Religion why are not u a muslim?

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moslema said:
do u believe in God?

what do u know about islam?

plz,give a simple answer

Yes, since I am a Christian I believe in God.

All I know is that there are two major "denominations" within Islam: Sunna and Shia (and from what I have read they both hate each other).

P.S. To the rest, all religions contain extremists. Let's not peg one religion as only producing violent radical extremists.
I'm not a muslim because I'm christian, and changing it would be far too troublesome.
I don't believe in God.
I know nothing about Islam except what I've read here...
akime said:
well your japanese right arent you bhuddist or shinto?
do u believe in god?

sorry i mean bhudda

I am not Japanese, but European. Anyhow, most Japanese have no religion. Shinto is more a gathering of traditions than a religions (there are millions of "kami", but they can't be translated as "gods", as even emperors can be considered as "kami").

Real Buddhism doesn't have any gods, as Buddha never said he was one, or that there were others. Some sects of Buddhism have imported Hindu deities or created new ones. But there is not much point in believing in the god of thunder, god of the wind nowadays.

akime said:
so bilgians dont believe in god and doesnt believe in anything or it depends on you to decide weather your going to be involve with the religion stuff?

Most (young) Europeans, are not very religious (or not at all) anymore.
Everybody is free to decide what they believe. That is why saying that you are Buddhist because your family is Buddhist, or Christian because your family is Christian, doesn't make sense. It's a personal feeling, not something you can inherit from your parents. Nobody has to declare on paper what their religion is, so it doesn't matter.

I have seen some people here saying that they were Christians, but do not believe in god. That can't be possible. If you don't believe in god, you are atheist or "without religion", not Christian or anything else. I think that many people are still confused about what they believe in.
Sinspawne said:
I'm not a muslim because I'm christian, and changing it would be far too troublesome.
I don't believe in God.

I'm like Maciamo on this. How can you possibly be a Christian and not believe in God? Do you mean that (like so many people, it seems) you view Christianity as a convenient pop-psychology construct?
I have my own beliefs in a "divine force" but I don't feel I have any need to subscribe to any organized religion to understand or have a relationship with that force. For some people religion makes them feel comfortable and is a good social outlet, but organized religion would serve no purpose for me.

The main drawback of any organized religion is that it seems to make its members closed to new ideas and other ways of looking at things. It's rare to see non-religious people killing eachother over a difference in philosophical beliefs. Historically so many atrocities have been perpetrated in the name of religion, when religion claims to be such a wholesome thing. People should believe whatever they want and not worry about what others believe in.

Religion was created by people, not by God. To me, arguing about religion is like arguing about who kicks more ass, Santa Claus or Spiderman.

Don't take offense. These are just my views and I completely respect the religious beliefs of others. :wave:
mikecash said:
I'm like Maciamo on this. How can you possibly be a Christian and not believe in God?
Same way a vector can have a direction but not a magnitude.
According to the Catholic Church, being Christian means holding Christian beliefs. So, if you didn't believe in God, you'd automatically not qualify as a Christian, even if you went to church every week.
Brooker said:
According to the Catholic Church, being Christian means holding Christian beliefs. So, if you didn't believe in God, you'd automatically not qualify as a Christian,
according to the Catholic Church
Brooker said:
even if you went to church every week.
moslema said:
do u believe in God?

what do u know about islam?

plz,give a simple answer
That's a simple question. I'll give you a simple answer.

I'm not a muslim and I can tell you why. A good friend of mine has been beaten up by muslims (Yes, more then one), for just being a jew. Offcourse the situation in Isra?l can piss people off, but what does a 18 year old in Europe got to do with it?

In lot's of warsituations, muslims are involved. I can name a few: Indonesia, Sudan, (Until Recent) Serbia/Kroatia/Bosnia, Iraq and Isra?l. It gives me the idea that the Islam isn't as peacefull as it tries to keep up for us. Offcourse, it would be wrong to say all muslims are like that, but it's hard for me to keep that impression away.

So I can't give you a clear view on the Islam relegion. It has it's good points and it drawbacks. I merely see it's drawbacks. And that's my humble view...
Then I'm an Atheist. But I would gladly worship the first God that comes down for a visit :haihai:
One thing that I always thought was odd. Some people devote their lives to worshipping a God who may or may not have created them, but they treat their parents like crap. We know FOR SURE that your parents created you, so why not worship them? :eek:kashii:
60Yen said:
In lot's of warsituations, muslims are involved. I can name a few: Indonesia, Sudan, (Until Recent) Serbia/Kroatia/Bosnia, Iraq and Isra?l. It gives me the idea that the Islam isn't as peacefull as it tries to keep up for us. Offcourse, it would be wrong to say all muslims are like that, but it's hard for me to keep that impression away.

Well, I would say that no religion is peaceful because throughout history people having been killing each other in the name of their religion and becuase of the slight differences in how each relgion worships god.

According to the Old Testament, the first conflict that ever happened which was Cain murdering Abel because God wasn't pleaced with Cain's offering. Basically, the first ever murder was caused by religion.

And, I am not a Muslim because I am not part of any religion and I believe that neither god nor any supernatural beigns nor santa claus exists. Personally, I am not a very big fan of religion because relgion is about believing and not asking questions and I like ask questions and know the truth.

Oh, it is unfair to judge Islam as a relgion filled with extremists because all relgions have their fair share of extremists. And I do have a Muslim friend who is very nice and she is a great example of the average Muslim. In fact, she's quite attractive...
I didn't really want to get involved in this thread as I can see it getting somewhat emotional, but anyway here goes. I reverted to Islaam about 13 years ago from a Jewish upbringing so I have seen or lived both sides of the coin so to speak.

The problem I see is that so many Muslim communities be it in Palestine, Somalia, Afghanistan etc, are so far far away from understanding their own religion they are following the advice and religious edicts of those who are either ignorant or have ulterior motives. I mean how many Hamas or Hizbu-shaitan leaders do you see going out to physically fight the enemy?

The Palestine problem is not necessary a religious one, 'cos you will also find Palestinian Christians being persecuted and having their land, homes taken away from them. Iraq, and Afghanistan are more likely to have their problems rooted in the oil/arms/re-election issues. The problem in Somalia is down to tribalism and a thirst for power.

One cannot judge a religion by its people as alas the Muslims today are not a good example of Islaam, but rather one should judge the religion by its books.
thereisnospoon said:
I have seen or lived both sides of the coin so to speak.

that is a multi-faceted coin though.. it hardly has only 2 sides, what with all the religions flying around...

If I believed in nordic mythology, most people would be very scornfull about that.. why? because christianity decided to stomp it out a thousand years ago or so..

so now everyone thinks of it as only fairytales.. yet other religions are still accepted as "maybe the truth".. something to think about? :?
mikecash said:
I'm like Maciamo on this. How can you possibly be a Christian and not believe in God? Do you mean that (like so many people, it seems) you view Christianity as a convenient pop-psychology construct?
well :)
i'm officially registered as christian, but i see myself as an atheist becouse i don't believe in god. so i'm christian, and don't believe in god.
I dont belive in God. I find it very hard to belive ANYTHING if I dont see hard proof.

Also I think that religion was carefully introduced for the sole purpose of keeping order in primative society, where laws and law enforcment were non-existant. The threat of hell etc kept was supposed to stop people killing/stealing etc.

But I do not have a problem with anybody being religious, as long as it doesnt effect my day, which it has been recently to be honest.
Maciamo said:
I don't believe in god, because it is irrational and can be disproved by logic (depending on how one imagine it).

Religions can be useful for some people, but rational beings are much better off creating their own belief system or philosophy. Religion was made for the benighted masses, and is not worth much more.

The problem of monotheist religion (only one god) is that they end up being intolerant and narrow-minded.


(15 character thing)
Well I will paste a note to my previous post. Maybe I haven't said it, but it's only my impression. And yes Foxtrot, I agree with you on that. All religions have their downside.

Saying that God doesn't excist, hmmm. I haven't seen a proven story yet. Darwin's theory doesn't have all the answers and there have been tests that could tackle that theory. Saying that Darwin's theory is right, is just as much guessing as believing in God. There's no proof, just indications...

So I choose to believe in no theory of life at all. Until proof is put infront of me. Not that it matters to me much anyway.
60 Yen wrote:

"Saying that God doesn't excist, hmmm. I haven't seen a proven story yet. Darwin's theory doesn't have all the answers and there have been tests that could tackle that theory. Saying that Darwin's theory is right, is just as much guessing as believing in God. There's no proof, just indications..."

I agree. That's why it's called a theory. It still takes faith to believe there is no God as to believe there is a God.

As far as the original question that was asked by Moslema:

I am a Christian and believe in God. I believe Islam like other religions has its fanatics which are in the minority, but beause of the acts they do they get a lot of visibility and skew others impressions of the entire religion. I don't believe in Islam, and do know some Muslims.
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