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September In The Rain-Peggy Lee

Actually, October In The Rain :smile:

Im going through an electro pop trip at present, a craze of the 80's, and enjoying it. It will not last long I think and soon be back to my folk soft Jazz and classic.....:smile:.....(I think :thinking:)

And this came a little later by Mike oldfield, and surely its my one of my top favourites, nothing too complex, flowing great combination of electronics, guitar and voices.

I'm in a "Blues" frame of mind today:

Sarah Vaughan-The Man I Love

I Know How It Feels To Be Lonely-Morgana King

Nina Simone-Trouble in Mind

Dinah Washington-Cry Me A River

All of the above are on a great CD called "Great Ladies Sing The Blues".

I'll definitely be listening to some of the artists whose songs have been posted.
From Cronus to Zeus to Christ... Land of Epirus.

or ( I hope to... )

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/SWI1-KKgGz0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Something went wrong it was a nice picture...
If someone is efficient and by its kindness could help...?
A love song from the same region. Polyphonic Epirotan -(wolf singing). The lyrics are colliqual greeks i tried to translate not succesfully enough.

Τι κακό έκανα ο καημένος και με λένε όλοι φονιά.
Μην να σκότωσα κανέναν, μην αφίλησα καμμιά.

Στην απάνω γειτονίτσα αγαπώ και ΄γω μιά νιά.
Το όνομα της δεν γνωρίζω, Τούρκα να ΄ναι γιά Ρωμιά

What harm did the poor and say all killer.
Does anyone killed, lest some kissed.

In the upper small neighborhood I love a young
to name her do not know, is she a Turk or is she a Roman.

Everything goes fine this evening...(with my posts!).
Nice thread!
From Cronus to Zeus to Christ... Land of Epirus.

or ( I hope to... )

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/SWI1-KKgGz0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Very nice ΠΑΝΑ
A little more Peggy Lee, and then that's all folks.


Black Coffee:

K.D. Lang also did a great cover of this song. I really love,love,love her voice and the way she interprets a song. I may even like her version of Black Coffee better than Peggy Lee's.
She can sing anything, and has, blues/jazz, country, rock, and pop. She does them all superlatively well.
