What makes you happy

Hopefully Just An Internet Personna....

and not a real life tale! I much prefered the young musician who was just a "little" different, but smart!
No one likes to see a friend headed down the path to death & destruction.


Yeah....I wouldn't be able to see my best friend sitting in the gutter begging for some money because of some stupid drugs... :(
Exactly, what changed my perspection I was involved in too much of that, seen too many of my friends wake up if they couldnt get anything, they went back to sleep until they could. Ive seen people I knew tied up in their apartments and shot execution style, And seen friends stabbed over what? Things not worth my time of the day. I have done almost every drug you can think of, except real heroin (I have done synthetic aka oxycontin) and crack... But I look now and see just how STUPID I was for it.
Hmmmm... And to think this was such a nice happy thread.
Can we get back to the topic at hand now please. :bow:
Yes! Let's be sickeningly happy!

:bravo: :disco: :confetti: :cheer: :dance:
I'd Like To Add One To My List !!

The PURR of a happy cat. It makes me all warm inside to hear mine purr loudly!


1. having a job after 11 months of unemployment :)
2. having a paycheck soon after learning unemployment benefits have been cut off because of "alleged" improvement in the economy :)
3. having money soon to finally start paying on some bills and other debts :)
4. These are temporary happiness items for immediate survival of current situation :D
5. Seeing Frank beat me to the 4's..... :D
Den4 and Frank for comic relief! That makes me happy! :happy:

And CONGRATULATIONS, den4! :confetti:

Congrats, let's hope it's a job you can be "HAPPY" in!!


:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
We will find out about the happiness "in" the job part...
So far, just beating away the Hellhounds of Debt Hell is enough to be happy for now... :D
When the ectoplasmic Hounds of Tindalos start appearing, then I think I'll worry :D Gotta watch them angles! :D

Kirei: Comedy relief or relief from Comedy? :eek:
den4 said:
Kirei: Comedy relief or relief from Comedy? :eek:

Ah, that's a very good question... :? :p
LOL, Frank, has a thing for kittie's, my doggie makes me happy! He is a Pitbull Puppy, 3 months old and already weighs 65lbs, hes nothing but muscle. I call him Tyson, yes its after the boxer Mike Tyson :giggle:
**watch Your Ears !!!!

playaa said:
LOL, Frank, has a thing for kittie's, my doggie makes me happy! He is a Pitbull Puppy, 3 months old and already weighs 65lbs, hes nothing but muscle. I call him Tyson, yes its after the boxer Mike Tyson :giggle:

My patient has an 85 pounder who is the biggest baby,
it's always trying to climb into my lap! A burglar would have to step over him !

1. Sleeping late
2. Eating what I like as much as I like
3. playing with my cats
4. taking a walk on the beach

I'm very easy to please
Frank D. White said:
My patient has an 85 pounder who is the biggest baby,
it's always trying to climb into my lap! A burglar would have to step over him !


Mine is a big baby literally.. Hes bigger then his mom which is 1 1/2 years old.. His dad is 115lb's of nothing but natural muscle he wins the weight pull competitions here in louisiana and mississippi, his top was 3600lb's pulled 14ft.. :relief: My dog was estimated by the vet to be around 90-100 mark by 1 year old.. But god forbid you come attack us or into my house by sneaking, I tried to climb through my window the other night cuz I got locked out being stupid and he about tore the wall down until he saw it was me :cool:
Frank D. White said:
My patient has an 85 pounder who is the biggest baby,
it's always trying to climb into my lap! A burglar would have to step over him !



Are you a physician? Or a vet?
- early morning and twilight
- nature
- warm sunshine and blue skies
- my husband

My turn!

1. Food
2. Sleep
3. Friends
4. Existence!

Now, 4 foods that make me happy: Curry, Lake Fish, Pizza, and gyouza.

Yes, my breath often smells. :D
Hmmmmm..Esca list of thangs....

1) Not sex...but love:Making...i'm old school.
2) Being the comedian of the group--people laughing
3) My baby...but since i currently just became single..kirei! :winklove:
4) cheeeeesecake with strawberries on top! :relief:
6) Music--the stuff you really vibe too from back in the day...and reggae...then things that set your soul free.
7) the beach
8) shopping
9) A day off from my jobs, school, responsibility...
10) My accomplishments in life, family, and where i'm headed. :smug:
EscaFlowne said:
1) Not sex...but love:Making...i'm old school.

Yep, yep. :winklove:

3) My baby...but since i currently just became single..kirei! :winklove:

I can deal with that... :p

6) Music--the stuff you really vibe too from back in the day...and reggae...then things that set your soul free.

That too!

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