Who is/are your favorite European Band/s?

Mine are...

1. Death Cab for Cutie

2. U2

3. Depeche Mode

4. The Used

5. 311

6. Royal Bliss (Local Band)

7. Yellowcard

8. Sublime

9. AFI
Ooooh! A music section! :happy:
My current favourite European musicians are:
Dimmu Borgir
Mylene Farmer
Anorexia Nervosa
Noir Desir (I just got into their music recently ^^)
Children of Bodom
Iron Maiden
Samsas Traum
Ralph McTell
... etc. :hihi:
I don't know many new musicians or bands, so my favorites are kind of old.

Talking Heads
Flying Lizards
Henry Cow
Dead Can Dance
I like some older bands too... I like The Beatles, Thin Lizzy, Led Zeppelin (sometimes), Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, and there are other old British bands I like. :)
british bands have always been quite good...

stereophonics are good,
modjo - french
daft punkk -

i donna
Recently Egotrippi and Tiktak joined my list of favourite bands. Both are Finnish :) I like the way the music is made !
CCCP Fedeli alla linea (80s Italian Punk)
CSI (Consorzio Suonatori Indipendenti) 90's Rock
Marlene Kuntz (rock metalish)
Die Arzle
and many many more...
Kinsao, I like Led Zeppelin, too. Jimmy Page's guitar used to give me goose bumps.

I forgot Muse.
I don't know how popular they are in Europe, but they are one my favorite bands, although they kind of disappointed me with their new album.
I like Rosetta Stone and Bauhaus, but I don't even know what their nationalities are. :bluush:
I also like Razed in Black for that good old industrial/electronic sound. :cool: I have got their song 'Blush' stuck in my head. :banghead:
Woah European bands are :cool: Currently one of my favourite are:

Dimmu Borgir
Blind Guardian
Lacuna Coil


I'm going to see Korpiklaani, Catamenia and Satyricon live this October! I'm so happy! :confetti:
I just discovered a band called Mizar, they are Macedonian and sing in their native language. I only have 3 of their songs but they seem good, I like them... :cool:
Amongst rock bands I love only British ones.

My favourite band is Pink Floyd. My favourite albums are 'The Division Bell' and 'The Wall.' The video 'The Wall' is absolutely great!!!
:cool: :cool: :cool:

They are the most sincere band of all time. :cool:
I also like Hungarian oneman solo project (sometimes with guest guitarists) m0d3rn5lav3. :cool: Not very well known but gettin popular a bit in Hungary, I know of him through my pal who is 'protege' of his (with his band The 21st Cherry Boys which I collaborate with too :) )
I've never admitted this to anyone, but I enjoy listening to Depeche Mode. I have alot of their songs on my ipod. :bluush:

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