Which government would you prefer.

Which kind of government do you think is best?

  • democratic republic

    Votes: 21 58.3%
  • democratic (parliamentary) monarchy

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • absolute monarchy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • military dictatorship

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • theocracy

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • anarchy

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • democratic dictatorship

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • other

    Votes: 7 19.4%

  • Total voters


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I'm not sure about the proper names of all the different types of government so I will describe each one, briefly.
democratic republic: The kind present in most develloped, European countries and North America, meaning a government lead by a president and/or prime minister and elected by universal suffrage. Most freedom.
democratic monarchy: Same as above except that a Royal person is at the head of the government but with no real power so the prime minister or equivalent leads the gov't
absolute monarchy: old fashioned style, like Louis XIV, son of God meant to rule all people of France alone with the right of death... etc. No freedom
military dictatorship: One man at the head of the gov't, using military forces and fear to control the masses, like communist USSR or many of the Latin America's countries. very limited freedom
theocracy: Gov't based on religious writings. The holy book dictates the laws and morals and the highest figure among the chosen ones is to make sure the laws are respected. Freedom depends on how much faith you have.
anarchy: NO God, No law, No Gov't
democratic dictatorship: Special one, one man leads the people and has absolute power, but he is chosen by the people and can be stopped by the people. They believe it's for their own good. Freedom depends on the man at the head of the government.
other: If you have any suggestions...
I choose the democratic dictatorship because I believe that not all humans want freedom, there are things they desire more like security. I fyou give them enough to have an easy life they will be satisfied. Handling freedom requires a lot of education so people who reach that level would be wise enough to handle it with care and therefore would be free.
You could add Revolutionary, Transitional , Federal... oh, why complicate things?

I prefer a Socialist Democracy, where some aspects of socialism are kept (like free Education and Healthcare) and yet there can be multiple parties and people can vote on their politicians, even if indirectly. Capitalism is the engine of the world so of course it is practiced and regulated.

Though I am still waiting for that E-Government v2.0 that will allow me to vote directly in every issue :D Now that would be a populist government :D
my wn persona "fave" would be a "marxist anarchy"... what you achive in marxist communism, but that will never happen, so I'm happy with a morally left wing and economically right wing democracy.
I Kinda Like......

the one I have now, but without Bush. If we could just find some men like Washington, jefferson,Lincoln to run the carpetbaggers out of Congress & put some honest ones in to run things.Seems like the only drive behind being in politics today is money & fame; not love of country or it's people. To bad we can't bring back the good ol days & simpler times? Things are very complicated in today's world, but we do have a pretty good standard of living for some. I don't see any big changes coming down the road, just have to wait & see.


I prefer a liberalist democracy. People should have as much liberties as possible.
Essential aspects (Health care, education) should be provided by the gov't, but other non-essential aspects (cultural events etc.) should be privatized so the gov't has enough money for the essential things.
Voted "other". In my heart I'm a Libertarian, but my mind says that mankind is not able to live in an anarchy (peacefully, at least). Hence I have to go for some kind of democracy, because this seems most reasonable. Yet I would like to see a lean government, fulfilling just the absolute necessary tasks, as providing security, impartial justice a.s.o.
Call me a minarchist!
bossel said:
Voted "other". In my heart I'm a Libertarian, but my mind says that mankind is not able to live in an anarchy (peacefully, at least). Hence I have to go for some kind of democracy, because this seems most reasonable. Yet I would like to see a lean government, fulfilling just the absolute necessary tasks, as providing security, impartial justice a.s.o.
Call me a minarchist!

Actually you are describing capitalism in its purest form even if you didn't mean to. Capitalism was meant to have a very limited government, a government which main task would be things like national security and minimal harmony like control over the currency and laws but beside that everything is up to the individual. I doubt that this was what you were thinking about but it is, nonetheless, a democratic system with maximum freedom, therefore if you are deep in trouble there is no one to complain to, that's the price to pay.
mad pierrot said:
The world needs an enlightened, benevolent dictator.

that too, lets bring solon back from the dead... not really a dictator, but he did basically rule Athens himself for a few years. did a decent job too, so we could make him dictator...:D
Legato said:
Actually you are describing capitalism in its purest form even if you didn't mean to. Capitalism was meant to have a very limited government, a government which main task would be things like national security and minimal harmony like control over the currency and laws but beside that everything is up to the individual. I doubt that this was what you were thinking about but it is, nonetheless, a democratic system with maximum freedom, therefore if you are deep in trouble there is no one to complain to, that's the price to pay.
Yep, I'm a capitalist. Definitely.
But capitalism in its purest form? Don't think so. Maybe that depends on the definition of capitalism.
As I said, I see the government still fulfilling some basic tasks. One of those would be to secure that people are not exploited. Manchester capitalism (which I somehow associate with "pure" capitalism) was a form of society in which the government actually supported industrialists in exploiting the masses. I would not want to see that again.
Can't you delete a post?
Well, what I meant by pure capitalism is the one described by Adam smith, so the government would never be involved with the industry or the industrialist but if the government starts protecting some people, even if it's fair, it wouldn't be pure either; by the way there has never been a government which embrassed pure capitalism in recent times, not that I know of.
I prefer representative democracy...

[so far, few has voted anarchy entirely ]
Do you think anyone in here wants anarchy totally, and believe in it for sure? Will anarchy not lead to oligarchy, or dictatorship, because always someone will take over power, because the powerful people can have more influence??

BTW: Oligarchy is not mentioned. (a small group have power)
True that I forgot oligarchies, I somehow assiociated them with dictatorships or other totalitarian gov'ts since they are not always represented by one man alone.
As for anarchy, I'm glad not too many people chose it, if you think rationnaly it's easy to think it's a a truly impossible way to live. No rules therefore nature's laws prevail, survival of the strongest, so in the end there is always someone at the head, but since it's chaos there will always be someone to take the head down, so no stability. Anarchy, unlike one might think, has no freedom and if someone can prove me wrong I will welcome his/her argument, however just look at Somalia it's currently the only anarchy (I think so at least), is it enviable? There has been civil wars ever since it was free...
Please give your opinion, not only on the type of gov't but also how do you think it could or should be improved, flaws and advantages, type of economy... :clueless:

I'm irish & scottish american born

i care are my friend and family but also i take great pride of where my parent came from "ireland" and in my 20 time going your country and i hope that i can move there in the near future

i have 2 sister that dont care about there heritage and cilitation of ireland

"that being said i must bring this up"

i dont pay attention to american "so-call" value system that everytime that idiot president " george boozer " does something that hold will get "deeper and deeper " and right now that hold is about half way to hell

and let me bring something that i must meantion but too all european country i urge you dont follow in to our idiot president mistake dont follow "england" for helping out the texas boozer and they are also diggin a hole themself " i did onetime fell sorry for england but now they can meet america in hell "

and i must make another point the EU should not allow Turkey to be part of the EU state this country is a rogue terrorist state that preach evil and bigotry to eastern state and also a security threat

The EU should not allow state that support terrorist and helping terrorist
I think the best form of government for me would be an absolute monarchy, with me as king of the world. :LOL:
I think many forms of government are missing here...But surely, democratic republic!
I'd prefer a communalist democratic republic.

A road between communism and capitalism, because both of them are evil.

I think communalism is real Christianity.
A benevolent, care-giving, racial/religious/sexual tolerant, economical liberal and ecological sustainable, scientific and educational supporting... DICTATORSHIP! :grin:

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