the start of the universe.

And it's not because this sort of discussions starts wars, but it's the people that don't respect other opinions and believes. They start shouting crap about going to hell and that they are right, not even trying to understand some one else his opinion. Because they think they have the truth.

Loads of things are a question of interpertation. I heared someone saying that if we look at the variety of species, we can conclude it's not made by God. Another guy said that it could only be done by God. Viewpoints :wave:
Christianity has halted scientific progress: cosmology, the helio-centric model was not acceptable, the belief that something didnt circle the earth was madness, then the belief something didn't circle the sun was madness. infact even in the 1970's the pope stated while meeting with famous scientists like stephen hawkings that the Big Bang should not be examined, and should be left unexplained. That is haulting of progress.
stem cell research, which could save uncountable numbers of people in the world, from a christian perspective is wrong. and because of bush's christian upbringing now recieves no funding in the USA.
after the western roman empire collapsed, all pagan medicines were abandoned because they were pagan. Some things that Rome achieved medically were immense. eg: cataract surgery. this isn't so much haulting progress, but even worse: "my predecessors wrote this book about how to preform tripple bypas, but they were orthodox, so im just gonna burn it". This is going backwards. thats why humanity was in recovery for 1000 years.
Also, before quite late in the last millenium, science was legal if only it had a "divine purpose", not simply a purpose of advancement. hence any progress that was concidered unimportant or against any divine beliefs was forbidden.

Discussions are the things that start wars because: a discussion such as this is only designed to "beat your belief" into other people. people on this forum are "hearing, but not listening" (including myself) to what everyone else says. I've heard most of this a dozen times. my closest friend is a muslim and weve had some pretty heated debates about this, and NOT ONCE did we a) come to a conclusion; b) agree to what the other person was saying.
A little bit off topic, but to answer the question in the title, I'm not a Muslim because I wasn't born one. Period.
With regard to this thread;

Who was it said "don't cast pearls before swine"?

Was it the same dude who said "you can't reason with the unreasonable"?

Better to save one's breath and use it to cheer on the Olympians.

"Hi Ho Off We Go, Time for Another Medal" :p :wave: :souka: :bluush:
Mike in Japan said:
Better to save one's breath and use it to cheer on the Olympians.

Actually, I think this thread has become a sport all its own!

*Popping popcorn and pulling up a chair to spectate. Settles in for a long session of watching from the sidelines. Makes room for Mike and offers her popcorn to him and any other members who care to spectate. Hopes she doesn't develop tendonitis in her neck from watching the balls being batted back and forth.* :)
Satori said:
offers her popcorn to him and any other members who care to spectate
Thanks Satori-San. Well done in getting this accepted by the IOC.
Who are you tipping to win? The G-Men, the A-Men, the Scientists or perhaps the telephone/forum sanitisers?
Anyone for dried squid? :bluush: :) :D :?

P.S. No offence intended Sanitiser-San, I am one too in another cyber stadium.
Mike in Japan said:
Thanks Satori-San. Well done in getting this accepted by the IOC.
Who are you tipping to win? The G-Men, the A-Men, the Scientists or perhaps the telephone/forum sanitisers?
Anyone for dried squid? :bluush: :) :D :?

P.S. No offence intended Sanitiser-San, I am one too in another cyber stadium.

:D Well, we all try to do our part ... :)

*Waves to Mike. Come on over! There's enough room here next to me. I'm not sure who my bets are on at this moment. Who are you betting on? Here, have some more popcorn. Did you bring the beer?*
Neat spot you have here, thanks. Would you like Suntori. Asahi, Kirin, Bud., Fosters, Guiness, God's Golden Dew, Allah's Ale ..... I have them all in this nifty little G'Day Moggy bag.

Oops, I forgot the Satan's Syrup ... never mind, no one likes that one anyway.

Geez .. we had better get back to the game. We wouldn't want to miss anything.

Nice plague God, or did you say your name was Allah? Arrrgggg .. What's in a name anyway? :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: Pssssst, can we get kicked out for lack of sobriety? Bottoms up :blush: before they see us.
Thanks, Mike! Ooh, so many choices!! Thank you!!

I've been reading through the entire thread (basically, watching the game), and it seems Moslema has been making a lot of evasive manuevers, especially avoiding questions on women's issues, man-made laws, etc. Still hasn't responded to Maciamo's questions at all. So it appears the Muslims are getting beaten terribly in this game. The competition is just too tough here for them, apparently. What's your take on it?

*Takes another drink and eats some more popcorn, continuing to spectate.*
You know, I cannot believe that this thread has reached post #173 within a week! :souka:
A nonbeliever? Oh my Allah! Oops, I meant to say Oh my God
(I wonder which name He really prefers)

Satori-San, lets throw to the news while we check the stats. We'll be right back with more action from "Radicals, Racists, Religeon and Ridiculists" - LIVE from the Cyber Stadium. Don't touch that dial!

*Opens another Fosters just out of frame* :relief:
Satori said:
I've been reading through the entire thread (basically, watching the game), and it seems Moslema has been making a lot of evasive manuevers, especially avoiding questions on women's issues, man-made laws, etc. Still hasn't responded to Maciamo's questions at all. So it appears the Muslims are getting beaten terribly in this game. The competition is just too tough here for them, apparently. What's your take on it?

D'oh!? Moslema is losing!? Since I love to join the losing side, I'll have to somehow think of a way to help her, even though I'm an athiest, and I don't really agree with most of what she says.

Come on, I'll take you all on! :relief: There must be some way of helping Moslema...
Foxtrot Uniform said:
D'oh!? Moslema is losing!? Since I love to join the losing side, I'll have to somehow think of a way to help him, even though I'm an athiest, and I don't really agree with most of what he says.

Come on, I'll take you all on! :relief: There must be some way of helping Moslema...

moslema is a SHE...she is a female. She says so in on of her posts that she is a female.
Miss_apollo7 said:
moslema is a SHE...she is a female. She says so in on of her posts that she is a female.

D'oooooohhh!!!!! (Hehe, fixed it tnx to the useful little edit button)
Satori said:
Thanks, Mike! Ooh, so many choices!! Thank you!!

I've been reading through the entire thread (basically, watching the game), and it seems Moslema has been making a lot of evasive manuevers, especially avoiding questions on women's issues, man-made laws, etc. Still hasn't responded to Maciamo's questions at all. So it appears the Muslims are getting beaten terribly in this game. The competition is just too tough here for them, apparently. What's your take on it?

*Takes another drink and eats some more popcorn, continuing to spectate.*

"Well Bob, in the last religious olympics we saw the muslims starting strong with M. A. Muqtedar Khan winning much ground in the reach-out-and-forgive competition as well as a strong Conspiracy-theory team. But although they started out at an incredible pace collecting points, it just didn't hold up.. on the Jihad court we saw Mullah Mohammed Omar gaining many points and eventually winning Silver in what can only be described as an incredible performance..

I must say the turnout for this years olympic has been dissapointing to say the least, or what do you think?"
TwistedMac said:
Hahaha, actually it is a conspiracy theory. I'm the one that set it up. With my trained army of pokemon kids I will conquer this world and establish an evil empire! :cool:

JDubG said:
Because I am a Christian. And there is only one God and that is Jesus Christ.
Actually that's The Holy Trinity :)
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