Was Atlantis in Crete and Santorini ?


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A lot of mystery surrounds the existence of the advanced ancient civilisation of Atlantis. We know it through Plato, who wrote over 1000 years after the destruction of this civilisation by a "great cataclysm".

There have been many hypotheses for the location of Atlantis : Sardinia, Crete and Santorini, Sicily, Cyprus, Malta, Ponza, the Acores, Iceland, a lost island in the Atlantic ocean, or just about any place in Europe or the Americas.

The most likely of all, by far, is Crete and Santorini. In fact, almost everything we know argues in favours of Santorini as the centre of this civilisation.

We already knew that the Minoan civilisation (2700-1450 BCE), who built the famous Palace of Knossos (among many other similar palaces in Crete), was the most developed of its time in the whole world.

The architectural skills would still rival with those of modern architects using the same materials and technology. The Minoans had sewing systems, running water and toilets in every house, and even central heating, over 1000 years before the other Greeks and 1500 years before the Romans.

They controlled a vast maritime empire spanning over the whole Mediterranean. Even the Egyptians were overawed by their civilisation.

Then suddenly, a great disaster destroyed that brilliant civilisation. People have wonder whether it was an earthquake, a tsunami or even a volcanic erruption. What we now know is that a gigantic volcanic erruption took place in the middle of the island of Santorini (the nearest island north of Crete) about 3500 years ago, at the same time as the supposed disparition of Atlantis.

More impressively, this Minoan erruption was apparently the most powerful in human history. It was 10 times stronger than the erruption of the Krakatoa in 1883. This means that the Santorini erruption was 130,000 times the yield of the Little Boy bomb which devastated Hiroshima.

The erruption completely wiped out life on Santorini, covering waht was left of the island in over 60 metres of ash (3x more than Pompei or Herculaneum). It caused an extremely powerful earthquake, which destroyed the Minoan palaces in Crete.

It was followed by a series of 10 huge tidal waves (35m to 150m in height), that ravaged most of the Mediterranean coasts, and completely razed Minoan settlements in Crete. In comparison, the waves of 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean didn't exceed 30m.

This was the end of the Minoan civilisation. The few survivors asked the Egyptians, their long trading partners, for help with the reconstruction. A map of the circular city of Atlantis was found on an Egyptian monument of that period. They didn't call it "Atlantis" but used their term for "Crete", confirming that Crete and Santorini was most likely Atlantis.

In fact, it is very possible than Crete and Santorini were connected together as a single island before the erruption.

Archeologists have recently found a Minoan village (Akrotiri) under the ash layer in Santorini. This pre-erruption village showed the same signs of exceptional advancement as the Palace of Knossos. Architecture was well ahead of its time. Houses were built over 3 storeys, with sewing systems and elaborated toilets connected directly to the sewer from the upper floors of the houses, with a system preventing smell reflux.

This discovery is yet another evidence that Santorini and Crete were indeed Atlantis. Excavations under the ash layer have only started a few years ago on Santorini, and the seabed, also covered in ash, remains largely unexplored.

We can hope that future excavations will tell us more on Atlantis, and just how great this mythical world really was.


Of course, as a legendary taxi driver, admitted no-nothing, glommer of all previously published paraphenalia, I am very interested in this subject. You know, of course, every square inch of this planet has been speculated as possibly being "Atlantis", yet no one knows the truth which means I can't call myself "right", nor can I call anyone else wrong or right.

As previously mentioned, my theory is that the entire Western Hemisphere was the "Land of Aten", the "Creation Land", the "Underworld", the "Innerworld", the "Beginning land aleph-A", and the "End Land Tau-T", hence the "A-T-lan". It all boils down to the meaning of the name "A-T-lan-tis". Since Plato called the mystery land Atlantis, and he was relaying the story from many previous Egyptian stories, even the name may not have been "Atlantis" to the ancients.

So is Santorinin Atlantis? Maybe!

Is Japan Atlantis? Maybe.

Is Spain Atlantis? Maybe.

Is the Western Hemisphere Atlantis? Maybe.

Since I believe all of the Americas were settled either from the Western side inwards (Asian emigrations and influences), and from the Eastern side inwards (African-European-Middle Eastern influences), the naming conventions should follow the old world familiar names.

I have come across some amazing name references that sound familiar to all of us: Japan-Chiapenese-Shippan.

Atlantis, the Antediluvian World, Ignatius Donnelley 1890 (probably considered Aryan-White racist by today's standards)

"The Chiapenese of Central America (the people whose language we have seen furnishing such remarkable resemblances to Hebrew) claim to have been the first people of the New World. Clavigero tells us ("Hist. Antiq. del Messico," Eng. trans., 1807, vol. i.) that according to the traditions of the Chiapenese there was a Votan who was the grandson of the man who built the ark to save himself and family from the Deluge; he was one of those who undertook to build the tower that should reach to heaven., The Lord ordered him to people America. "He came from the East." He brought seven families with him. He had been preceded in America by two others, Igh and Imox. He built a great city in America called "Nachan," City of the Serpents (the serpent that tempted Eve was Nahash), from his own race, which was named Chan, a serpent. This Nachan is supposed to have been Palenque. The date of his journey is placed in the legends in the year 3000 of the world, and in the tenth century B.C. He also founded three tributary monarchies, whose capitals were Tulan, Mayapan, and Chiquimala. He wrote a book containing a history of his deeds, and proofs that he belonged to the tribe of Chanes (serpents)."

And as I have stated before, the names Japan, Nihon, Nippon have the equivalent of American East Coast Amerindian tribal names of Shippan, Niantic, and Neponset, all generally meaning... "Land where the spirit rises", "Land of the Rising Sun", etc.

But as a contribution with something new, something I will announce on two other websites... the names Chichen Itza of Yucatan, and Atza Coalesco of Tenochtitlan Mexico, I now believe I have deciphered them into the "Kitchen of Ishtar" and the "Chalice of Ishtar"...both meaning "womb of creation of the Mother Goddess" or "Womb of the Venus Mother Goddess", both indicating and supporting the ancient legends of the birthplace of mankind to be in the MesoAmerican area, the geographic center of the Western Hemisphere, meaning to me... the "A-T-Land", the "Aten Land", the land of Life, Death, Rebirth, i.e., "Eternity".

But I am only theorizing...nobody knows.
NO Atlantis was in "Macaronesia archipelagos", (canary islands, cape-verde, madeira and azores)
Catal Huyuk and Azapa Peru: Mother Goddess Figure

One of the main arguments against Atlantis being in the Western Hemisphere is what we are taught in school, that the ancient Eastern civilizations never arrived in the ancient Western Hemisphere. So as a tie-in to the Atlantean discussion, and countering that thought process, I suggest the following is a strong indication of the extensive Babylonian/Sumerian presence in the ancient Western Hemisphere.

Catal Huyuk and Azapa Peru: Mother Goddess figure

Catal Huyuk of present day Turkey is arguably one of the oldest confirmed architectural "villages" of the ancient world, with earliest estimates of occupation of 7500 BC.


It was a culture based around the mother goddess, and fertility rights, and bull horns. The first graphic depicts the inside of one of those dwellings 7500 years ago, with the mother goddess figure on the right hand side of the wall.

This mother Goddess figure is still reproduced today in Turkish Rug motifs, depicting the ancient mother goddess symbolism. And this identical mother goddess figure shows up in the Andes mountains of Peru and Chile as geoglyphs on the sides of mountains (near Tiwanaku), and on pottery pieces.

Azapa, Chile Geoglyphs

The fact that there were ancient depictions of the Mother Goddess in this pose - in ancient Turkey and ancient Chile, and modernish uses of this symbolism among Turkish rug makers, means I cannot claim with certainty that this symbol joins two ancient cultures.

However, combined with the confirmed Sumerian cuneiform clay objects found in 2004 in Chile, I truly believe that the ancient Catal Huyuk architectures, pottery, and weaving technique of story telling, are identical with the people that we call collectively the "Incas" and the "Tiwanaku" cultures.

"A Language of Motifs" thanks to Bugra Rugs, Istanbul

http://www.oriental-rug-manufacturer.com/hand knotted turkish rug wholesale.htm

"The mother Goddess of ancient Matriarchal beliefs. At an early stage all superhuman powers were represented by goddesse. This motif is only shown when the weaver gives a birth to a boy. The hands on hips shows that she is very proud. Motifs such as evil eye and ram's horn signify that the weaver is happy and she is thanking God for her happiness."

But I learned something much more from this research. In the age before Papyrus, probably stuck between the time of deer skin murals, clay tablets, and Papyrus, I think I now understand the role that woven garments played in "story telling". Entire family histories could be sewn into a tapestry or "Kilim".


We ask ourselves, how is it that no books or documents have survived from entire epochs of "pre-history"? A possible answer is that among nomadic peoples, clay tablets would be too heavy, and deer skins would rot, papyrus would decay, while woven family-history garments, story-telling rugs, and woven-prayer offerings might last much longer, and be easily transportable and functional.

graphic no longer available....

Iconic symbols of Turkish Rug manufacturers, virtually identical with "Inca culture" examples...

Bottom line...the Mother Goddess icon was originally found in Catal Huyuk Turkey. The identical icon is found today as a geoglyph in Azapa Chile, and survives as a Rug motif among Turkish and Pakistani rug manufacturers. It is not a coincidence, it is historically significant, and certainly the possibility exists that Atlantis was/is in the Western Hemisphere. That is simply my opinion, but I am not claiming I am right or others are wrong.
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NO Atlantis was in "Macaronesia archipelagos", (canary islands, cape-verde, madeira and azores)

That is one of the numerous theories. Would you care to support it with some facts ? That may be an interesting comparison with the Crete-Santorin theory.
If you're still interested, there is a video that has an objective and educated approach to the topic of Atlantis. You can find it by searching 'Lost History-Finding Atlantis' on Youtube.
En Espa?a es el unico lugar del mundo donde se han encontrado evidencias culturales y evidencias arqueologicas que la relacionen, al menos, con la cultura de la Atlantida. Las estelas funerarias de la zona pretartesica o la ceramica de Jaen en la que se muestran anillos concentricos representando la ciudad descrita por Platon ?en que pais del mundo se venera m?s al toro que en Espa?a? ya solo por eso... ??? es que es obvio!!! toros, felicidad, alto promedio de vida, buen rollo, clima benigno, amplio valle fertil, ba?ado por el atlantico y por el mediterraneo, ciudades con anillos concentricos, lengua antiqu?sima, poes?a de 6.000 a?os aC... suena a Espa?a todo esto, la poes?a en Espa?a ha sido muy importante desde la antiguedad, el toro es el animal espa?ol por excelencia, hay evidencia arqueol?gica plasmada en restos arqueologicos que se conocia la existencia de ciudades con anillos concentricos en ese entorno cultural... quien la situe en otro sitio es ganas de perder el tiempo o ignorancia. Supongo que cada persona o cada cultura en el fondo tiene una especie de atlantida, aunque sea en su imaginacion, aunque la atlantida real, la historica, la que existio, estuvo en Espa?a sin ninguna duda.
I've heard the Azores.
This link is not a scholarly site but it does pose some interesting and compelling theories.

One of the things that I vaguely remember hearing or reading about the legendary Atlantis was that it had a double ring shaped harbor and the fact that there was a fresco found at Akrotiri that represents this type of harbor is quite compelling and matches up with Plato's story of Atlantis.
Here is a speculative picture of what Thera might have looked like before the eruption showing the ring shaped harbor, there is a picture on the website of the fresco.

Most likely Santorini. It makes a lotta sense.
In my opinion, Atlantis was a piece of fiction, which was based off several historic places. There's a partial match with all of the sites, but not a complete match with any one of them. But anyways, the sites in question:

- Tartessos, southern Spain (located "beyond the Pillars of Hercules", and the Tartessian metal trade may have been the inspiration for the "orichalcum")
- Hagar Qim, Malta (especially the age, and the detail about the elephants grazing outside of the city)
- Santorini ("sunk into the sea in one night")
- The Minoan Civilization (many cultural details)
- possibly other sources

In essence, there was not "one" Atlantis, but many places of "Atlantis". (y)
Big chance that it will always remain unspecified and enigmatic place. Unless will dig out an ancient sign "City of Atlantis 2 km". :)
Tartessos or Atlantis. Scientists seeking the remains of CSIC in Andalusia.

In 2004, a German scientist proposed that in Doñana could be the acropolis of Atlantis, from satellite images released by a Spanish researcher, where they could observe a possible circular formations similar to the urban layout which had the capital Atlantis, as described by Plato.


Spanish researchers seek archaeological remains in the marshes of Doñana National Park in search of Tartessos Doñana, Huelva, and a concentric circular city - identical to the acropolis of Atlantis - found in Jaen, could yield new clues about Atlantis

Atlantis-Tartessos relationship corresponds to the legend than to history, but it's fun and it may be true or not, someday be known.

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