Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

Pick a president.

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Ted Cruz

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Marco Rubio

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 24 45.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The last one is out of question don't even have to answer that...

When you state the 'culture' is 'the problem' what is your 'solution'?

I think that a broader middle class (that's education and also more social-economic based) as it was for long time the goal in the US (like in Europe) in post war until the seventies the best solution...



Countries with a broad and broadening middle class are the best in my opinion.

I was just trying to point out what I mean by "radical left wing rhetoric" in the American context of 2020. This kind of twaddle is being proposed and promoted by the "intelligentsia" of the universities, places like MSNBC, and radicals in the Democrat party.

I never meant to imply that this is typical of left wing thought in the Netherlands or even of far left wing thought there. I have no idea whether that's the case.

The solution, imo, lies in the hands of the minority communities themselves. First they have to face the problems and acknowledge that this is not the result of "systemic" racism, but of cultural choices being made in their communities. Then, perhaps through the Black Churches, which are very powerful, they need to do outreach, request some soul searching, provide, indeed with government funding perhaps, parenting classes, etc. etc.

Then, along with Kemp, I've always been in favor of locating free enterprise zones within minority communities. Bring the jobs and the training there, with strict standards, but paying a living wage. Also, give a premium in benefits to fathers who are living with and trying to raise their children.

I don't see the Democrat party proposing any of this.

They just throw money at it, and I know where a lot of that "pandemic money" has gone: to alcohol and drug purchases. I still have enough contacts to know what the police are seeing on the street.

It should never have been cash payments. It should have been vouchers for rent, food, etc.

Sometimes the sheer stupidity of politicians is astounding.
I was just trying to point out what I mean by "radical left wing rhetoric" in the American context of 2020. This kind of twaddle is being proposed and promoted by the "intelligentsia" of the universities, places like MSNBC, and radicals in the Democrat party.

I never meant to imply that this is typical of left wing thought in the Netherlands or even of far left wing thought there. I have no idea whether that's the case.

The solution, imo, lies in the hands of the minority communities themselves. First they have to face the problems and acknowledge that this is not the result of "systemic" racism, but of cultural choices being made in their communities. Then, perhaps through the Black Churches, which are very powerful, they need to do outreach, request some soul searching, provide, indeed with government funding perhaps, parenting classes, etc. etc.

Then, along with Kemp, I've always been in favor of locating free enterprise zones within minority communities. Bring the jobs and the training there, with strict standards, but paying a living wage. Also, give a premium in benefits to fathers who are living with and trying to raise their children.

I don't see the Democrat party proposing any of this.

They just throw money at it, and I know where a lot of that "pandemic money" has gone: to alcohol and drug purchases. I still have enough contacts to know what the police are seeing on the street.

It should never have been cash payments. It should have been vouchers for rent, food, etc.

Sometimes the sheer stupidity of politicians is astounding.

So black men should get a premium in benefits for taking care of their own children? Something white men and asian men do for the most part without any handouts.

Also that'll just lead to people having more children than they should.
I was just trying to point out what I mean by "radical left wing rhetoric" in the American context of 2020. This kind of twaddle is being proposed and promoted by the "intelligentsia" of the universities, places like MSNBC, and radicals in the Democrat party.

I never meant to imply that this is typical of left wing thought in the Netherlands or even of far left wing thought there. I have no idea whether that's the case.

The solution, imo, lies in the hands of the minority communities themselves. First they have to face the problems and acknowledge that this is not the result of "systemic" racism, but of cultural choices being made in their communities. Then, perhaps through the Black Churches, which are very powerful, they need to do outreach, request some soul searching, provide, indeed with government funding perhaps, parenting classes, etc. etc.

Then, along with Kemp, I've always been in favor of locating free enterprise zones within minority communities. Bring the jobs and the training there, with strict standards, but paying a living wage. Also, give a premium in benefits to fathers who are living with and trying to raise their children.

I don't see the Democrat party proposing any of this.

They just throw money at it, and I know where a lot of that "pandemic money" has gone: to alcohol and drug purchases. I still have enough contacts to know what the police are seeing on the street.

It should never have been cash payments. It should have been vouchers for rent, food, etc.

Sometimes the sheer stupidity of politicians is astounding.

IMO it's not OR but AND. The community has basically a role but (admitted from a distance) there is still 'white' racism and segregation in the US. The police is overacting and there is racism in the police too....so people have their own responsibility but when they are blocked they are not able to make progress.

Trump is firing it all and is not downsizing it, he aims for example also at the woman of the suburbs, when they become shaky and he presents himself as mister law and order, then may be the people forget his 'Blunders' (dixit Cuomo). The man is one big spinning machine. Or as my father would say in his dialect 'hai is nait in d'eerste leugen bursten' ('he didn't burst in his first lie' ;)

Add about the police that's a problem in NW Europe too see this about the Belgian police, disgusting:
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Yes, if you graduate from High School you get rewarded. If you don't have kids out of wedlock - no Father figure - you get rewarded. I'm absolutely fine with this. The African American communities will not improve until these stats improve.
IMO it's not OR but AND. The community has basically a role but (admitted from a distance) there is still 'white' racism and segregation in the US. The police is overacting and there is racism in the police too....so people have their own responsibility but when they are blocked they are not able to make progress.

Trump is firing it all and is not downsizing it, he aims for example also at the woman of the suburbs, when they become shaky and he presents himself as mister law and order, then may be the people forget his 'Blunders' (dixit Cuomo). The man is one big spinning machine. Or as my father would say in his dialect 'hai is nait in d'eerste leugen bursten' ('he didn't burst in his first lie' ;)

Add about the police that's a problem in NW Europe too see this about the Belgian police, disgusting:

In every time and in every place you will have the tendency for trouble when groups, like the police or the military, are given peculiar power. They may never misuse that power, but the potential is always there so they must be closely watched and regulated. One problem we have in America is that police unions have become so strong that effective regulation is often difficult.

The trouble I have with BLM is that its rise marked a great possibility for people of all backgrounds to get together to look at how the power of the police has been misused (at some times and in some places). However, the movement wanted it to be all about just their one group and so lost the opportunity to gain allies. It is a lost opportunity of epic proportions.

And, northerner, you may have missed this, but the extremists don't say that white Americans are all racists, they say all whites, everywhere and at every time are racists. We are from birth sinners without redemption.
Yes, if you graduate from High School you get rewarded. If you don't have kids out of wedlock - no Father figure - you get rewarded. I'm absolutely fine with this. The African American communities will not improve until these stats improve.

Its up to them to improve their situation. Not to tax other people to reward people for something that should be common sense. Why stop at blacks? Do hispanics and native americans qualify? What about poor Whites and asians? If not all you'll do is create racial resentment.
What nobody has touched on is that "Antifa"-- an openly Marxist organization-- is using racial discord to pit U.S. citizens and residents against each other. This is standard operating procedure for Communist Revolutionaries. Divide and conquer. Antifa is using BLM (both the movement and the incorporated entity) to further their attempt at a radical takeover.

In Portland this weekend there was a straight up political assignation in the street. I watched the at-the-scene video numerous times and the shooter, Michael Forest Reinoehl, gunned down a man solely because he was told the eventual victim was a Trump supporter. Reinoehl identifies as being "100% Antifa".

But I would like to focus on solutions. Yes the police in the U.S. have had some serious problems, but they are improving. Let's keep the ball rolling. I like the idea of having all active police officers equipped with a camera and recording device when on duty AT ALL TIMES-- no exceptions. If there is an incident of interest... footage should be release immediately to avoid potential cover-up ploys. All recordings are property of the public and not of the police departments. Currently the senior officers decide what gets released and when. All on-the-beat police should get a sizeable increase in pay for having to work with these intrusive conditions.

And more importantly, I am for the disbanding of all police unions. This would solve a lot of the "injustice hangover" we have had really since the days of Jim Crow. The unions swept a lot of improper behavior under the rug over the years.

But this item will beat all the rest in terms of positive outcome results. Simple but effective... DISBAND ALL THE PUBLIC TEACHERS UNIONS. Our public schools have been responsible for fostering this dangerous Marxist dogma for years-- really on the down low-- and I put much of the blame for what we are seeing now on their whacky and unbalanced liberal teachings.
The unfair treatment of African-Americans in the U.S. stems back to this one simple factor-- the destruction of the family unit. This must be addressed. Everything else is a band-aid.

Unfortunately, we as a society happen to be facing a Marxist uprising. And Communist takeover tactics are effective because they target the current societal power structures in order to weaken them so that their "benevolent state" can swoop in and fully replace all other systems.

One of the biggest hurdles to Marxist regimes is the nuclear family. Mom, Dad, and the kids. Organized religion is another. Small business and capitalism are also obvious barriers to successful state takeover.

What I'm trying to say is that we have to shed Antifa and fast, because they are doing everything possible to harm ALL family units... black, brown, white, even green and polka dot if they could find them. Healthy and successful family units make for sickly and unsuccessful Communist Movements.

I'm biased here, but the most successful way historically to build back the family unit is through The Church.
In every time and in every place you will have the tendency for trouble when groups, like the police or the military, are given peculiar power. They may never misuse that power, but the potential is always there so they must be closely watched and regulated. One problem we have in America is that police unions have become so strong that effective regulation is often difficult.

The trouble I have with BLM is that its rise marked a great possibility for people of all backgrounds to get together to look at how the power of the police has been misused (at some times and in some places). However, the movement wanted it to be all about just their one group and so lost the opportunity to gain allies. It is a lost opportunity of epic proportions.

And, northerner, you may have missed this, but the extremists don't say that white Americans are all racists, they say all whites, everywhere and at every time are racists. We are from birth sinners without redemption.

Thanks shissem and I agree with your view.

It's like the French say: les extrêmes se touchent....
In group out group -favoritism, preference for ones tribe like BLM manifesting in wanting more power and resource's to expand control over competition. Detroit started out as Native American Indigenous tribes, change to European tribes and now is predominantly African descendant. There has been no peaceful cohabitation in 60 years of Democratic rule. Same happened in Haiti where child slavery exists. Or ask any Guyanese about the control of the police and politics Or ask a Srilankan about Jatt.
In group out group -favoritism, preference for ones tribe like BLM manifesting in wanting more power and resource's to expand control over competition. Detroit started out as Native American Indigenous tribes, change to European tribes and now is predominantly African descendant. There has been no peaceful cohabitation in 60 years of Democratic rule. Same happened in Haiti where child slavery exists. Or ask any Guyanese about the control of the police and politics Or ask a Srilankan about Jatt.

Idiots in California are now studying reparations for slavery. What about every other group of people that have been unfairly treated?

Also their figures seems to suggest giving ~900,000 to every black American. Which is many people's entire career earnings.
Idiots in California are now studying reparations for slavery. What about every other group of people that have been unfairly treated?
Also their figures seems to suggest giving ~900,000 to every black American. Which is many people's entire career earnings.
"A" tier quality citizen, hardworking and or education with assets are fleeing CA and New Jersey look to Detroit as the future goes forward. Then "B" tier and so on as no one is left to pay and wants to foot the bill for lunacy all the debt and taxes property etc...
"A" tier quality citizen, hardworking and or education with assets are fleeing CA and New Jersey look to Detroit as the future goes forward. Then "B" tier and so on as no one is left to pay and wants to foot the bill for lunacy all the debt and taxes property etc...

On the contrary, high-powered job holders that work in NYC tend to move into New Jersey and Connecticut, because it is cheaper than NYC, and they have a close enough commute. Though it is true that the middle class is moving out; that is the group that you are describing. The high-powered people are actually in part pushing out the middle class, because of bidding wars, also higher tax rates. Rich people want to send their children to good schools, and good school districts have high taxes. Some send their children to private schools, yes. But those that are keen when it comes to real-estate know that good schools districts are important for re-sale value. Also, crime tends to be lower in the area, because of it. High taxes also keeps out lower-income families, and helps to facilitate gentrification. Though some municipalities try to protect lower income people from these policies, nevertheless, they can't hold out forever.

Detroit looks like that partly because of the failure of the auto industry, and the outsourcing of working-class jobs. The New York Metropolitan area is the capital of business and finance, which will not be outsourced. In Manhattan, it is mostly just the rich, and the people that serve the rich (i.e. wealth stratification).

The GOP and the Democrats try to appeal to the middle class, but in reality they are kicked around like a shrinking football.



This is how dumb leftists are. They deserve no power. Their stupidity stems from the top of their ranks to the bottom like the idiot "author" of the articles linked to above.

Also thanks in advance for the negative reputation alichu and northerner.
On the contrary, high-powered job holders that work in NYC tend to move into New Jersey and Connecticut, because it is cheaper than NYC, and they have a close enough commute. Though it is true that the middle class is moving out; that is the group that you are describing. The high-powered people are actually in part pushing out the middle class, because of bidding wars, also higher tax rates. Rich people want to send their children to good schools, and good school districts have high taxes. Some send their children to private schools, yes. But those that are keen when it comes to real-estate know that good schools districts are important for re-sale value. Also, crime tends to be lower in the area, because of it. High taxes also keeps out lower-income families, and helps to facilitate gentrification. Though some municipalities try to protect lower income people from these policies, nevertheless, they can't hold out forever.

Detroit looks like that partly because of the failure of the auto industry, and the outsourcing of working-class jobs. The New York Metropolitan area is the capital of business and finance, which will not be outsourced. In Manhattan, it is mostly just the rich, and the people that serve the rich (i.e. wealth stratification).

The GOP and the Democrats try to appeal to the middle class, but in reality they are kicked around like a shrinking football.
You can be dirt poor and still put an effort to pick up garbage, take care of neglected abused homeless animals,who have it worse of than you--[ bring your elderly neighbor some of your home grown vegetables and ask if they need any help.

Quick before Google, Facebook, Youtube ban the channel, have a look, 30 million could have helped homeless vet's, abused animals in death shelter's etc......

Mostly "peaceful" protesters being helped out in mostly "peaceful" protests,

suum cuique,



This is how dumb leftists are. They deserve no power. Their stupidity stems from the top of their ranks to the bottom like the idiot "author" of the articles linked to above.

Also thanks in advance for the negative reputation alichu and northerner.

We can see our rep votes? Cool who knew.
I could show alichu and northerner some things they would find interesting from real life experience. Let them find out for themselves, that's half the fun in the classroom(y)
Idiots in California are now studying reparations for slavery. What about every other group of people that have been unfairly treated?

Also their figures seems to suggest giving ~900,000 to every black American. Which is many people's entire career earnings.

I don't see how looking at reparations for slavery makes them "idiots". Slavery is a very real aspect of American history, and the events that unfolded after abolition were very real until quite recently (such as segregation).

The unfair treatment of African-Americans in the U.S. stems back to this one simple factor-- the destruction of the family unit. This must be addressed. Everything else is a band-aid.

Unfortunately, we as a society happen to be facing a Marxist uprising. And Communist takeover tactics are effective because they target the current societal power structures in order to weaken them so that their "benevolent state" can swoop in and fully replace all other systems.

One of the biggest hurdles to Marxist regimes is the nuclear family. Mom, Dad, and the kids. Organized religion is another. Small business and capitalism are also obvious barriers to successful state takeover.

What I'm trying to say is that we have to shed Antifa and fast, because they are doing everything possible to harm ALL family units... black, brown, white, even green and polka dot if they could find them. Healthy and successful family units make for sickly and unsuccessful Communist Movements.

I'm biased here, but the most successful way historically to build back the family unit is through The Church.

Can you enlighten me as to how the "unfair treatment of African-Americans in the U.S. stems back to... the destruction of the family unit"? You believe that Breonna Taylor was murdered by those officers in her sleep because of the destruction of the family unit? You don't think it had anything to do with crooked cops? You think Ahmaud Arbery was murdered because of the destruction of the family unit? Nothing to do with that father and son duo coming after him? You don't suspect something systemic?



This is how dumb leftists are. They deserve no power. Their stupidity stems from the top of their ranks to the bottom like the idiot "author" of the articles linked to above.

Also thanks in advance for the negative reputation alichu and northerner.

So you googled and found some mister X and called that representative for the leftist. huh huh dream on.
So you googled and found some mister X and called that representative for the leftist. huh huh dream on.

Leftists truly believe this nonsense. Also funny how the left finds one idiot on the right and stereotypes them all. But they whine when someone does it to them. Turnabout is fair play.
I don't see how looking at reparations for slavery makes them "idiots". Slavery is a very real aspect of American history, and the events that unfolded after abolition were very real until quite recently (such as segregation).

Can you enlighten me as to how the "unfair treatment of African-Americans in the U.S. stems back to... the destruction of the family unit"? You believe that Breonna Taylor was murdered by those officers in her sleep because of the destruction of the family unit? You don't think it had anything to do with crooked cops? You think Ahmaud Arbery was murdered because of the destruction of the family unit? Nothing to do with that father and son duo coming after him? You don't suspect something systemic?

And? Plenty of people were suffering till recently. Should the UK pay reparations to its colonies? What about Germany to the rest of Europe? Or Pakistan to Bangladesh? Or Russia to Central Asia? Or Turkey to Armenia? Slavery deserves reparations but genocide doesn't?

What does Ahmaud Arbery have to do with cops? He was killed by two idiot civilians. Should we bring in the topic of white on black crime? Because those numbers won't be favorable for your POV.
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