Were the Tocharians related to the Tarim mummies ?

I agree with what you're saying, but there's no reason some DNA could not have been left behind. I believe that much of the DNA debate could be explained by travelling merchants, hunter gatherers and nomadic people's movements across the general Pontic Basin region to and from central/western Europe.
This paper ...

By the way, have you noticed that conclusions are clearly in contradiction with another paper:

"Evidence that a West-East admixed population lived in the Tarim Basin as early as the early Bronze Age"
by Chunxiang Li, Hongjie Li, Yinqiu Cui, Chengzhi Xie, Dawei Cai, Wenying Li, Victor H Mair, Zhi Xu, Quanchao Zhang, Idelisi Abuduresule, Li Jin, Hong Zhu & Hui Zhou(2010)


In the paper of 2010 contributions of "western" genes in tarim mummies are clearly stated...
but in the paper of 2021 (that you indicated) such genetic flow is manifestly denied!

How can it be explained?!?
A confused scientists
Or more than likely with more genetic data
Over the last 11 years from the first paper
people changed there mind
A confused scientists
Or more than likely with more genetic data
Over the last 11 years from the first paper
people changed there mind

Well, I find diffcult to accept that R1b and R1a haplogroups, which were present in mummies, have been misteriosuly disappeared.
But if R1b is still there, then the conclusions of abovementioned paper of 2021 are wrong.
Thank you. Anatolian is so archaic that IE languages could have originated there. Do you agree with French historian Faucouneau that Etruscan and Lycian are Proto IE language?
Sounds like foucouneu has the right idea.