Who are the greatest philosophers


The Angel of Justice
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Northeast Greenhills, San Juan, Manila, Philippine
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Sun Tzu- a military philosopher who wrote the Art of War. "Know your enemy, know yourself and victory is yours."

Bruce Lee- a martial arts philosopher who believed in employing only the useful elements of martial arts that led to his creation of Jeet Kune Do. "Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is unique"

Mencius- a Chinese philosopher who said "the most important element in a state is the people. The next important is grain and spirit. The least important are the leaders." Mencius also said "If a government turns bad, then the people has a right to overthrow through violent means.

Confucius- a Chinese philosopher who said "Do not unto others what you don't want others to do unto you"

Karl Marx- his economic and social philosophy inspired the creation of communism.

Nietzsche- a philosopher who said "If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger". It's said that Nietzsche's philosophy inspired Hitler's idealism.

Hippocrates- the medical philosopher who believed that physicians and healers should follow logic instead of following superstitions at the time the doctors believed diseases were caused by demons, magic or bad luck. and thus inspired the concept of Hippocratic Oath.

Adam Smith- an economic and business philosopher who founded the laissez-faire capitalism, postulated the theory of the division of labor and emphasized that value arises from the labor expended in the process of production

Machiavelli- who believes in the "Might makes right". It's been said Hitler's philosophy and leadership tactics was also influenced by Machiavelian ideas.

Thomas Malthus- the economic philosopher who made a theory about overpopulation resulting in a depletion of Earth's natural resources.
how about locke? Hobbes? harrington? Jeremy Bentham? John stuart mills? Kant? Gramsci?
thomas aquinas? Goethe? Hegel? Sartre? the list can go on foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr

i like nietzche though :) he has more philosophy than the guys you put in there, they seem to be more practical thinkers
Nietzsche- a philosopher who said "If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger". It's said that Nietzsche's philosophy inspired Hitler's idealism.
right. for the story, nietzsche became crazy suddenly, without any reason. his sister took his work, cut some parts and turned it in favor to the nazi idealism :eek:kashii:
it's imo the greatest, but his ideas are quite hard to understand, imagine & put in situations.
well nietzche is really complicated sometimes and quite contradictory, he elaborates very thoroughly sometimes and makes allusions to works and authors uknown in this age so that's a bit difficult. But he is quite funny at times, and well too damm smart :p
Soeren Kierkegaard - He is considered by many as the founder of existentialism. In his works he describes three forms of existence, which are divided into different spheres:
The esthetical, the ethical and the religious.

In the category of existentialism I can mention:

Camus (my favourite reading).
Sun Tzu- a military philosopher who wrote the Art of War. "Know your enemy, know yourself and victory is yours."

Bruce Lee- a martial arts philosopher who believed in employing only the useful elements of martial arts that led to his creation of Jeet Kune Do. "Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is unique"

Mencius- a Chinese philosopher who said "the most important element in a state is the people. The next important is grain and spirit. The least important are the leaders." Mencius also said "If a government turns bad, then the people has a right to overthrow through violent means.

Confucius- a Chinese philosopher who said "Do not unto others what you don't want others to do unto you"

Karl Marx- his economic and social philosophy inspired the creation of communism.

Nietzsche- a philosopher who said "If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger". It's said that Nietzsche's philosophy inspired Hitler's idealism.

Hippocrates- the medical philosopher who believed that physicians and healers should follow logic instead of following superstitions at the time the doctors believed diseases were caused by demons, magic or bad luck. and thus inspired the concept of Hippocratic Oath.

Adam Smith- an economic and business philosopher who founded the laissez-faire capitalism, postulated the theory of the division of labor and emphasized that value arises from the labor expended in the process of production

Machiavelli- who believes in the "Might makes right". It's been said Hitler's philosophy and leadership tactics was also influenced by Machiavelian ideas.

Thomas Malthus- the economic philosopher who made a theory about overpopulation resulting in a depletion of Earth's natural resources.

I believe Nietzche said, "That which does not DISTROY you makes you stronger".

This makes more sense; there are many experiances that may not kill you but leave you weaker than before, not stronger.

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