Religion Which religion is most accurate/belivible?

bossel said:
The one you believe in.
Because you believe.
Exactly. Any religion has a bit of BS, but if you believe in it, it is not BS (you know what I mean?)
Depends on what you define as "accurate." As this word's definition is subjective, what you seem to be asking is "what relgion do you believe in?"

what is believable also depends on the person, and how the religion is presented to them. Every religion requires at least a little bit of faith in something in ourselves; some call it the divine spark, breath, inner peace, the great emptiness, soul, even god.
This thread is probably in the wrong place.

It seems a little bit strange, the actual heading for the OP is a question which doesn't really match the nature of the following two point question in the text.

I believe in the religion of life, without it there would be nothing else to believe in at all !
I would like to say the religion that promotes in you the most compassion, tolerance, patience, gratitude, humility, and transcendent joy is the best religion for one to take on, and not at all based on whether it's scientifically or logically the most accurate or believable.
Any search that sincerely seeks truth is bound to find something. The fact that you are asking is a good sign that you already know where to search.
Mars Man said:
This thread is probably in the wrong place.
It seems a little bit strange, the actual heading for the OP is a question which doesn't really match the nature of the following two point question in the text.
I believe in the religion of life, without it there would be nothing else to believe in at all !
Quite right. Moved
I haven't found any religion that seems accurate or believable to me. Consequently, I don't believe in any of them.
Muslims always accept Islam without any doubt. But, some who are not aware of their religion may hesitate.

I am, as a muslim, never have doubt about Islam. Because, I studied it very well upto level of university. Until now, I read books on Islamic studies to improve my knowledges more and more.

Ebu Huzeyfe said:
Muslims always accept Islam without any doubt. But, some who are not aware of their religion may hesitate.
Muslims who are not aware of their religion? Since when is "Muslim" a race? At least this is the only possible explanation I see for your... argument.
I am, as a muslim, never have doubt about Islam.
Really? You came to a conclusion without even analyzing its premises? That's a quite foolish thing to do.
If you are looking for an organization to join, a dogma to believe in, take your choice, they all have their plusses (depending on the situation) and they all are single minded in their determination to be right.

Faith, on the other hand, is an individual existential experience of an apprehension that there is more than strings and p-branes (peabrains??? - the semiologist in me refuses to ignore it) to the fabric of the cosmoverse ... and that more is God. Once one faces God and accepts the glory of creation, once one realizes that all one can do is be ever-thankful and enjoy the joys of life, then questions like angels on the heads of pins or Krishna and Arjuna on the battlefield of life are seen as the significating metaphors they are.

For me there is only this, always and everywhere,
In the name of the one God.
There is no god but God.
Your will, not mine.
It's kind of weird. I use to have a set of beliefs, but not really involved in an organized religion. But now that I thought things through, the one that seems the most plausible is really the same as what Mars Man said.
I am for religions that aren't in it for personal gain, or power. But it seems all of them are like that.
I kind of wish that justin9213 would come back and clarify. For the time being, we might be able to take the theme (or question) of the thread to be something like: What lines of reasoning would/could you provide in the effort to show how the belief-system you have adopted is accurate in an overall scientifically palusible form?
"What lines of reasoning would/could you provide in the effort to show how the belief-system you have adopted is accurate in an overall scientifically palusible form?"

Sumimasen. Please, no disrespected intended but how can a "belief-system" exist in a "scientifically plausible form." To quote Will Robinson's Robot: "That does not compute."

For me I draw upon the words of Jesus, when the bad dudes tried to get him to speak against the government -- Render unto Caesar, dude! (I paraphrase) Science is of and for the world of time and space, faith is all that and then some, awareness, belief, hope, love... Science says these are all chemical reactions based upon our programming to mate.

Again, I am sorry, I get on my soapbox sometimes and once I start to preach I get really wordy.
Again, nice to see you posting,! :cool: No sweat at all, bro. . .I often get upon my soapbox as well, and can be very wordy too. (I use at least two to three words for every strand of hair that I don't have to cover my sclap. hee, hee.....

Absolutely no disrespect understood. I had intended that the clause, "in an overall scientifically palusible form" to kind of be bending back so as to provide the essence of testability that reasoning on a particular belief-system would have to use to show that that same system were accurate.

As for a title to the thread, I felt that it might have been better. As for the latter thoughts you presented, I do hope we can look at them, but for the moment wonder if they would not be best discussed on another thread--since the OP kind of limits the theme here. Talk with you later !!:wave:

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