There’s still no published work regarding the original lineage of men of ancient Egypt(well not in a clear way), but it’s ok instead of checking for the men let’s check for the women of the society. Here I present mitochondrial haplogroup M1 and U6, two maternal lineages that have been associated with e1b1b men since they appeared.
E1b1b can be divided into two main lineages E-V68 who are associated with M1 women and E-Z827 with U6 women. Today if you check (second link) what location has the highest concentration of women who are M1 and U6 you’ll see that they’re concentrated exactly where e1b1b men have the highest concentration, in the Horn of Africa for E-V68 and M1 and Northwest Africa for E-Z827 and U6. Both of those branches having newer and newer subclades the further you get from Egypt.
We can also look at the language ancient Egyptians spoke, it was an afroasiatic language like Hebrew, Arabic, Somali, amazigh etc and afroasiatic languages come from e1b1b men that’s why you’ll find like over 90% of the many languages it includes still being spoken by them.
One more thing I wanna add is that people will say the ancient Egyptians had Eurasian dna. That’s semantics, cause the autosomal component they’re talking about is called “basal Eurasian” the earliest evidence of it is with the afroasiatic/e1b1b people. In the horn that autosomal component is called “ethio-Somali” and in North Africa it’s called “maghrebi”
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