Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

Pick a president.

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Ted Cruz

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Marco Rubio

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 24 45.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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If you have no double standard I would be worried about the reelection of Trump.....because his relationship with truth is very doubtful.

And I never knew Trump was an independent candidate. As fare as I know he is the candidate of the Republican party.

What says 'college entrance exams' about Biden or the Democrats? Do you think Biden is supportive of that?

At least Trump knew his way he paid a proxy to take a standardized college entrance exam for him when he was a high school student (his niece wrote in a tell-all book).


And where is the nieces evidence? Funny how leftists believe her but Tara Reade is a Russian bot. You're either really dumb or a troll or a liberal. Those three things usually go hand in hand though.
Congrats, you found a video of the one person in the world dumber than you.

Merkel studied quantum chemistry and her dissertation was magna cum laude. Not only a smart woman but also wise, she knows when to speak and when to stay silent. Steady force in Europe!
Merkel studied quantum chemistry and her dissertation was magna cum laude. Not only a smart woman but also wise, she knows when to speak and when to stay silent. Steady force in Europe!

Obviously a degree in quantum chemistry means her opinions about everything are right.
Obviously a degree in quantum chemistry means her opinions about everything are right.

No but certainly her IQ is ok.....like what I said she not only smart (iq) but also wise and steady.

I guess Trump can't stand he is over classed by such a woman. He can't handle that.
No but certainly her IQ is ok.....like what I said she not only smart (iq) but also wise and steady.

I guess Trump can't stand he is over classed by such a woman. He can't handle that.

I had a professor once who couldn't remember to put the same color socks on both feet. He was pretty smart though . . . in his own field.
^^Liberals assume other liberals are smart and conservatives are dumb. It's part of the mindset, which is why it so upsets them when very smart people, Ivy Leaguers some of them, are conservative.

They carry this kind of thinking to absurd lengths. They call all Republican presidents stupid. Dwight Eisenhower won World War Two. They really think someone stupid could have risen to his rank and organized all that? As for Richard Nixon, he was extraordinarily bright: You don't score number 1 on the New York State Bar Exam by being a dunce.

As for Biden, please. He was no genius at the law; a small time local guy who got involved in politics immediately after qualifying because it paid better than a struggling law firm, and did it ever, and I'm not talking about his government salary. How anyone who ever watched him at committee hearings could think this is a sharp, or decisive, or strong leader needs his or her head examined. Someone said about him that he's been wrong about every foreign policy decision in the last fifty years, including not wanting to give the ok to raid Osama's headquarters, and they're right.

As always, it's just emotive catch phrases, and no logic.

I've also never gotten why anyone would assume that being really smart at science or math or any other academic discipline makes you a good political leader. Jimmy Carter was a nuclear engineer at a highly respected lab and he was a very ineffective president too bogged down in detail and perfectionism to lift his head and see the big picture. A very good man, doubtless, but no spine, either, and no ability to be decisive.

Harry Truman, a haberdasher, like him or not, was a very consequential president.

Just looking at immigration policy, Angela Merkle has been a disaster for Germany. Maybe she should have stuck to chemistry.
^^Liberals assume other liberals are smart and conservatives are dumb. It's part of the mindset, which is why it so upsets them when very smart people, Ivy Leaguers some of them, are conservative.
I don't agree with the notion that all liberals think that conservatives are automatically dump. Besides as someone who is pretty mixed politically, when I check the comments in left-wing and right-wing sites it's pretty clear to me, which group behaves better and is more calm, but maybe that's just my experience.
^^Liberals assume other liberals are smart and conservatives are dumb. It's part of the mindset, which is why it so upsets them when very smart people, Ivy Leaguers some of them, are conservative.

They carry this kind of thinking to absurd lengths. They call all Republican presidents stupid. Dwight Eisenhower won World War Two. They really think someone stupid could have risen to his rank and organized all that? As for Richard Nixon, he was extraordinarily bright: You don't score number 1 on the New York State Bar Exam by being a dunce.

As for Biden, please. He was no genius at the law; a small time local guy who got involved in politics immediately after qualifying because it paid better than a struggling law firm, and did it ever, and I'm not talking about his government salary. How anyone who ever watched him at committee hearings could think this is a sharp, or decisive, or strong leader needs his or her head examined. Someone said about him that he's been wrong about every foreign policy decision in the last fifty years, including not wanting to give the ok to raid Osama's headquarters, and they're right.

As always, it's just emotive catch phrases, and no logic.

I've also never gotten why anyone would assume that being really smart at science or math or any other academic discipline makes you a good political leader. Jimmy Carter was a nuclear engineer at a highly respected lab and he was a very ineffective president too bogged down in detail and perfectionism to lift his head and see the big picture. A very good man, doubtless, but no spine, either, and no ability to be decisive.

Harry Truman, a haberdasher, like him or not, was a very consequential president.

Just looking at immigration policy, Angela Merkle has been a disaster for Germany. Maybe she should have stuck to chemistry.

calling her dumb is still inappropriate no matter what you think about her skills as a leader. and those are not really bad either, she made some mistakes with her immigration policy, wouldn't call them a disaster, but overall she did a good job.

besides why is there no warning for ratchet_fan for insulting posts like these?
calling her dumb is still inappropriate no matter what you think about her skills as a leader. and those are not really bad either, she made some mistakes with her immigration policy, wouldn't call them a disaster, but overall she did a good job.

besides why is there no warning for ratchet_fan for insulting posts like these?

Indeed agree with you!

And indeed this one is very clear ad hominem:

Congrats, you found a video of the one person in the world dumber than you.
I consider myself a libertarian with Conservative positions, most people on this site would classify me as far right. Admittedly I am a huge Trump supporter. And yes I realize that makes little sense.

Part of the problem concerning the raging conditions of the current political divide can be blamed on the Right. Please read my entire comment before you get angry.

When we as Trump supporters hear you on the left, especially the far left complain about him, we secretly delight in it. The louder you squawk, the bigger our internal smile. This isn't an attractive trait, but it's honestly how we feel.

And that's not fair. I didn't like it when Obama (really any liberal leader would work here) made mandates, announced policies, etc... because he was the leader and could eventually enforce his will through the point of gun. At one point he was requiring us to directly contribute to something that is so against... nevermind. We have turned that page. But yes a world leader, any world leader has that vast power over his people and it's crucial for both sides to consider where the other side is. How they are coping with it.

Here's the secret though on Trump. We know he isn't our savior. We already have a savior. President Trump is our leader only for a short time, either four years or if we are lucky the full eight. We don't pray to Trump. But we've figured we are enjoying our time in the sun because there isn't a fighter that can replace him. And we haven't had a fighter for a long, long time. When his time as President is over, we will not have another like him probably in our lifetimes.

But if President Trump does somehow decide to go off the rails-- through a medical condition, head trauma, whatever... we aren't going to let the other side needlessly suffer. We simply will not.

Case in point... the situation on the border when children were being separated from their parents (a policy originated from Obama). When I saw what was going on down there... I lit the President's office up, plus a bunch the Republican House members that were very close to him. I can't stress how forceful my phone calls were to these people. There was lots of spittle and I had to time the calls when nobody was home so I didn't scare anyone physically next to me. Yes it was that bad. Lots of f bombs.

I have hairy shoulders and have spent the majority of my adult working life moving very heavy objects from place to place. I can assure you you don't want to receive a call like that. Ever.

And regarding Europe... we love you guys. We aren't going to let anything happen to you (like Putin getting a wild annexation hair)… but long term it is time for you all to build up your own defenses again. Please use them more wisely in the future. In the meantime we have your back.

It's easy for us (on the right) to forget how the other side sees things. Making Obama into a actual idol figure, turning scientific methods into a form of religious dogma... your side does take things to heart much more than we do. And it's because we pray to someone else that isn't visible in this realm right now. That doesn't mean we should find any joy in your despair... much of the time we forget the depths of your concern. The Right collectively has to do a better job of reassuring your side. And far less time gloating.

At the end of the day we are hoping (and praying) that you come to see what we also can't see right now either. If that makes sense.
Congrats, you found a video of the one person in the world dumber than you.

Trump and Mercel are in hidden alliance,
the third in this alliance is a man that Trump provides him as great chess player and Bidens nightmare,
no matter Biden's personel has already this man's ex propaganda promoter.
calling her dumb is still inappropriate no matter what you think about her skills as a leader. and those are not really bad either, she made some mistakes with her immigration policy, wouldn't call them a disaster, but overall she did a good job.

besides why is there no warning for ratchet_fan for insulting posts like these?

Appropriate according to who and what? liberals and their constantly changing standard? We can all her whatever we want. Liberals call Trump and all conservatives Nazis and you're here whining that we called someone you like dumb.
Appropriate according to who and what? liberals and their constantly changing standard? We can all her whatever we want. Liberals call Trump and all conservatives Nazis and you're here whining that we called someone you like dumb.

whine? :grin: In discussions on decent a forum like this it's quite simple: play the ball and not the man...
No calling other members dumb. That applies to you, Ratchet. Watch it.

As for political leaders, within limits, they're fair game, as they are generally in the media.

Does anyone really want me to go back and document all the nasty things the liberals on this thread and other threads have called Trump? You've called him worse them dumb. I've certainly called him egomaniacal and a jerk, but I'm sure I remember people calling him a Nazi, a racist, a dictator etc. I'm supposed to censure someone for calling some of Merkel's policies dumb, but the things some of you have called Trump are ok?

Are you guys for real?

You don't want to read criticism of European leaders that says their policies were stupid then don't read this thread. Here, everybody gets their say so long as it doesn't get crazy, and calling some leader's policies dumb is not in that category.
How come no one ever fact checks Biden? He claimed a black man invented the light bulb not Edison.

Warren de La Rue invented light bulbs (with platinum filaments).
Thomas Edison made them affordable by using bamboo filaments.
lewis latimer (african american) improved on Edison's invention by finding a way to carbonize the filament.
Then a bunch of Europeans made light bulbs even better with metal (with tungsten being the best) filaments.

How does that amount to a black guy inventing the light bulb?

A White guy invented it, another White guy improved on it, a black guy improved on it and then a bunch of White guys improved on it and invented the modern versions.
No calling other members dumb. That applies to you, Ratchet. Watch it.

As for political leaders, within limits, they're fair game, as they are generally in the media.

Does anyone really want me to go back and document all the nasty things the liberals on this thread and other threads have called Trump? You've called him worse them dumb. I've certainly called him egomaniacal and a jerk, but I'm sure I remember people calling him a Nazi, a racist, a dictator etc. I'm supposed to censure someone for calling some of Merkel's policies dumb, but the things some of you have called Trump are ok?

Are you guys for real?

You don't want to read criticism of European leaders that says their policies were stupid then don't read this thread. Here, everybody gets their say so long as it doesn't get crazy, and calling some leader's policies dumb is not in that category.

that Merkel was called dumb was not a big deal, but ratchet_fan insulted another member and it was not the first time.

and going back in the thread you too said Trump is a fraud, playing the xenophobe and compared his voters to the crowd of nazi germany. what changed?

i'm just happy Merkel is in Germany and Trump in the US and that it's not the other way around.
I'm just happy Trump is in the US and Merkel is in Germany and that it's not the other way around. I feel sorry for Europe take back your countries, benchmark your immigration policy after Japan and Israel.
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I'm just happy Trump is in the US and Merkel is in Germany and that it's not the other way around. I feel sorry for Europe take back your countries, benchmark your immigration policy after Japan and Israel.

From who exactly?
I respect Japan and Israel they have politicians in place who make sure they put their countries first and control their immigration policy
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