Intelligence What characterises people with high IQ's ?

I can see that hope. Hi IQ can create a feeling of superiority in some people, and they will become more arrogant than they would be otherwise. One would need this "genetic" predisposition of arrogance at first.
Franco is right too, if someone is a nice person, was born a nice person, then he/she will stay nice even when highly intelligent.
Yes, I suppose some of these people are vain or arrogant in the first place and it because their intelligence brings them to our attention we then notice it.
Random IQ Info

Hello, I felt compelled to jot a few comments based on all the things I've read here on this subject.

I first found out about my IQ when I had to enlist in the US Navy. It was the highest score they ever recorded at the time. Just want to mention that because ultimately, I ended up running the psychology dept. of the US Navy's 12 Naval district which is the entire Western US.

I have given hundreds of IQ tests. My observation is that I'd rather not known my IQ, because I was treated like someone special. It made me somewhat arrogant for quite some time.

As for the job jobs for high IQ are professional or self-employed. Granted there are high IQ policemen, gardeners, and so forth who love their jobs. I am making a broad generalization for most high IQ people.

Sidebar: if you are aware of the Rorshach 'ink blot' test, I can tell you that schizonephrenic people and high IQ people see the most images in any given ink blot. I'm guessing that's where the phrase about genius and insanity being close could have come from!

Bright people are just born that way. Just like blue eyed people. No better, no worse. If you are bright and impatient with others, I would suggest that you learn patience w/others and continue to live your impatient life the way you want on your own. You are not better. And the world could use some sociable, brilliant people with ethics.

As for the occupation with the highest IQ? Military Generals.

Best, LT
Because IQ is so intricately linked to male hormones, it is normal to see a correlation between very high IQ and masculine social behaviour.

During my years in academia (in the Netherlands and Sweden) I was surrounded by super-smart people but hardly any of them could be considered as masculine. 99% of them could be the best described as 'wimps' :)
During my years in academia (in the Netherlands and Sweden) I was surrounded by super-smart people but hardly any of them could be considered as masculine. 99% of them could be the best described as 'wimps' :)

Thats because blond germanic men arent usually as agressive as the darker people, they dont have that inner insecurity to prove how masculine they are by appearing threatening/agressive at first sight. You see that in more unprogressive countries like Serbia, Italy,etc or even the UK/Ireland (the meds of northern europe by behavior and looks).
That is insane Radek. Like Nazi propaganda of years past. Your German I'm part German you Know for a fact the majority of the population of Germany are not Blond. My neighbor who was from a German family spoke it fluently fought in ww2. Was a interpreter He said he saw all the Nazi propaganda of the " Super Men" and when they started capturing Germans he said he was shocked he thought they would all look like the poster but instead most were ugly short guys Radek I suggest you get your DNA checked And see the facts The UK is loaded with German Nordic DNA All Europe is a mix Hitler's male Y DNA line has been checked he was a E1b1b hardly what you would call a "Germanic" Super Man Hyplotype. Even if you have a Germanic haplotype the does not mean you don't have a shit load on Non German autosomal DNA
That is insane Radek. Like Nazi propaganda of years past. Your German I'm part German you Know for a fact the majority of the population of Germany are not Blond. My neighbor who was from a German family spoke it fluently fought in ww2. Was a interpreter He said he saw all the Nazi propaganda of the " Super Men" and when they started capturing Germans he said he was shocked he thought they would all look like the poster but instead most were ugly short guys Radek I suggest you get your DNA checked And see the facts The UK is loaded with German Nordic DNA All Europe is a mix Hitler's male Y DNA line has been checked he was a E1b1b hardly what you would call a "Germanic" Super Man Hyplotype. Even if you have a Germanic haplotype the does not mean you don't have a shit load on Non German autosomal DNA

Why do you need to mix it with pro-germanic propagana and/or old school nazism? Its a matter of objetivity to recognize germanics (specially scaninavians an dutch) are way less agressive in behavior than southern europeans or slavs. Its not because of race but rather culture. Again who said being more/less agressive means being superior/inferior than someone else?.

I just was trying to be assertive in explaining you why native dutch and swedes could seem "wimps" to you.
Thats because blond germanic men arent usually as agressive as the darker people, they dont have that inner insecurity to prove how masculine they are by appearing threatening/agressive at first sight. You see that in more unprogressive countries like Serbia, Italy,etc or even the UK/Ireland (the meds of northern europe by behavior and looks).

Is there a study regarding this? I`d be interested to see what methods were applied.
Thats because blond germanic men arent usually as agressive as the darker people, they dont have that inner insecurity to prove how masculine they are by appearing threatening/agressive at first sight. You see that in more unprogressive countries like Serbia, Italy,etc or even the UK/Ireland (the meds of northern europe by behavior and looks).
This is totally wrong. First of all the assumption by Maciamo was to connect high IQ with masculine behaviour. When I mentioned Holland and Sweden it didn't mean that my colleagues were Dutch or Swedish only. Actually they were minority. Majority were from all around Europe and World.. My point was to challenge that assumed link between IQ and male hormones. I've seen many wimpish Georgians, Italians etc. in academia. So it's not about blond vs. dark.
And I have few superblond friends who look so tough and manly that any southerner would think ten times before messing with them.
Why do you need to mix it with pro-germanic propagana and/or old school nazism? Its a matter of objetivity to recognize germanics (specially scaninavians an dutch) are way less agressive in behavior than southern europeans or slavs. Its not because of race but rather culture. Again who said being more/less agressive means being superior/inferior than someone else?.

I just was trying to be assertive in explaining you why native dutch and swedes could seem "wimps" to you.

Less aggressive behaviour of Dutch, German etc. is due to cultural trends and propaganda of the last decades. It's nurture not nature. 'Wimps' would not conquer the world... read history...
Very interesting analysis. :)

I can't really make any comments from a personal point of view... except one very minor point... I don't see that "truth, facts and logic" run counter to "friendship and emotional relations" (although I grasp the point, and realise that you are not saying they are mutually exclusive or anything); on the contrary I would say that truth (in the sense of facts) is very closely allied with honesty, which is imo essential to strong friendships and positive emotional relations. :)

At least people know what to expect from you/us. :)
I stumbled across this thread while searching for a connection between extreme self discipline and a possible chemical imbalance. You see of course that I was running out of 'simple' ways to word what I was looking for. I do that a lot. I constantly have to think of smaller words to get my thoughts across to people...
While reading the OP, I felt a strange sense of calm creep over me and even caught myself smiling when I had only gotten half way through. Maybe I am not a total freak of nature, and I can chalk it all up to having a high IQ. *shrug*
5 days ago I decided to quit smoking. I have smoked for the better part of 10 years. Since then I have had essentially NO adverse effects. No irritability, no anxiety, no anger. I have kept a journal to document 'possible cravings' since I haven't even experienced 1 full blown craving. And that seems odd to me. I live with a smoker, and the smell of it doesn't seem to effect me either. It doesn't disgust me, it doesn't appeal to me. I am completely indifferent to it since the moment I decided I wanted nothing to do with it.
It didn't take long for me to compare this mindset/outcome to other areas of my life, as I frequently 'triage' every part of my life. Especially people. I know it is cold, but it keeps things simple. I don't like messes or complications.

What has been bothering me most of all lately, is that I didn't always used to be so disconnected from everyone and everything. I used to be engaging, and doting, and empathetic to everything. Now I am completely unaffected by things that SHOULD bother me, or any other human being... but for some reason I am not.
I self-analyze ALL THE TIME. I frequently re-evaluate and make corrections where needed. I also seem to lack the filter that keeps people from saying what everyone is thinking. I'm not nice enough to lie. =) On the other hand, I tend to command attention wherever I go. I can absolutely put on my game face which is pleasant, witty, and charming... but inside I am reading the room and the people in it. I can pick a person's personality defects apart in a matter of seconds. I can even identify the clear defects in my own... but I have no explanation as to why I am this way, and whether or not I should try to change. And if I do decide to change, what corrections should I make?
There you go.. no one asked for that TMI contribution of mine, but maybe just maybe someone on here has some helpful advice. To be honest, had I not read this thread, I would have continued thinking I am the only one like this... and I think ultimately that would have been worse. So thank you in advance for any helpful advice given.

What an interesting thread! I identify with alot of what you say. I wake at 3am every morning and and run 10 kilometres, 5 days a week, i also sleep on a hard wooden floor. People think i'm insane, i just consider it to be self improvement. It probably is a chemical imbalance. I study law and banking at the moment, and i find that in everything that i take interest in, irrespective of what it is, i MUST reach a certain started with music, i studied jazz at the Conservatorium on a scholarship when i was 16 in contemporay drumkit and enjoyed it. I heard some music one day by Chick Corea and i thought, WhAT THE HELL is going on here?! I was consumed by this, i was determined to understand what was going through their minds when playing something that sounds like complete chaos. I thought about it every moment of my life, waking, before bed, all throughout my days, even started an avante garde jazz trio with friends, obsessed with understanding it on the deepest level possible. Not just "humanly" possible, but universally possible, i saw no limits...then it branched out into other things, religion, politics, genetics, so many different things, but of course, you can only reach mastery on 1 thing really, just because there are not enough hours in a day and you can't make money from studying religion and politics, so i settled with a legal/finance degree and making money in general. People have told me, "do what you love, do what you love!!"...What does that really mean? For me, the "love" is in the chase and the hunt for uncovering and understanding new ways of thinking, new perspectives, etc. When my mind is blown is when i'm happy. It's what makes me sit in front of a book for 5 hours or more until and not walking away until i understand it, and the satisfaction is so immensely powerful and long-lasting. People might think it's extreme but whatever. It's how i've always been. Best wishes to you and thanks for sharing what you did.
This is my first post and have found this thread to be interesting enough, that if it is to continue I could see myself revisiting just for the conversation and theories people have. I have not visited any other threads on this forum so I may not be on the forum often but will try to keep up with this thread if people continue to add to it. I have read most of this thread and was very interested in the begining. But slowly the thread seemed to become about people who feel as though they match the OP description. I personally do not like being labeled in the manner the OP described. Better yet, I do not appreciate labels, accurate or not. Not to say if the the description is acurate all. I do not wish to share my IQ out of further judgement but I will say that it is very rare that I do not enjoy speaking to an individual. I will admitt that it is best to speak to an individual that has knowledge of something I do not, for this person to keep my interest. And I also find some people to be a waste but many people display traits such as that to other individuals. I have also not found any issues with locating a job but do wish I could find someone willing to sponsor all of my ideas and pay me a decent salary just to bring them to life...but who wouldnt? I like the idea of being smarter then most but refuse to accept that an individual with a high IQ feels superior to others. I rarely feel superior. Often I feel as though I need prove myself as being superior in intelligence. In social situation I find myself to be the center of attention but do not feel as I had work at it. Sometimes I am the center of attention purely because of my randomness for thoughts and ideas. I believe I read somewhere that a person with high IQ feels the need to be a leader or followed. I get rather upset when a group points me as a leader. I understand that some peoples ideas of freedom is to be led but I can not comprhend why anyone would want to be a leader or a follower. Why are so many people obsessed with IQ when the majority of the world is just happy not falling into the retard classification? Do I just feel as though I have been out of place so many times that my intelligence naturaly takes a back seat at this point in my life? Is that even possible? Perhaps my IQ is a fluke and I am not as smart as a TEST says I am. Maybe I just got lucky. At the same time, I am scared of losing my intelligence. Not as to be considered normal. I would love it if my iq was considered normal, I would have less stress in my life...I think. If everyone was to be suddenly smarter that would be spectaculr. I just have a fear that the people surrounding are bring my IQ down. But refuse to think that the people around me are beneath me. They all have something to offer, right?

Random thoughts, I know. But if anyway wishes to add or question anything I have said, please, do. Also, I understand that my writing maybe hard to comprehend because I miss words or put the same word twice next to each other. I did my best to proof read what I wrote but still may have missed several things. I have a tendency to read what I meant while proof reading and not catching my mistakes.
Who cares what your IQ is? It's nobler to work and earn, than it is to be freely given something. Everyone knows that. So why should you care what your IQ is?
Your intelligence was given to you by your parents in a genetic lottery. Your knowledge, however - you had to earn that.
I can never finish reading this thread. The sheer quantity of insecure idiots trying desperately to validate their feelings of self-worth - mostly by attempting to convince themselves and others that they are smarter than "the masses" - just gets to be too much.
Who cares what your IQ is? It's nobler to work and earn, than it is to be freely given something. Everyone knows that. So why should you care what your IQ is?
Your intelligence was given to you by your parents in a genetic lottery. Your knowledge, however - you had to earn that.
I can never finish reading this thread. The sheer quantity of insecure idiots trying desperately to validate their feelings of self-worth - mostly by attempting to convince themselves and others that they are smarter than "the masses" - just gets to be too much.

Lol, I'm not sure if I can sign under all of your conclusions, but it's true that most, self proclaimed, geniuses come to Eupedia and post only in this thread. They post about self amazement, self pity and their uniqueness in general, and are never heard again.
Who cares what your IQ is? It's nobler to work and earn, than it is to be freely given something. Everyone knows that. So why should you care what your IQ is?
Your intelligence was given to you by your parents in a genetic lottery. Your knowledge, however - you had to earn that.
I can never finish reading this thread. The sheer quantity of insecure idiots trying desperately to validate their feelings of self-worth - mostly by attempting to convince themselves and others that they are smarter than "the masses" - just gets to be too much.

Yes, but I still wouldn't overestimate the genetic lottery. It can be important, but is yet very limited I think. Nutrition, life-style and toxins might be more important. It's somewhat similar to how muscles grow by sports excercise, and quickly degenerate by lack of excercise or diseases. Those who think they are dumb, will most likely stay dumb, because they avoid intellectual challenges, because they fear failure (perhaps because they once got attested a low IQ during childhood). Obviously the brain is the most flexible organ by far. Several years ago there was a report on TV showing a little girl which got one entire brain hemisphere resected. When she recovered, she went to school and became the best performing pupil of her class. Of course, child's brains are much more adaptive than adult's, but still - it is wrong to believe that information behaves like a liquid which eventually fills up the brain's capacity. Its actually quite the opposite: the more you know, the more efficient becomes the information compression (=comprehension), because differences between old and new information decreases, such that learning new informations becomes easier, rather than harder (anyone heard of the "exponential learning curve"?). There are - as always - exceptions of course.
I don't disagree with you. That's the beauty of learning new things. The more you learn, the more you want to keep learning - and the process just gets smoother and smoother. I was mostly criticizing the way many people in this thread seemed to be obsessed with their IQ.
I don't disagree with you.IQ.

I don' either. I was merely using your post as an excuse to write down some additional thoughts for this thread in general. The term "genetic lottery" inspired me to do so. That's all ;)
I'm in the top 2%, however my parents aren't high IQ. My curse is a very high degree of empathy.
This thread article is so close to what I am it is intriguing. In 1963 I was given a US Army AFQT score that I scored 99% on. They did not tell me the import of this at the time, I had maxed the test. Only recently thanks to the internet did I find out that Mensa will accept any supervised qualifying test score ever taken meeting their requirements. The AFQT score enabled me to join both Mensa and also Intertel, my score placing me somewhere in the top 1% of the people taking the test - by my reading that is somewhere above about 137 IQ. The reason I am boring you with this, is that somewhere out there there are others not knowing the value of old test scores. If you have any questions, do some research and reading on the internet and find out for yourself. Send me an email if you want.

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