What is the Next Step Towards Greater European Unification?

It s actually the feeling that being in the EU made a country rich that allowed governments to blindly borrow more than they could give back. I still think a multi-step process is better suited for new members. Babies do not run, first they crawl, then learn to stand, walk, and eventually start to run. If you were gullible enough to believe that Germany actually makes money out of the crisis, please put The Star aside and get some decent serious paper as a source of information. Here, in Germany, we still pay taxes and go to work every morning to contribute to society's (not-so) well-being. If Germany saves money on its interest rates, it's probably to pay the bail-out of the next in line.
It is also a hitch I have that when Greece will leave the Eurozone (matter of time), Brussels should not leave the door open, cause some others might feel the urge to follow. As for the UK, I admire Cameron for not bowing to pressure and put the national interest before Merkozy's.
my point is based in some observation I have seen (made)

First case is Hungary. Central Europe Next to Austria and Chech not so isolated, yet how many years in IMF?

Second, in every University we learn that profits comes from cheap labor and big sell price.
cheap labor means low salaries,
the lowest salaries in Europe are in Bulgaria and Romania, yet they are still poor,
why? are investors so 'stupid'?
then? Universities are teaching a lie?

I did not find an answer to that, I think that investors do not exist, or they care for competition much more than profit
or something else, that prohibits them,
with my own eyes I have de-industrialization of Greece, after the entrance in EU, and in many cases with the help of Eu laws, like the case of white sugar, (Greece was 1rst in 1970 in EU with 1000% of today production)

the problem is that 'outer provinces' of Eu follow a system of development that does not fit to them,
yet some products instead to become cheaper stay in high prices,
what I mean
again in my country Greece,
Before Eu (80's) a kilo of peaches cost about 15-20 DRH (Drachmas) and a cheap car (1400 cc semi luxus) cost about 1 000 000 drachmas,
something like today a kilo of peaches cost 40 E cents and a car about 30 000.
what happened? a kilo of peaches today cost >1 E and a car <12 000 E
so for 30 years North Europe manage to sell cars cheap, but not fruits, that means either a failure of South Europeans Politicians, either a good hidden plan behind the markets.
what makes wonder is why a new car is so cheap to buy in Greece and not white sugar or kiwi in Germany?
a kilo of kiwi leaves Greece under the price of 0,27-0,33 E per kilo. just make the division of how much it is sold in Germany or Scandinavia. price is above more than 300%
now lets compare a car, a common German car at its second year of production at 1400 cc simple technology cost about 12 000 to 16 000. lets make the division with price in Germany, price is above 10-20%

so South is selling cheap but in markets the prices go 300% above,
North is selling standard but in markets prices go max 25% above

That is killing South, cause North manage to pass its standard way of life,
while south did not manage to do so,
so who is responsible?
in 1978 when Greece enter the EU one of the terms was Greece to drop the white sugar production at 50%
so not the Stock exchanges and markets been blow by the 'non tax' quantities that might enter that time EU, and keep brown sugar same price with white sugar.

as you see from 5 factories and second in the world and first in Europe in production, Greece now works only 1,5 factory.

Part B,
Europe is only concerning about the industrial products of certain corporations mainly,
why I say this,
lets see,
some Big corporations found industry in Brazil, and Brazil in order to keep bargain and be in markets exchange with products,
what that means,
lets see the orange case,

Gold it is not easily to be transfer from one country to another, then? it is easy to buy cheap local products and then sell them in your own market high,
How that is done,
with orange juice,
the ones who build Automobile industries in Brazil, also build frozen juice factories,
so they carry cheap concentrated frozen juice to 'their' homelands (corporation official base)
they create a 'made in Europe' Juice pack, from non Eu products, and they sell it cheap, so cheap that they even invade the Europe's areas that produce oranges,
that is why orange juice from some North countries are cheaper than even a kilo of oranges,
Just consider how many oranges you have to smash to make a kilo of orange Juice, and how much cost oranges and juice!!!!!!

but when that was made in olive oil in Italy the 3rd year it was prohibited by EU
(Turkish olive oil to be bottled as 'made in Europe' same way with juice)

the problem of south is that instead of an attacking policy to such market 'laws', it was Hypnotized by its politicians, and the big loans that they took in order to 'show' that are 'rich' Europeans.

but all 'dreams' have an end, and that is what is happening today,
EU has to face either a more closed economy and isolation to be equal and strong,
Either a save Banks and multinational corporations Dogma,

the first means restriction and limited power to multinational corporations and Banks and a born of EU as one country,
the second means Europe of 2 gears, Centralization and a starting imperialism era. with major phainomenon the elimination of Europeans and their replacement by immigrants

Just ask your shelves, Romania and Bulgaria and Hungary have cheap salaries, why they do not attract investors?

I hope we will live the next 5-10 years to see the next step,
Lets hope that no Guns will be in use,
well just look the photos




As far as I'm aware these changes haven't happened. Regardless, if you look at the past crests for Real Madrid, a cross didn't appear on it until 1942. Anyway, these changes aren't anything to do with Islamification, more secularisation.
Second, in every University we learn that profits comes from cheap labor and big sell price.
cheap labor means low salaries,
the lowest salaries in Europe are in Bulgaria and Romania, yet they are still poor,
why? are investors so 'stupid'?
then? Universities are teaching a lie?

I did not find an answer to that, I think that investors do not exist, or they care for competition much more than profit
or something else, that prohibits them,

From my perspective as a Romanian, there are many more things that an investor looks for, besides cheap labor, as:
- infrastructure (how can one transport his products when there is no decent highway?)
- bureaucracy (also regulations are always changing, so there's almost no predictability)
- corruption (if state control comes they unavoidably expect an 'envelope' from the manager, otherwise they will fine you until you come out of business)

All these add to the costs of so-called 'investors'.

I don't believe in investors any more, what most of them did here is to pay some corrupt politician to give them unlimited access to our resources (the case of the Austrian gas company OMV) or simply cheaply buy old industrial buildings, close them and then sell everything piece by piece. The entire country is full with such deserted industrial complexes.

The only really valuable thing the EU has brought is the freedom of travel (which is quite necessary as there is no work to be found in many small towns).

Other than that, everything was privatized, regardless of whether it was profitable or not. Hospitals have been shut down or they lack the most common supplies (the situation wasn't like this 10 years ago). Food has become infected with many strong pesticides, chemical fertilizers etc.

Prices have also gone up since the EU 'common market', the peasants and small farmers produce much food which rots in their yards, but in supermarkets all vegetables are brought from Spain or the Netherlands. And take into account that Romania is the second largest agricultural country in the EU, after France!

So what I hope for from European Unification?
- that it doesn't extort poor countries, and then people from Central and Wester Europe complain that there are too many immigrants. Really? Perhaps they can pay the high EU product prices with 300 Euros/month.

- that the strong economic states and the European Commision don't impose their clientele politicians on us (the case of our president Basescu, which has been saved from an impeachment of 87% of voters, by imposing an artificial referendum threshold, not stated by any national law - this was done mostly by Commision president José Barroso and German chancellor Angela Merkel)

- that it stops involving in the academic curricula (especially this nonsense with the Bologna process - reducing faculty study durations and so on)

- that it doesn't spend tons of money on programmes and institutions which are useless, and concentrates instead on more important regulations such as the banking industry, which has gone out of control (in every city you visit, useful stores disappear leaving only banks, pharmacies and mobile phone shops on every corner).
The next step for Europe should be:

1. Stopping the naive further enlargement
2. Conduct in-deep reforms inside of Europe, securing its financial, economic, budgetary, monetary etc. stability
3. Building strong European presence in international politics, defense and security in other regions

On the enlargement: It is a very nice idea, but having problems at home, it is utmost important to solve these first. There are some possibilities how to cooperate with members-in-waiting, in the way such a cooperation would be effective and suitable for both, the EU and so called candidate states.

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