Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

Pick a president.

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Ted Cruz

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Marco Rubio

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 24 45.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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It looks pretty much that way. Also so many missing Republican senators during the convention that could have at least reflected some other sentiments within the Republican party, making it drift more and more to one direction, which is not going to be helpful. One cannot but admire Ted Cruz for not endorsing Donald Trump and yet still made it to the podium even if was booed down after such an initial warm welcome. I am sure he knew exactly that would happen. Dues are dues and that defiantly has earned some respect with me at least.

Perhaps Ted Cruz will come back in the next election ^_^
Perhaps Ted Cruz will come back in the next election ^_^

I certainly hope not. The reason Ted Cruz is detested by all his colleagues in the Senate and virtually anyone who has ever had anything to do with him is not because of his politics, but because he's personally and professionally a backstabbing, two faced, lying, totally untrustworthy s.o.b.

Donald Trump can act like a buffoon, sometimes, not like a candidate for President of the United States (his children are more mature than he is), but he has a gift for the perfect descriptive phrase: hence, "evil" Ted, or lyin' "Ted". (There's also "little" Marco, and "crooked" Hillary.)

I think Cruz has destroyed his political future. If it was really all about principle, then stay home, like the Romneys, Bushes, Rubio, Kashich, and on and on. You don't agree to appear, after promising to endorse, and pull this kind of nonsense.

From the news reports, the people who bankrolled him in the past have said they'll never give him another dime.

Of course, it also highlights, in my opinion, the kind of stuff that can happen when you have non-professional politicians running for office, and you have a staff of 70 versus the over 700 for Hillary. It's standard procedure to vet the speech of anyone appearing, and the Trump people obviously didn't demand a copy ahead of time. They were also naive; this guy is capable of anything.
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"Don't worry, Hillary. We've got your back."

-The Media

As to the Vice Presidential Candidates, I think we should have a poll: Which one is most boring? :)

The Jesuitical Roman Catholic versus the Evangelical...no one is more hated by the media than Evangelicals, so even someone who spent a year as a Catholic missionary in Honduras and is against late term abortions will get a pass, so we won't hear a peep about the former or all his ties to Wall Street. Of course, how could we, given that Chelsea Clinton works for a hedge fund to the tune of more than 500,000 a year.

Hypocrisy, thy name is partisan politics.
I certainly hope not. The reason Ted Cruz is detested by all his colleagues in the Senate and virtually anyone who has ever had anything to do with him is not because of his politics, but because he's personally and professionally a backstabbing, two faced, lying, totally untrustworthy s.o.b.

Donald Trump can act like a buffoon, sometimes, not like a candidate for President of the United States (his children are more mature than he is), but he has a gift for the perfect descriptive phrase: hence, "evil" Ted, or lyin' "Ted". (There's also "little" Marco, and "crooked" Hillary.)

I think Cruz has destroyed his political future. If it was really all about principle, then stay home, like the Romneys, Bushes, Rubio, Kashich, and on and on. You don't agree to appear, after promising to endorse, and pull this kind of nonsense.

From the news reports, the people who bankrolled him in the past have said they'll never give him another dime.

Of course, it also highlights, in my opinion, the kind of stuff that can happen when you have non-professional politicians running for office, and you have a staff of 70 versus the over 700 for Hillary. It's standard procedure to vet the speech of anyone appearing, and the Trump people obviously didn't demand a copy ahead of time. They were also naive; this guy is capable of anything.

Good point, hopefully the children pull through. I never heard of those actions that Ted made but I admit, I've never been to the south and not familiar with their politics. But thanks for pointing that out :).
Good point, hopefully the children pull through. I never heard of those actions that Ted made but I admit, I've never been to the south and not familiar with their politics. But thanks for pointing that out :).

Gosh, did you pick up that I can't stand him??? I thought I was being so cool and analytical!:grin:

I'm not a Texan; far from it, although unlike a lot of New Yorkers and all liberals, I try not to stereotype everyone from "flyover" country. The world as seen from 9th Avenue in Manhattan:


His reputation was like that even at Princeton and Harvard Law School. As for the rest, I probably spend too much time following politics. In the Senate, he was notorious for double dealing.


"During the 2016 Republican presidential primaries, John Boehner described Cruz as "Lucifer in the flesh",[133] while during an interview, Lindsey Graham was quoted as saying "If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you."[134]" :LOL:


Part of being good at my job involves being able to decipher the "tells", and figuring out whether a person is lying or sincere, and reading that person's "character". If I say so myself, I'm excellent at reading the "truth" from a person's facial expressions, body language, voice, etc. It's a constant source of amazement to me how even non-Aspberger's types can't do it at all. So, after all these self-serving statements :), I will say that I've never seen him say a word that I didn't think was a lie. There's more to it than is in the following link, but it's a start.

What donors are saying:

I forget who mentioned Bernie Sanders, but I could never, ever vote for him; the identity of the other candidate wouldn't matter at all. If I wanted to live under a socialist I'd move back to Europe.

I'm still where I was a few months ago: seriously contemplating sitting the whole thing out now that Kasich is gone. If Sparkey is reading this, I want to hear the Libertarian candidate. If I'm going to throw the election to Hillary maybe I should at least have my voice heard.

Ed. The Democrats are claiming Putin is behind all these 'Wiki Leaks' releases of these Democratic Party e-mails showing how they rigged the system against Bernie. If it's true, I guess he's taking Trump at his word that he's going to be an isolationist and basically doesn't give a damn what happens in the Ukraine.

If they really want to put paid to Hillary's campaign, they should release some of those 33,000 e-mails that she deleted from her private server before handing over the relatively sanitary ones to the State Department. Last I heard either the server was so easy to hack that a teenager could have done it, or Russian footprints were indeed found. I can't remember if the latter was indeed proved. Then we could find out exactly how much fraud was committed through the Clinton foundation. Nice to make 200 million dollars just through influence peddling. Trump is the kind of childish idiot who pretends to be his own PR person in order to brag about how many beautiful women he's taken to bed, and how they're fighting to marry him, and Clinton is so "dirty" and incompetent that it's breathtaking. What an election.

One needs to be spanked and sent to bed without his supper, and the other should be in jail.
Gosh, did you pick up that I can't stand him??? I thought I was being so cool and analytical!:grin:

I'm not a Texan; far from it, although unlike a lot of New Yorkers and all liberals, I try not to stereotype everyone from "flyover" country. The world as seen from 9th Avenue in Manhattan:


His reputation was like that even at Princeton and Harvard Law School. As for the rest, I probably spend too much time following politics. In the Senate, he was notorious for double dealing.


"During the 2016 Republican presidential primaries, John Boehner described Cruz as "Lucifer in the flesh",[133] while during an interview, Lindsey Graham was quoted as saying "If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you."[134]" :LOL:


Part of being good at my job involves being able to decipher the "tells", and figuring out whether a person is lying or sincere, and reading that person's "character". If I say so myself, I'm excellent at reading the "truth" from a person's facial expressions, body language, voice, etc. It's a constant source of amazement to me how even non-Aspberger's types can't do it at all. So, after all these self-serving statements :), I will say that I've never seen him say a word that I didn't think was a lie. There's more to it than is in the following link, but it's a start.

What donors are saying:

I forget who mentioned Bernie Sanders, but I could never, ever vote for him; the identity of the other candidate wouldn't matter at all. If I wanted to live under a socialist I'd move back to Europe.

I'm still where I was a few months ago: seriously contemplating sitting the whole thing out now that Kasich is gone. If Sparkey is reading this, I want to hear the Libertarian candidate. If I'm going to throw the election to Hillary maybe I should at least have my voice heard.

Ed. The Democrats are claiming Putin is behind all these 'Wiki Leaks' releases of these Democratic Party e-mails showing how they rigged the system against Bernie. If it's true, I guess he's taking Trump at his word that he's going to be an isolationist and basically doesn't give a damn what happens in the Ukraine.

If they really want to put paid to Hillary's campaign, they should release some of those 33,000 e-mails that she deleted from her private server before handing over the relatively sanitary ones to the State Department. Last I heard either the server was so easy to hack that a teenager could have done it, or Russian footprints were indeed found. I can't remember if the latter was indeed proved. Then we could find out exactly how much fraud was committed through the Clinton foundation. Nice to make 200 million dollars just through influence peddling. Trump is the kind of childish idiot who pretends to be his own PR person in order to brag about how many beautiful women he's taken to bed, and how they're fighting to marry him, and Clinton is so "dirty" and incompetent that it's breathtaking. What an election.

One needs to be spanked and sent to bed without his supper, and the other should be in jail.

Its okay I thought you were being analytical ^_^personally I consider myself an Independant and therefore I'm taking a neutral approach to the election ever since Sanders dropped out. I totally agree, the election is not as moral as I would like and willing to absorb all sides of the story as possible. At this point, I just gotta hope for the best ;)
I'm still where I was a few months ago: seriously contemplating sitting the whole thing out now that Kasich is gone. If Sparkey is reading this, I want to hear the Libertarian candidate. If I'm going to throw the election to Hillary maybe I should at least have my voice heard.

Go for it! May as well cast a vote if you're going to vote in downballot races anyway. Plus Gary Johnson is reasonable, classy, and experienced, and he's got probably the strongest candidate of any party as his running mate (the extremely popular former MA Gov. Bill Weld). If I have one complaint about Gary, it's that he isn't quite as charismatic as Clinton or Trump. He had a pretty good interview on Bill Maher here, if you can stand Bill Maher.

I'm thinking that a lot of these "Never Trump" Republicans are going to be voting for the Johnson/Weld ticket come November. Most will be hesitant to give an endorsement, since endorsing another party will be viewed within the GOP as a betrayal (just look at the reaction to Cruz's non-endorsement!). A few may make the leap, though. There have been rumors of Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney both endorsing Johnson; Romney has even said something along the lines of how he would definitely endorse a Weld/Johnson ticket, but isn't as certain about Johnson/Weld.

On the Democratic side, Sandernistas have seemed much less likely to jump to third parties as "Never Trump" on the GOP side. If any Dems endorse a third party, it will probably be moderates like Webb or Chafee, and like "Never Trump," the third party they're most likely to endorse is the Libertarians. Unfortunately, moderate Dems have pretty much lost influence.
Go for it! May as well cast a vote if you're going to vote in downballot races anyway. Plus Gary Johnson is reasonable, classy, and experienced, and he's got probably the strongest candidate of any party as his running mate (the extremely popular former MA Gov. Bill Weld). If I have one complaint about Gary, it's that he isn't quite as charismatic as Clinton or Trump. He had a pretty good interview on Bill Maher here, if you can stand Bill Maher.

I'm thinking that a lot of these "Never Trump" Republicans are going to be voting for the Johnson/Weld ticket come November. Most will be hesitant to give an endorsement, since endorsing another party will be viewed within the GOP as a betrayal (just look at the reaction to Cruz's non-endorsement!). A few may make the leap, though. There have been rumors of Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney both endorsing Johnson; Romney has even said something along the lines of how he would definitely endorse a Weld/Johnson ticket, but isn't as certain about Johnson/Weld.

On the Democratic side, Sandernistas have seemed much less likely to jump to third parties as "Never Trump" on the GOP side. If any Dems endorse a third party, it will probably be moderates like Webb or Chafee, and like "Never Trump," the third party they're most likely to endorse is the Libertarians. Unfortunately, moderate Dems have pretty much lost influence.

I can't.

Exactly how I feel.

Maybe as more is learned of these e-mails, and if some of the deleted ones come out, they'll change their minds. I doubt Bernie and Pochahontas would bolt, however, and I don't think resurrecting Che Guevara is in the cards. (Now you just know he had Che's poster on his walls for YEARS!) :)

That's a joke, people.

I just heard Bloomberg endorsed Hillary. Surprise, surprise.
Gosh, did you pick up that I can't stand him??? I thought I was being so cool and analytical!:grin:

I'm not a Texan; far from it, although unlike a lot of New Yorkers and all liberals, I try not to stereotype everyone from "flyover" country. The world as seen from 9th Avenue in Manhattan:


His reputation was like that even at Princeton and Harvard Law School. As for the rest, I probably spend too much time following politics. In the Senate, he was notorious for double dealing.


"During the 2016 Republican presidential primaries, John Boehner described Cruz as "Lucifer in the flesh",[133] while during an interview, Lindsey Graham was quoted as saying "If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you."[134]" :LOL:


Part of being good at my job involves being able to decipher the "tells", and figuring out whether a person is lying or sincere, and reading that person's "character". If I say so myself, I'm excellent at reading the "truth" from a person's facial expressions, body language, voice, etc. It's a constant source of amazement to me how even non-Aspberger's types can't do it at all. So, after all these self-serving statements :), I will say that I've never seen him say a word that I didn't think was a lie. There's more to it than is in the following link, but it's a start.

What donors are saying:

I forget who mentioned Bernie Sanders, but I could never, ever vote for him; the identity of the other candidate wouldn't matter at all. If I wanted to live under a socialist I'd move back to Europe.

I'm still where I was a few months ago: seriously contemplating sitting the whole thing out now that Kasich is gone. If Sparkey is reading this, I want to hear the Libertarian candidate. If I'm going to throw the election to Hillary maybe I should at least have my voice heard.

Ed. The Democrats are claiming Putin is behind all these 'Wiki Leaks' releases of these Democratic Party e-mails showing how they rigged the system against Bernie. If it's true, I guess he's taking Trump at his word that he's going to be an isolationist and basically doesn't give a damn what happens in the Ukraine.

If they really want to put paid to Hillary's campaign, they should release some of those 33,000 e-mails that she deleted from her private server before handing over the relatively sanitary ones to the State Department. Last I heard either the server was so easy to hack that a teenager could have done it, or Russian footprints were indeed found. I can't remember if the latter was indeed proved. Then we could find out exactly how much fraud was committed through the Clinton foundation. Nice to make 200 million dollars just through influence peddling. Trump is the kind of childish idiot who pretends to be his own PR person in order to brag about how many beautiful women he's taken to bed, and how they're fighting to marry him, and Clinton is so "dirty" and incompetent that it's breathtaking. What an election.

One needs to be spanked and sent to bed without his supper, and the other should be in jail.

Cruz is a very shady character, a textbook psychopath. Fortunately his fiasco at the RNC ruined him and any credibility he once had is gone. He cant rely on a few ignorant religious zealots to drive him to the presidency or even the republican nomination in 2020, especially since he lost the backing of Sheldon Adelson among other donors with his stunt and the trust of most of the republican party. If it wasnt obvious enough to the public that he was a self centered psychopath as it was to the people that new Cruz personally I think it's quite obvious now.

On the other side of the political arena I've been sifting through the recently leaked DNC emails and I'm disgusted by some of the things going on there. I'm not enthusiastic about Trump but he has my vote come November.(Trump's VP pick is another let down entirely, but I understand where he is coming from politically here and they do seem to like each other a lot and have good chemistry)

I wouldn't throw away my vote on a third party candidate anyhow but I was not impressed after watching the libertarian debate (best word I could describe it with his "comical", not that Donald and Hillary dont provide enough of that already) nor was I impressed with any of their candidates, especially not Johnson(Petersen seemed the most reasonable there). I think staunch libertarian and unapologetic homosexual Peter Thiel's appearance at the RNC in support of Trump says enough about the state of the Libertarian party.
I think Cruz has destroyed his political future. If it was really all about principle, then stay home, like the Romneys, Bushes, Rubio, Kashich, and on and on. You don't agree to appear, after promising to endorse, and pull this kind of nonsense.

I really do not believe that every body sees it that way. Staying home is the easiest thing one can do, but Ted has shown that he has more gutz then I ever imagined. And lets face it, he has also shown that he has some principles. Its not ok to attack on a personal level and a month later say now it should be all ok, your insults are ok and now I kneel and kiss your feet type of attidue. Unfortunately these are the new low standards that have been introduced through Trumpism in American politics. I know I would not feel proud if it happened locally where I am entitled to have a vote. Having said that Trump support for the LGBT community (which overall seemed to be accompanied by genuine body language) is also a new positive for the Republican party, however I really would have wished for this new sentiment to have been presented in a more respectable background.

It's always shocking albeit nice to see how many Europeans have voted for Trump as number one candidate. (unless that were a few North Americans here.) but Hillary Clinton is stagnating behind. I, too, believe that she (Hillary) is "the machine".

Actually, many of the Republicans here seem to be raking in the most votes. For Europe this is quite an oddity. And personally, the best Democratic candidate running (for me at least) would definitely be Sanders over Clinton.

Holodomir from my experience I have learned that most genetic forums are frequented mostly by white kind of supremacists from mild to extreme, so Trump would be a natural choice taking into account all the rhetoric we have come to get used in the running up for the party nominations. Keep that in mind ;)
Yes, but this means that unfortunately the Eurasianists/Putinists/Russophiles have taken over the American Right. And to think, on Eupedia…

this is a common trend with a common factor and in action much more then anyone would like to think. However I am not too sure what the final outcome really is if it totally succeeds. I have my guesses
this is a common trend with a common factor and in action much more then anyone would like to think. However I am not too sure what the final outcome really is if it totally succeeds. I have my guesses
The Atlanticist, pro-Western Right really needs to step it up. It's just pathetic how due to corruption and support for globalism they've really lost the support of the people. I would still say that the average American conservative is strongly opposed to Eurasianism, but they've ignored the National Bolshevik Putinists at their peril and they will suffer the consequences.
I would still say that the average American conservative is strongly opposed to Eurasianism, but they've ignored the National Bolshevik Putinists at their peril and they will suffer the consequences.

The Republican party is going through some fast changes which are coming about on the eve of a presidential election. Most of it is shrouded in thick to medium fog. The only binding factor is the hate towards Hillary Clinton (on a personal level), as for the rest there are interesting times ahead.
Just for some clarity...

Donald Trump is sui generis for our times, in my opinion. If I had to describe him I'd say that he's a populist and a nationalist. He certainly isn't a Republican, and his positions aren't those of the Republican Party. I have no idea whom he's been voting for over his lifetime, but he's given more money to Democrats. He doesn't believe in small government, has expressed no desire to tackle the problems of Social Security, or to reign in spending and lower taxes. He's socially progressive and always has been. In all those ways he's like another billionaire New York businessman: Bloomberg.

The difference is that he's an isolationist, nationalist, and nativist who identifies with working class and lower middle class Americans, probably because he's spent his life working with them and has always seen himself as a kid from Queens taking on the elites in Manhattan. He's against illegal immigration because he believes that a constant influx of undocumented workers drives down the wages of American born workers. In that he reflects the views of his working class and lower middle class employees. I think he also is genuinely concerned about the violence and drug trafficking along our southern border and in our inner cities. I don't believe that it stems from actual racism. He's certainly not an anti-Semite, not with a beloved daughter and grandchildren who are Jewish. He's a known quantity in New York. If he were expressing racist sentiments or treating people of different races with contempt, we would know. There certainly hasn't been a hint of it in his dealings with all his thousands of Hispanic employees. However, his unrestrained and bellicose rhetoric, with his talk of building walls and deporting millions of people have alienated Hispanics. He's also genuinely a law and order type person and a strong supporter of the police. That has alienated blacks.

So, with blacks and Hispanics out of reach, that leaves him with a totally white base of support. If he got most of them, he'd win handily, but regardless of whether he hires and competitively pays a lot of women, and promotes them much more than Hillary does, his rhetoric toward them turns white women, especially educated white women off. He also has a big problem with millennials. In my opinion, they've been so indoctrinated by their Marxist teachers that they're turned off by what he would undoubtedly say to them, which is get off your duffs and get a job, stop bashing capitalism and make it work for you.

Just when I think that he might actually have a shot, like after his speech at the convention, he steps all over his own message by engaging in another petty rampage against Ted Cruz and Kuchinic. I mean, take a look at this clip. Look at his facial expressions and listen to his voice. The man is temperamentally unfit to be president of the United States. Would anyone sleep well at night knowing that he has his finger on the nuclear button? That's over and beyond the fact that I don't think he understands the complexities of any of the issues he'd be facing, not even the domestic ones, much less the foreign policy ones.

As to Ted Cruz, there's nothing honorable or courageous, in my opinion, about giving someone your word you'll endorse him, agreeing to speak at his convention, and then showing up and sticking a knife in his back. The double dealing that anyone who had dealt with him personally knew about was suddenly out in the open, and I don't think it will stand him in good stead. As for his expressed politics, he's far to the right of anyone else who ran, and that's socially and economically and politically.When he talked about "voting your conscience" he wasn't at all implying that he had any problem with Trump's views on immigration; far from it, he was often competing for who could be more against illegal immigration. He was alluding to the fact that Trump isn't conservative enough.

As for the voting patterns of black Americans, the huge majority of black Americans support Hillary Clinton, not Bernie Sanders. You don't need to look at polls; all you need to do is look at Bernie rallies versus Clinton rallies. They're astonishingly white, maybe even more white than Trump rallies.

As for Hillary, just to be clear I don't "hate" her personally, not even the way I "hate" Ted Cruz. Neither do I subscribe to all those old conspiracy theories about Vince Foster and on and on. I just think she's incredibly corrupt, the embodiment of "politics as usual", crony capitalism, take money and support from every lobby, minority and special interest group, and to hell with what's in the best interest of the country. She's also incompetent in my opinion. That's all over and above the fact that on fiscal matters she's way too liberal for me.

Just saw that Wiki Leaks has announced that their next e-mail dump will "ensure that Hillary Clinton is arrested." I doubt it; the fix is in. One can hope, however. Then, Tom Kaine would be at the head of the ticket. He sure doesn't make my heart go pitter-patter, but he's infinitely better than Clinton.
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