Try to guess from where we are.


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Hello everyone,

I just wanted to ask something, sorry if it's the wrong forum, I didn't know where to put that. It's a bit like a game...also because I'm fascinated with faces.
Can you recognize, by these photos, by our facial features, where my boyfriend and I come from ? (of course we don't come from the same country! And don't pay attention to the irish flag, or to info on my profile, they are for the moment false, I'll change it when the truth is found).

Sorry I tried to link the images but it does not work. There are two of them in my photo album, I hope you'll be able to take a look at it !
neh, he's Irish, she's Italian (harder guess), could be Greek.....and sooooooooooo beautiful.
He seems North-Eastern European to me and the girl seems Southern European. She could be Italian, Spanish, Portuguese or Greek. I can't pick one. Something in her bone structure confuses me, but i can't really find out what it is. Maybe she comes from 2 different countries.
Portuguese/Brazilian and German ?
They are from...Malta ?
Portuguese/Brazilian and German ?

Why do you think she is portuguese/brazilian.?
I don't argue opinions, I just think portuguese girls are a lot different than brazilian girls, and you must know it like anyone else. They're routes are indigenous and portuguese aren't.
Just wanted to say that. : D
Yes, the guy could really be German. If he's not and walked through a street in Germany, no one would notice it. I'm not that familiar with Southeners, but Italian or Iberian for the girl would come to my mind too, at first.
The guy looks northern European most likely north-west. The pretty girl looks southern European most likely west of Slovenia.
Sorry guys but everybody was wrong so far !!
Marianne is the closest, in some way.
He is from Poland?
She is from Hungary?
Both are from Switzerland?
Why do you think she is portuguese/brazilian.?
I don't argue opinions, I just think portuguese girls are a lot different than brazilian girls, and you must know it like anyone else. They're routes are indigenous and portuguese aren't.
Just wanted to say that. : D

That's true that a big part of brazilians do have amerindian roots, but it is in a very small percentage and its difficult to see by nude eyes. Also, he could be brazilian too; there are lots of brazilians that are white, blond and have blue eyes, as there are lots of brazilians that are as black as ebony africans and as there are lots of brazilians that seem like other latin-american people of indian roots. You cannot say someone is brazilian or not just by looking at the person (y)
The guy is Irish and the girl is from Portugal.
Denmark for him and Sicily for her. :LOL:

Just a pure guess on my part. They both look like they could be from Iowa or Kansas to me.
Lithuanian guy and Maltese girl ?

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