What kind of cheese do you like to put on your pasta ?

What kind of cheese do you like to put on your pasta ?

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Italians put parmesan, and most people in the world follow suit. In Belgium, it's more usual to put grated Emmental or Gruyere instead. In Japan, mozzarella was the most common grated pasta/pizza cheese (and cheapest) in supermarkets. Parmesan can come pre-grated or in block to cut or slice yourself.

Which you do you like best ?
I always buy a block of parmesan cheese and grate it on my pasta. I love it.

Cheese is one of my favorite foods. Gruyere is, by far, my favorite cheese. I always have a block of it in my refrigerator. I think I'll grate it on my pasta next time!

Good thread, Maciamo. I love my cheese! :p
Maciamo said:
In Belgium, it's more usual to put grated Emmental or Gruyere instead.
Interesting. I think the Swiss cheese I get on my sandwiches is Emmental because it's got holes on it. It's really good with a salami sandwich.

I like using sharp chedder, which is cheap and widely available in the US, for casserole and baked pasta. For the dishes like carbonara, chicken parm, scampi etc, I grate lots of parmesean.
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Ah, Spaghetti Carbonara...one of my favorites!
I like Parmesan on my pasta, havent yet found where to buy fresh stuff yet...(well, you know, not in a container...), and I really really really love BLUE cheese (Kikorangi blue, a NZ blue), and have been known to put that in my pasta... usually when nobody else is eating it.
Nacho cheese! Delicious! (j/k)

I'm a huge fan of freshly grated parmesean on pasta. I like the block-sliced parmesean better on things like caesar salads. Whatever kind of cheese it is, though, I like a LOT of it. :) That's probably why I end up getting baked pasta more often than not.
I like grated parmesean cheese on almost all of my pastas. I'll eat it with spaghetti, lasagna, and fetticini with marinara sauce. And I eat it with pizza, cheese to be exact. :cool: :p
Hmm, I am kind of weird when it comes to cheese.

I Hate cheese, but when it comes to Pizza, or Nachos, I love it. I guess it has to be melted. I can't eat cheese freshly cut or in slices, I tend to gag. But I do like parmesean on my spaghetti. Tis gude.
Cheese on pasta? Yuck!

I prefer cheese (I like almost all sorts, just not what Germans call Kochkäse) on bread.
I put mozzarella or cheddar on pasta. I also like tortellini pasta stuffed with ricotta cheese. One of my favourite quick lunches is to cook some dry pasta, toss it in some olive oil, oregano and black pepper, then crumble some mature cheddar cheese on top. Yum, yum.
Gruyere here when I'm not making different cheese sauces.
In the UK I'm using cheedar though :p
Hmm, there's few cheeses (that I've had anyway) that I don't like--although being poor somewhat limits my access to the more refined cheeses.

For instance, I don't think I ever heard of Emmental or Gruyere cheese--though I may have had some without knowing it was called that.

(I've started doing personal security work for some local artists on the side, and one of the benifits of the job is the cheeses and other catered foods usually present at an art opening--I stay away from the wines when on-duty though. :D)

At any rate, I usually use grated parmesian, mozzerella, riccotta, or just cottage cheese on a can of ravioli or cheddar and macaroni if I'm feeling "ghetto". (or if my pocketbook is :D)

I also love a good alfredo sauce.

I actually don't make pasta very often--and when I do it's usually just buttered noodles as a quick snack--so usually if I'm having pasta it's at a resteraunt.
Cheese! I am a cheese nut and just love all kinds of cheese especially on pasta. I also like cheese fondu and cheese and black olives with red wine.

At my age I had to start taking alot of fiber before and after I eat cheese else I will feel it in the morning. I have found Chitosan (made from shell fish and the best fiber known) to be the best for getting cheese through the system and not letting the fat get into your system.

Before I discovered Chitosan I thought I would have to give up cheese as it was doing terrible things to my bowls and intestines giving me terrible cramps the next day. Today I can eat as much cheese as I desire as long as I take the Chitosan fiber suppliments and the weight gain is not there as in the past. Check out the link.
Count me in for grated parmesean. Yum! But I'm too lazy to grate it myself, so I buy the pre-grated variety from the supermarket! Heh!
Parmesan is a bit expensive so I usually use cheddar.

Anybody here tried Philippine-style spaghetti? The flavor really goes well with cheddar.
Interesting. I think the Swiss cheese I get on my sandwiches is Emmental because it's got holes on it. It's really good with a salami sandwich.
I like using sharp chedder, which is cheap and widely available in the US, for casserole and baked pasta. For the dishes like carbonara, chicken parm, scampi etc, I grate lots of parmesean.

Emmental cheese doesn't necessarily have holes in it. Emmental is the cheese of two countries, France and Switzerland. Not all Swiss cheese that has holes in is Emmental.:haihai:

Italians put parmesan, and most people in the world follow suit. In Belgium, it's more usual to put grated Emmental or Gruyere instead. In Japan, mozzarella was the most common grated pasta/pizza cheese (and cheapest) in supermarkets. Parmesan can come pre-grated or in block to cut or slice yourself.
Which you do you like best ?

I use Parmesan cheese on my pasta, I am not certain whether all French do this but from all the Italian restaurants I have been to in France they always give us parmesan to put on top of our pastas. My husband's family only uses Parmesan cheese on their pastas. My ex Swiss boyfriend also only uses Parmesan on his pastas and he considers other cheese on pasta strange.:D

Freshly grated ones taste better than the powdered ones but because of convenience purposes we often use the powdered ones.:bluush:

I am pretty sure in Australia most people use Parmesan cheese on their pastas; I always received my pastas with Parmesans when I dine out in restaurants in Australia.
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Well...aside parmesan, which is damm good.. at times ill eat some past with white feta cheese as well. Is not a traditional thing or anything...is jsut a habit i piked up from my mom. White balkan style cheese, in my opinion, is perhaps the best kind. Althought i don't see it so compatible with pasta.
Cheese? well, I guess I'll have to go for mozzarella....and even "queso asadero" sort of like string cheese.
I love all kinds of cheese. My favorites are aged goat's cheese from the French Pyrenees and a sheep's cheese called Serra, from Serra da Estrela in central Portugal. My least favorite cheese is feta. I only like it in salads.

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